Do fembots like having their butts touched?

Do fembots like having their butts touched?

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Only by girls i like

go try sepai user-kun

By strangers: no. By my bf: yes.

What would you do if I gave your butt a gentle squeeze as you walked past?
t.overweight, greasy virgin

Scream and call the police.

Even if it felt nice??

no because my ass is flat, i would get embarrassed

>my bf
You haven't met me yet though, gorgeous lovely fembot hnnng. But I shall scoot on my naked taint to traverse an entire desert comprising nothing but shards of broken glass in order to suck a mere fart out of your box, my lady.

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hands off loser her ass is mine!

> you will never get to touch a girls cute ass with her consent
> ywn laugh and hug afterwards

Being the freak at the circus is not fun, humans are not made to live like rats.

>tfw you're so socially retarded that a femanon screams and calls the police on you getting you arrested and made to do the sex offender shuffle

Not her, but it does not feel nice. It's like someone squeezing your arm, there's no pleasure at all. Try squeezing your own ass.

Based girl loving femanon

But how come she enjoys it when he bf does it then?

Robot (male) here. One time, I was in line at the register to go to a buffet, and a pregnant lady was standing behind me and starting feeling up my ass with the back of her hand.
Long story short, it's still the most action I've had in years.

why did she do that? especially if she was pregnant surely she would act more sensibly than that

Why are women so driven by their primal instincts and emotions? And when they're pregnant or on their period/ovulating, they become literal children with no self control.

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>surely she would act more sensibly than that
That's not what I've heard? Hormones and junk?

I will squeeze your ass and you will like it.

We're all driven by our primal instincts, but are convicted by our better nature. It must be freeing not to hold that conviction.

True, I just mean whenever I see a pregnant woman I picture her being very settled with whoever put his seed in her so she's not bothered with flirting with anyone else but then again they are known to be more crazy. Anyway how did you respond??

Once I was sure of what was going on and that it was no accident, I stepped forward and paid for my food without further incident.

did it, felt quite pleasurable

Some yoga pants thot had a real nice lower end and thought it was cool to punch me in the lip it's like woah cool down with the fight or flight you faggy little bitch
Just made me want to bulk up and not be as nice next time

why did she punch you??

Male here

One day a guy in school out of nowhere told me "has someone told you that you have a nice butt?" I kinda liked it, not even gay.

I hate when strangers touch my butt. I freeze up and dont know how to react

Take a guess, bucko
Either way I gotta take a nap and get on nofap so my test levels explode like the next cocktease bitches jaw who tries and gets offended

Where you dressed i a way that shows it off?

Like wearing tights?

Yes I do like my butt touched/rubbed by a guy I like. Definitely not by a random stranger no matter how good looking they are.

Because the Situation is right, and your butt detects it's a Trusted hand.
I'll slap your ass with a guitar. Brdeng
Congratulations! You have Sensitive ass.

Ah, you put your keys in your back pocket? Then you won't mind if i steal them, right? If you didn't want them stolen you should've stored them somewhere safer, it's your fault you can't get into your house now.

Why are you such a stuck up little prude who thinks the world revolves around you?

I used to squeeze my mom's butt al the time she never complained.
One time i felt a girls butt in the subway she was wearing yoga pants it was nice and she was kinda scared didn't complained or moved at all but i could notice she was scared lol

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I'm gonna touch your mom's butt and she's gonna let me too.

Would you also scream and call the police if I touched your butt?

hello, just wondering what it's like to be an actual psychopath?

you didn't answer the question


Potential rapist here

No probably not. I would most likely just be weirded out and give you a wtf look.

Somehow i am a psychopath lol
they can tell me to fuck off if they don't like it.

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How is your butt? are you curvy?

What about someone between a stranger and bf, like a male acquaintance or friend who you aren't super close to but still familiar enough to not feel threatened?

that's still sexual assault. learn how consent works

>This coming from this weird looking chick

>Do fembots like having their butts touched?

do niggers own half of the white women?

Im slightly more curvy than the average white girl I guess. My butt is pretty decent.

Do you think I'd still get a wtf look from you for complementing the way it looks?

gimme a break. I've had my ass grabbed by girls a handful of times throughout my life and I never once thought to jump straight to sexual assault accusations. There's nothing damaging about a quick innocent ass grab. If the person persists after being clearly told to stop then i could understand it a bit more but jumping straight to "sexual assault" over something as inconsequential as this is ridiculous and disingenuous.

Dude I accidentally touched a girl's boob in 7th grade and she gave me hell for it for the next 5 years

No I accept compliments wherever I can get them

touching someone sexual without their consent is literally the definition of sexual assault, future rapist

>your butt detects it's a Trusted hand

you should have given hell back to her and called her flatty mcboobless or some shit. Stuff like that cuts deep to girls. She would have backed off quickly and maybe even developed a masochistic crush on you..

grabbing an ass is not necessarily sexual

well in that have a most bountiful and buxom rear m'lady!

I said like "There was nothing to touch" a couple of times
She was a dyke anyways

People like you are what destroyed casual interactions between the sexes. Hope you are happy.

If my ass gets touched by a girl so I have the right to knock her the fuck out in return?

Much appreciated kind sir!

Fart in their hand

Imagine being this guy for just a day.

Shut the fuck up bitch and post a pic of that cellulite ridden blob none of us would even try to graze by in the supermarket isle.

When I went after one bitch her ass was so fucking soft felt weak as fuck like a bunch of cellulite hung on some (lucky for her wide) hip bones held together by some type of felt fabric shit, man that shit was so flabby and weak I could have put her down easy but she acted like an enraged animal that was more amusing than anything else.

Haha lmao yeah buddy that's me
^ That post you see right there?
That's me, too
And a couple other places in this thread if you didn't catch it, no that ass is NOT safe

cause i'm not her

double nigger

My fiance says it depends but I asked what about when I pinch it and she said yeah

you should originally off yourself

Keep crying trannycel

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tfw love watching amateur groping vids at concerts but theres barely any content

In my experience, yes, yes they do.

Most fembots like being spanked. Ease them into it and they'll get into roleplay. If you've never slapped a gril until she comes you will always be less than.

are you the guy from /tv/?