
hows it going bros? first drink in a few day here

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>no kebab this time

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sorry friend but i had so much red meat this weekend i wanted to take it easy. hows it going?

Just the usual. Sorry I won't be able to bump today. Gotta sleep before sun starts rising up...

no prob bro, get some sleep and take care!

Alright user, enjoy your food. And goodnight!

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bump, anyone else enjoying a nice drinky tonight bros?

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I just finished the last bottle of the 6 pack I didn't finish last night

what beer bro? you planning on drinking anymore tonight?

had a drinky drink earlier, yesterday and everyday last week
i need to stop this shit

yeah take a brether if you can bro. addiction is a terrible thing

Now that's a tasty looking stir fry

you had chinese a year ago too

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Hi Korea drinking bro.
Not drinking too much lately i would have loved to drink with you tonight tho.

yeah its pretty nice, good bit of heat. lol ho shit i kind of wish i ordered kungpao chicken now but i cant remember which spot that was
hi bro! thanks for the cheers, hope you have a good night and im glad to hear you arent drinking so much lately. how was your weekend?

>drinking threads
Absolutely trash and this is coming from a former alco. Try some real fucking drugs to mask the pain instead of alcohol. Alcohol is trash for gains, makes you fat, raises estrogen, its effects are garbage too. Either quit drinking or smoke weed which is infinitely better (and is also really good for helping break alcohol addiction if anyone is trying to quit but keeps going back)

idek if im addicted
i have some to try and help the empty feeling ive been having lately but its not really working

i just feel like theres something inside that needs to get out. i feel like i need to scream but i cant do it

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i agree and i have been thinking about trying weed again for ages but as a former alkie im sure you know how those thoughts get older and older and the bottles number more and more. im cutting down again though bit by bit. i dont think id like to swap one addiction for another though i want to get off everything
yeah sorry bro didnt mean to assume you were an addict i just wanted to say once more that its a slippery slope and i hope you dont go down it. whats wrong bro?

I'm a former alky too but these threads are comfy. let these guys drink in peace

>whats wrong bro?
desu i dont know
work is ok
home is ok
car is ok
despite all that theres just this emptiness

I was sober for a week and now I have been drinking for a week straight. I don't even know why and how I do this, I just pull it off. I hate being drunk but seems like I hate being sober even more.

I need to find a hobby to get my mind of this fucking shit but I have no talent whatsoever in anything it seems like I am banging my head against a wall. Anything music, arts or sports related are out of the picture because of lack of.. well everything only thing I can do is suck big hairy balls in online games and never even break the top 5% barrier in any of those.

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is life just too routine for you? whens the last time you tried something new and how was it?

iktf user...we just have to find something to enjoy to make us see how beautiful life can be. it can be very hard but i think the beautiful outweighs it. best of luck to you bro

The cutting down meme doesn't work. I "cut down" for a year or two, coping hard and pretending I was making a difference when I wasn't. The only way to break alcohol addiction is to literally just stop. I used to wake up and get the shakes and hallucinate until I got my first drink. I had people go to the bottle shop at 9 to get my a six pack so I could begin to function. It's stupid.

>i dont think id like to swap one addiction for another though
Weed isn't addictive like alcohol. You don't get withdrawals and you can just not smoke. Like right now I have real nice bud but I'm not going to smoke it right now, maybe at all today. When I was an alcoholic having a drink in the house meant it wasn't going to last. At all.

Bro, encouraging alcoholic behaviour or even passively accepting it is the worst thing. You know when you were an alcoholic you fucking hated it. Love the feeling, hate everything that came with it. Being reminded that quitting is the best option is required. And personally, I never got an urge to binge because someone told me I was fucked for being addicted so it's not like there is a downside to reminding everyone that there's another way.

yeah i know what youre saying and again ive heard it all before and know it all but my dumb ass just has a hard time qutiting anyways. i do thank you for your words as im sure you know how i feel and want to encourage quitting asap as a former alkie. i thought weed was something that isnt physically addictive but i know people who are addicted in the sense that they can sto psmoking whenever with no side effects but dont because they dont like to go without

>is life just too routine for you?
went on a trip recently and it was enjoyable

where did you go and what did you do? maybe you can keep seeing more of the world and keep trying new things until you find something new you can do at home as well to keep that enjoyment alive bro

distillery tour
i cant afford to keep doing that sort of thing but it did remind me that it would be nice to fuck off from this concrete jungle but the only way to make money is to stay in said jungle

No problem bro, Just want people to remember it's possible to quit if you want it and you're prepared to seriously work towards it. You'll feel better not drinking too (so long as you're not using it to mask emotional problems). Plus, despite the memes, if you truly cure yourself you can still drink like a normal person: I had a beer two days ago and there are still two more in the fridge I haven't touched and I have half a bottle of whisky in my wardrobe that hasn't been touched in a week or two. Just remember when you decide to quit that you CAN do it even if you fail along the way, just get back on the wagon immediately. It gets easier and easier as time goes on.

