Aiste was literally responsible for pushing kierk/ritalinbot to suicide

aiste was literally responsible for pushing kierk/ritalinbot to suicide
he was fine before but now you tipped him off the edge knowing he was mentally fickle and now hes dead. are you happy now?

Attached: RIP kierk, ritalinbot.png (670x575, 321K)

Other urls found in this thread:

im sorry for unoriginal reply but who

Fuck, that makes me sad. I have no idea if Kierk/Ritalinbot is the same guy I convinced to attempt screenwriting but I feel bad all the same.

Lmao some internet nigga died why should anyone care? Id carpet bomb london just for the hell of it who cares some namefag died some zoomer wille take his place as resident self proclaimed wiseass in 2 weeks anyways

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>are you happy now?

some cool namefag who talked about life etc. he went trough a mental breakdown and he killed himself. he even mentions aiste in his suicide note. hes gone now, bruhs.

>I have no idea if Kierk/Ritalinbot is the same guy I convinced to attempt screenwriting but I feel bad all the same.
he says he wanted to write sum book so it was probably him

Why do you care about the lives of people that attention whore on an anonymous website?

i dont, but i liked kierk now hes fucking gone because of aiste. he kiled ritalin and now hes gone forever

of course hes not faking it, he has made the tread and not responded so either hes unconscious, on the hospital, or dead, you monster, i cant believe you killed my favorit namefag, fuck you.

Proof that avatarfags are shit


But user, she's kind of right about that. But the guy has always been a histrionic mess, and trust me the body of a young man is very resilient, his mental health probably won't recover tho.

If it were for me I'd kill every single namefag, avatarfag and beta orbiter in sight except for 3 individuals.

And you're being a resource hog with your incessant attention whoring. Some of us actually care for each other even if we can't show it properly. Fuck you roastie.

>beta orbiter in sight except for 3 individuals.
and who are those

They're 4 actually. Low profile btw. 2 avatarfags and 2 tripfags.

This is all completely fake and made up bullshit.

Nobody cares about your fake tranny drama, you fucking man in a fucking dress.

this desu
fucking hell the guy """tried""" to kill himself with pills. the nigger isn't dead, he's just being an overdramatic pussy. he's as bad as all those bpd egirl thots who threaten suicide for attention.

are you guys saying he didnt off himself or that this is all part of aistes plan?

His suicide letter says he's fat. I thought he said he was a normal weight in the stimulant threads he posted in. I mean, he could've lied about that, but why? This whole thing makes me think he's pretending to kill himself so he kills off his namefag status and he can go back to being anonymous. He can wait a few years to be mostly forgotten then publish the books he was working on.

I thought that Kierk said he was taking a break from the site? Was that before or after this thread was made?

Aiste is a dumb piece of shit.

Can I get a rundown on this whole thing? Always ignored this aiste/kirk thing but now that one is dead I'd like to know exactly why.

I know who Ritalinbot is but who the fuck is aiste? Some nigger tranny?

Yeah, it's an avatarfag tranny from Norway that won't stop ban evading. Ideally, someone from Europenfinds him and beats him to death in the near future so we're spared from his garbage threads polluting the board.

>Some nigger tranny?
Pretty much, useless waste of air """fembot"" that is a bitch to random robots and harasses them for no reason. Pretends to be uwu mental issue girl for attention. Pure trash.

>He can wait a few years to be mostly forgotten then publish the books he was working on.
but then why would he put his real name on the suicide note? if you look on the archive he let a file of watever shit he was writin with his real name there too and promptly deletd it, so it cant be fake, right

Kierk was a struggling NEET with good taste who just wanted to improve himself. Aiste is a nobody retard who thrives on attention. I hope Kierky isn't actually dead. It would be a cosmic injustice if that tranny shitter got to live instead of him.

Based and true.
>liking ANY attention whore
You're more of a problem than I am.

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How do we know that any of this is real?

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That really puts a wrench in my idea then. Well, uh, maybe it's real then. If he really was that miserable then killing himself is acceptable but it's kind of pathetic some retarded faggot was the final straw. I'll kind of miss his posts. It was fun talking about his book plot and stimulant discussions. I feel selfish wanting him to live and I'm choosing to be happy for his release from this mortal coil.

I hope he really killed himself. He was human trash. Aiste is gonna be the next one.

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based disgusting weeb

How do you know it's from Norway? I knew a guy who was friends with a ftm Norwegian underage tranny. There can't be that many of them out there right? She/it would be about 18 now or thereabouts.

