Fuck college

>about to start the first lecture of the semester
>the teacher are expecting us to form into groups
>people around me are already making friends before class
>fuck fuck fuck why do I have to go through this

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>"hi guys. dont really know anyone. you mind if i join your group?"
>"of course not! here take this seat by me."
the hardest part is opening your mouth and saying the words user

aint there people not talking and siting alone too? go for them

Fuck I will try, dunno if I am gonna make it

They all look kinda angry

i know, they're not tho

>no friends
>teachers don't like me
>already failed multiple exams
Having no friends is a serious disadvantage in college. Other people can just ask their friends if they didn't understand a subject or something. I have to find stuff out on my own which can suck if you study for some more niche classes because Google won't help you.
I was actually quite exited to go to college, meet new interesting people. But I haven't met anyone who I would like to befriend. I had plenty of friends in high school so it's not my social skills. I just haven't met any people I want to be friends with.

cute thread, botboyos

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>>the teacher are expecting us to form into groups
Switch to math and this will never happen

you won't know until you try. and if turns out like shit, you can go home and laugh about it and feel good that you had the balls to do what you wouldn't have done a few days ago.

dont the teachers have the class content on a pdf or power point?

I don't know, I dropped out largely for this reason

>if turns out like shit, you can go home and laugh about it
whats funny about being rejected out of a group?

im not angry im just in the same boat as you and this is my resting face.

I wish. Some teachers don't. Some teachers do but only have basic illustrations. Some teachers do but leave out import parts and fill it in during class, so you are fucked if you missed the class.
I'd say only about 1 in 5 classes actually have useful PDFs

group projects suck when i was in class.

i was the kid who came to class right when it was already started, i couldn't get there on time.

thats too bad then, where i go all the content is uploaded on the net so i just read a book in class and study all later right before the tests

idk that it wasnt as bad as you imagined?
awkward social situations are funnier to me when theyre happening bc theyre not as bad as i imagined them to be.
idk maybe itll be worse than you imagined.

I can't stand habitually tardy "people". If you aren't punctual then you need to be lined up against a wall and shot.

>not getting into groups with the hottest girls in the class from day 1

College is way more accepting and wholesome than high school. Don't worry dude.

>only two in person classes this semester


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>"hi guys. dont really know anyone. you mind if i join your group?"

>"..ugh, sorry we are already full"

>Stacy 1:" OMG, did this creep really try to get in our group?"
>Stacy 2:"Yea lol, what a fucking loser"
>Chad: "$20 that the little faggot is a virgin"
>Stacy 1:" Yea totally lol"


>okay guys, welcome back to another semester. we could start the syllabus right now, but it can wait haha. first, how about if we talk about of what we did in the summer, you know, as an ice breaker
wat do now robot

You're in college to be a professional.
Yes, being a professional requires working with other professionals.
Stop coming to this site and get your head of your ass FAST or else you're going to drop out and be stuck working at Walmart in your 40s.

What type of college starts term on a sunday in the middle of fucking July? I dont believe your story user.

He's probably one of those weird Euros with their fucked up school schedules

>Implying he will do that eventually once he gets a meme degree that gets him no where.
Just admit it, it's a scam besides people doing health, tech or faggot business or shit with huge connections.

>tfw faggots teachers keep getting us into groups for retarded non important homework and expositions
aaaaaaaa stop it you mother fuckers piece of shit, i dont give a fuck if this system is used by normiefags finnish niggers, its so uncomfortable, stop stop stop stop aaaaaaaaaaaaa

>uni fags
sure thing buddy

If nobody respects you in the first place, what do you have to lose by "embarrassing yourself" in front of them anyway?

user, all you gotta do is speak. Once your over that, everything else is a breeze.

Stop angsting and just do it. Seriously, stop thinking about it.

feel like it depends on the subject/uni
All of our lecture slides were put up online and the exams only covered stuff we'd been taught in lectures so studying was pretty straight forward

Feel like if your uni only has 1 in 5 classes with useful pdfs it's a bad uni, course or lecturers

in my 3 years at uni I did not once witness any form of bullying, even if someone was a little bit awkward everyone made an effort to make them feel welcome enough during group work and that

I'm not saying what you've described has never happened in higher education, but everyone I met was nice enough. I don't see the harm in making some effort and even if people are gonna be cunts that's on them and OP shouldn't feel bad or discouraged because shitty people exist

desu even STEM is getting saturated, especially the life sciences, world's fucked