Welcome to Donald Trump's America that the rest of the world is jealous of. Welcome to his "booming economy"

Welcome to Donald Trump's America that the rest of the world is jealous of. Welcome to his "booming economy".

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California has the largest homeless per capita, and that is the farthest thing from Trump's America

There are loads of homeless people in literally every country. You can pick cherries all day if you want though.

It's their own fault. How do you even get homeless lmao.

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OP is just a massive idiot

Homeless people tend to move to warm states where its easy to live outside unless cuckfornia starts kicking them back where they came from the problem will just keep getting worse

bro come down to tent city in Seattle bro free needles for everyone! let's sit in squalor shitting and pissing onto city sidewalks and chase the dragon my niggas

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usually people are homeless because they're drug addicts or lazy and don't want to find a job.

all the more reason to close the borders, why let anyone else into our shithole of a nation?

Oh those people won't be homeless. They'll get benefits.

Actually, homelessness exploded under Obama. Do you know why? Because most homeless are worthless niggers who just want to do drugs, make stupid decisions, be lazy, and commit crimes. Trump has tried to stop part of the endless flow of free welfare for these things via implementing a mandatory work requirement for Nigger Benefits and other things but Democrats (the party of the niggers) has stopped him at every step. Go to a major city and live around niggers for a few months (especially on public transportation) and it will dawn on you. Until then, back ya go.

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It's making fun of Reddit basedboys, lad.

>booming economy
I wont say its due to trump as hes had an overall negative impact but our economy is still good, our dollar is the 2nd moet valuable in the world last i checked (only beaten by swiss francs) and we have the most foreign professors as our teachers are the highest paid in the world.

Wait that sounds like San Francisco.

Nobody who ends up hooverville homeless is there because they're just lazy, the best of them are just alcoholics, all of them are swiss cheese brain drug addicts who are better off shot

Keep seething wagies, you go to work while I get high on drugs and get FREE needles from the government

you stupid dumbfuck homeless dont want work or responsibilities they want drugs and alcohol

why should you have to work in a world you were forcefully brought into? We support NEETs here poltard. Every country worth their salt should pay their citizens a base amount for even existing on this shitty planet

Laughs in European.
Faggot Americans, keep defending your worthless SJW country, overran by trans-people.

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Did a European really just call another country SJW?

Imagine asking that question thousands of years ago before civilization. If you didn't work to get food and build shelter you would die, and it wouldn't be sad or tragic, nobody would ever know, and the world would go on without you. Stop being a useless pretentious faggot.


The answer to your problem is literally killing yourself. No one's forcing you to stay in this horrible world, robot friendo.

>Economy hasn't greatly improved under Trump

Imagine being this retarded

>Jow Forums hating on homeless
you realise you're neets who will be homeless after your parents kick you out, right?

Why dont you do it? Obviously your life is bad enough that you get satisfaction from wishing death on internet strangers.. Something you need to vent about?

>Dollar has doubled in value on the world market since ooga booga times
It quite literally is a booming economy, you're just too stupid to take advantage of it

Imagine having this boomer tier take.

He's right though. Killing yourself is the only solution to such a stupid complaint.
You do work then you get reward. That is the universal truth. That's how all animals live, that's how all humans live. You don't deserve to get the reward without working because "hurr society sucks" that's bullshit.

You made the mistake of assuming im american. Sorry your tax dollars are used to pay the police to murder you. MAGA!

I wasn't complaining about my life; my life is quite alright. You were the one complaining of being forced into the world.

Maybe he's Polish

shitty bait senpai.

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>no argument
waaaah gib me dat for free :(
Lets see how long your paradise lasts when the refugees flood you and everyone is hooked on the gibs.

>Faggot Americans, keep defending your worthless SJW country, overran by trans-people.

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I am doing fine, I am on track to have 200k by the next 5 years or so which in that time I hope to get into a condo.

If you are blaming Trump for the fact you don't have a job or make much money than lel

>California has insane rent that causes homelessness
>Dems want rent control but GOP is blocking it

Uhhhhhhh ok

America is the best country. Solving homelessness by building cheap and abundant government housing is easy and noncontroversial, but for some reason people are too busy masturbating over border control.

>major city and live
nice b8

Who is going to organize these mass projects let alone pay for them? You? No? Then how do you assume it is so easy? If we don't have a tight border we can't even get an accurate census on how many people are in this country and how many people need this housing you speak of. Do you know how many people are in this country right now, no? Because our border is a fucking mess

>States with greater homelessness rates tend to be blue

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I fucking LOVE giving Goldberg 50 hours of my life a week so he can go on 8 weeks of vacation on his Yacht

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Yes, homelessness didn't exist until donald trump won the election. Clearly it is his fault.

Don't hear about many homeless people Arizona. Or New Mexico. Probably because they don't have cities handing out free shit to homeless people.

>t. never met a millionaire before

>the border!!!!1
Just like clockwork. Hit the road, idiot.

Woah bro you met a MILLIONAIRE?
What was he like bro?
That's like, so cool.
I bet you work at a startup

You don't need government housing if building codes were relaxed. There are plenty of charities and even for-profit businesses that would invest in extremely cheap housing but regulations prevent that from happening. Also, a sizeable amount (not a majority) of homeless are severely mentally ill and need to be put back into the asylums Reagan shut down. They would choose homelessness over housing and need more specialized help. They're also the most dangerous demographic of hobo and society would benefit the most helping them first, at least in California.

So you are telling me you have no idea how many people are in this country? Thanks idiot

>work at a startup
I work at a company that was started by my boss who is a millionaire and doesn't have a yacht or take 8 vactions a year. Yesterday he through a picnic for all of us.

how did his cum taste tho?

Looks like Canada. There is a street in fucking Vancouver famous for this shit.

I'm surprised the camp's as clean as it is. Shame that they don't have some spare lot for a campsite instead of the railway.

Fucking peachfags, I swear. Not even trying to come up with something to solve this. Most of what I've seen is finger pointing and Gestapo larping

There's also a myth that all homeless people are lazy. It's not 100% true. Some lost their homes because of a lost job or financial problems, combined with an unempathetic community around them.

Those kind of guys, you wouldn't know they're homeless because they don't look or act like trash.

Kys you lazy piece of garbage. Someone is eventually going to kill you anyway so why wait?

They're just glamping dude, what's the problem?

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Found the marxist.

Rent control doesn't work

Good, Trump will bring America to it's death.

>why should you have to work in a world you were forcefully brought into?

If you have a beef about being brought into the world, take it up with the people who did that.

Hint: not me.

Liberal compassion for the homeless starts at forcing other people to pay for them and provide for them and stops just sort of making any kind of personal sacrifice.

Amerimutts are 3rd world citizens in a 1st world country.

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