>caring about namefags

>How do we know that any of this is real?
check the archives, the guy was going throug some extremel strong mental issues, doesnt it look? heres what i found.

yeah, im gonna miss him too, but he sounded like he really couldn t take it anymore, check the posts i found on the archive. also, the guy hasnt stopped posting for a single day, he said he was going to stop for a week but couldn t do even that, if he doesnt post for like a month then we can be sure he offed himself

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Because thats someones life? Try putting yourself in his shoes.

Well hopefully he doesn't die and just has his stomach pumped instead. I'm sure he would have a lot to think about while recovering. Maybe it would give him a new lease on life.

>if you look on the archive he let a file of watever shit he was writin with his real name there too and promptly deletd it,
Link? This guys has like 5k shitposts with each of his handles


I hope he escaped from the misery of life. He was right that nothing would change. His family would always hate him, he was probably too ill to make friends of the conventional kind, and was very sick physically because of the stimulants. The most he would accomplish is publishing books as a legacy. He felt ending his pain now was more important than leaving something substantial behind and that's okay. Suicide should be celebrated and encouraged. I'll miss the comfy conversations we had on here but it's supremely selfish to want him to live for my sake or other user's sakes or even his parent's sake.

he literally posted this today lol. dont you know how to check the arcives?

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>Well hopefully he doesn't die and just has his stomach pumped instead.
maybe he's on the hospital right now and survived who knows.

Oh shit you're right. Happy now Aiste?

Maybe. Even if he's alive, but stops namefagging, that'll be enough.

Attached: Sereine.png (600x600, 316K)

You're gonna get on a list of potential serial killers just because a fat retard killed himself. Enjoy being there.

41% of trannies attempt suicide. Tick tock, axe wound. If you don't kill yourself, a robot will finish the job.

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>I hope Kierky isn't actually dead.
maybe hes alive somehow. he might have survived. he kept saying he had heart problems and that he overdose on heart meds but maybe hes survived, we got to have hope right?

Im fantasizing about torturing Aiste and cutting off every finger on her hand. Someone PLEASE dox her already.

I'm trying. She'll be the next subhuman to be dead.

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for how you write and how you respond i'm guessing you are between 12 and 14 years old. am i in the ballpark?
really hard to believe you were an underaged girl all along. but not really.

How do we even know that this person is dead, they're likely just attentionwhoring like all namefags which is why I ignore all of them.

Did Kierkegaard actually an hero?

Attached: suicide honk.png (400x400, 122K)

Aiste is a tranny and Kierk didn't kill himself. There's no proof. Anyone can write a fake suicide letter and post it online.

Im waiting on it. Make the thread when something is discovered

>anyone can write a fake suicide letter and post it online.
but not everybody write his real name thoug

She is a girl. Height 171cms, weight around 60kgs. Blue greenish eyes.

>Did Kierkegaard actually an hero?
apparently so, fren

Attached: crying.jpg (800x450, 153K)

I can't tell. He was a man of his word. I once heard he took 1000mg of Adderall while double fisting Monsters and coffee. His body might be pretty tough. His guts are probably huge.

And not everybody write a fucking 80 page book. No larper would work this hard for a larp r-right?

To think I accomplished all this without ever posting a single timestamp... Trannies truly are the master race.

Attached: Woor.png (600x600, 324K)

Unfamous last words

Yeah sure whore. Your time will come

>Trannies truly are the master race.

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I'm literally a virgin. Come up with something better.

Attached: Fin.png (600x600, 87K)

>And not everybody writes a fucking 80 page book.
yeah, exactly

It checks out

You're going to get decapitated :)

>Trannies truly are the master race.
Yes, glad you heard! Now just hop on this train, we have a special camp just for all the master race trannies, a perfect society where you will be treated just how you deserve. Can't wait to see you there!

>dead tripfag
what's the problem here?

Why are you all so retarded caring about this nonsense?
How on earth can you empathize with a bunch of letters on the internet.
All aiste is is a guy who wants the attention women get without struggling to earn it. If these two idiot's talk on discord its more than likely that they just wanted to set this up for the express purpose of getting attention
God i hate everyone in this thread

Girls were made by God as a reward for men. You are the sole property of your father and were molded since birth for his cock. You are automatically and, by definition, a whore.

Attached: daisy does her dad.png (846x673, 930K)

Quit being so stupid, aiste is a male. Why are you all so dumb and why do you refuse to accept that hes a guy? Do you just skim the thread then see the words "aiste" "girl" and think "hurr durr aiste must be a girl"
Aiste is a guy and you, all of you, need to stop paying attention to some nobody who will never achieve anything and that includes happiness.

Attached: 1511128415582.png (686x375, 262K)

Ummm... Sweetie, you're embarrassing yourself. Yikes...

Attached: Mother's Day.png (600x600, 113K)

So are you. You're acting like a girl because you live a sad uneventful life and you aren't happy.
Is it not embarrassing to have to create a lie so you can get attention from a bunch of losers and children who don't understand that something that happens to a bunch of anonymous losers on the interent doesn't matter?
You're pathetic and you'll never achieve anything other than confusing a bunch of average intelligence people.

Attached: 1507283584134.jpg (259x293, 13K)

Please stop sweetie, you're making the lady uncomfortable.

>dumb people drama
Fuck you r9k

I just hope you don't think you're the first person to write something like this. You're not achieving anything, you're not changing anyone here. And you're not above average, like these "losers" you speak about. You're wasting your time just as much. At least I'm doing what I want.

Attached: Sereine.png (600x600, 316K)

>At least I'm doing what I want.
>she actually believes this
oh no no no no

Quit samefagging acting like you aren't him.
If you arent, cool go ahead and meme
But if you are him then you need to go do something with your life because a year will pass and you'll be nothing. Whats the point in doing this. Life already has no inherent meaning other than what nature intends and here you are making your empty life even less meaningful by wasting it away at something as insignificant as pretending to be interesting on the internet.
You can do what you want, but know that its useless and it also isnt making you happy. You'll be dead by the age of 40 at most.
Hes a male so refer to him as such

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You are trying to justify yourself by saying its something you like to do but then criticize those who like misogyny.

Just go back, Kashii drone orbiter. It can be fun, until you just start using it to criticize me for literally anything.
I never samefag. And I'll be dead way before 40.
>but then criticize those who like misogyny
So? What does this have to do with anything?

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That doesnt make sense bro. Not him btw

>He likes to hate losers
>I like to hate women

Losers are self-made. Women literally did nothing to get hate from you incels except existing.

Attached: Dēinawas Deināina.png (600x600, 139K)

>Kashii drone orbiter
LMFAO you can't stop thinking about him can you? Damn nigga couldn't be more right even if he tried.

>Incels staying in basement is worse than women riding the cock carousel

Fuck all of you for giving the avatar fag attention. You're the problem. Sage.

Is he confirmed dead? He was always a fag, I can picture him lying about this

Incels go out and kill random innocent people just because they can't be bothered to lift a finger and become a desirable partner. Fuck you. You're not owed anything.
Based and truthpilled.

Attached: Rantawa.png (600x600, 338K)

>moot blows up Jow Forums and /soc/.
>years later, Jow Forums is more /soc/ then /soc/ and has more kills under its belt than the average army grunt.

Killing Jow Forums was a mistake. Bringing back Jow Forums was an even worse mistake.

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Wrong. Someone can go out and try all they want, but if they're an incel they will be made fun of. Meanwhile a woman would just wait for someone to approach and give them attention. Women arent owed anything, but they sure do act like it

>they're an incel they will be made fun of.
>implying women aren't used and disposed of by Chads or made fun of for existing.

Aiste is a guy who wants to be a female, is jealous of women, is gay. We can only hope that he dies a horrible death. In the meantime, stop replying to the fag and giving him attention, good or bad.

>hey gais XD like im totally leaving LOL
>comes back the next day

How about not labeling yourself as an "incel" in the first place? It's incredibly repulsive to be so pathetic. You choose to be an incel. Meanwhile women just suffer by exiting and being at your complete mercy all the time. It has only recently started to change very slowly. Just how this place views them proves me right.
Just came to see Kierkefag die.

Attached: Traque.png (600x600, 106K)

>media actively makes fun of incels while supporting roasties

Kashii giving out a can of whoop ass

>intentionally focuses on one side of the media circus and then uses it to get confirmation bias to stay angry at everyone.

He keeps coming back because no one fucking ignores him
Go and filter his images and if you still see a post slip through dont acknowledge him

>Meanwhile women just suffer by exiting and being at your complete mercy all the time.
What do you know about that you complete faggot. You never leave your house and there are no women in your life except your mom.

>label myself as incel
Put more words in my mouth
>choose to be incel
Thats a volcel
>Women suffer by existing and being at my mercy
>How this place views them prives me right
Cherrypicking faggot