Good luck all alchy bros, you can make it.

a lot of people hate their jobs but if yours is making you so miserable maybe entertain a new job in a new place. not as easy as im making out to be but i hooe you can find happiness bro
fucking thanks bro. much love from someone who needs to hear those words most nights. i really appreciate it and i hope your new life just gets better and better bro

desu i actually dont hate the job. its really city life that bugs me
truthfully i want to make things but theres nowhere to learn trades and they pay like shit
i had also wanted to do auto engineering years ago but no auto industry meant no local schools and even if i went overseas for school id have to play immigration lotto

sometimes i cant help but think things were fucked from the start

You too brobot. Good luck for when you make the big step and, in the mean time, enjoy your night.

what city do you live in bro?
thanks bro, very kind of you to say. i hope tomorrow is a better day for both of us

a shit one thats not even on a continent
because of all the details id rather not say exactly which one

fair enough. i hope you can find a way out of your problems though bro. best of luck to you

thanks m8

I'm a full blown drink till drunk every day alckie and I'm physically fit still. I go to my bouldering gym 4 times a week and eat healthy and cut out all sugar in my meals. I also live in a legal state and get high quality weed for $50 an ounce from my dispensary. I don't enjoy a weed high unless I'm already drinking. It's just boring. The only "weed" product I enjoy the high from alone is shatter/wax but the high only lasts about 25 minutes. Too expensive to dab all day. Alcohol is cheap as fuck compared to weed desu.

Going alright. Just constantly bored like always. Playing ffxiv leveling to 60 for dancer atm. Drinkin a Milwaukee best ice tall boy and smoking on some high grade bud. Pic is shit but you can see how purple the one nug is in the pic kinda

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I took a week from drinking and drank on saturday, and did absolutely nothing but watching dumb shit on youtube. Drinking is not fun at all anymore.

I think I've been slowly working on cutting it for good though. Used to drink every other day and could NOT break the habit, then went from every 2 days. now I can go pretty much a week pretty easily.

Is it only up from here?

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I've tried all strains of weed, CBD THC ect. and can't stop the paranoia and extreme panic/depression.

Weed is for non mentalcels

Drinking some Blue Moon. Significantly cut down on the drinking (going through withdrawls the first week), lost a little weight. I'm jealous of my friends who can smoke weed because there job doesn't give a fuck.

In states where it is legal, do companies still random test?

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do you live where its legal user?

Bretty great. I divorced and it's been the best thing and one of the reasons i laid off the bottle. I had a fantastic weekend with my little cub (2 yrs old).

If you don't want to throw up early in the day? Probably. Physically, you will start to feel better, my body stopped hurting so much after I reduced my drinking.

Ye, west coast

It's interesting, but I never really experience/experienced withdrawls. I've thrown up the day after drinking maybe like 3 times in the last couple years.

When I do drink its like 10-12 beers (used to be alot more when it was bad).

I do feel generally better when I go through week breaks.

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well i poured a jameson tonic
guess ill stop tomorrow

how often and how much did you drink?

I did the hard binge drinking thing, 12 or 18 beer binges during the worst of it. Getting dependent took me about a year of that every couple days. I finally got a slap in the face when I got a DWI charge. Ironically, I was stopped and taken in because I was rage driving due to my buzz being gone, and stank from day drinking.

If you haven't experienced anything like vomiting, headaches, or irrational anxiety/anger, you might have avoided the worst of it. You do feel better the longer you go, physical symptoms disappear first. I've heard the real psychological effects completely disappear after 6 months.

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Just half a bottle of cheap wine tonight. Got a job interview tomorrow and wanna not feel shitty for it.

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>irrational anxiety/anger
well this I always fear but it could be from the drink.

Funny enough I started drinking after I got a DWI, it used to be a weekly thing with a buddy and after that incident it got out of control.

What's the job interview for man? Wish you luck!

I was gonna be a wine-bro tonight but I don't have a corkscrew and failed to open it with a hammer and screw. So I'm just enjoying some leftover beer from the weekend.

stop for good or taking a break?

Gonna finish off the rest of my rum tonight, but its not going to be enough to get me nice and drink, feelsbadman not getting drunk at all this weekend especially after having a shit work week. But ill buy some more stuff to drink this week and get back to enjoying some anime and drinking.

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i'm moving in less than a week and i have to do all these house/apartment viewings and do this all in a 6 days so i can start my new job on monday.

what the fuck am i getting into

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Status: Finally opened the wine bottle after struggling with the screw and hammer. Chilling with some weeb chill music.

How far are you moving user? Is the hassle worth it?

Where you a neet or are you changing jobs?

Here is a life saving tip for wine corks. Screw a long screw into it until a bit of the screw is through the bottom of the cork. Get some pliers and it will come out with a little force. I actually prefer doing that over using a corkscrew

i'm moving over 100 miles, about 2.5/3hrs away from where i'm at now. absolutely, i'll be starting a new career, compared to what i've been working for as of lately, 8+ dollar raise, overtime, full benefits, paid time off with room to grow. top 100 fortune company

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Was trying that, however im a wimp and couldn't do it alone lmao.

from which field to which field are you changing man? It sounds like a good deal, but also it seems like a large commitment.

Nope. I have to wage slave in a few hours.

If it's a really tight cork, you can take a thin knife and slip it between the cork and the glass. Makes it about 5 times easier

My roomie used that technique to open it, so I can confirm it is easiear. The nail one needs a lot of force desu.

Thanks for your help user, how is the night going?

Glad to hear. And not too bad. I'm Have vaped about half a gram tonight and downed 3 tall boys so I'm nice and relaxed. How about you user?

hospitality and cooking is a nice way to put it, reality is i'm keeping up with bills working as a cook at some small time family owned paid in cash italian restaurant

now, i'm working in the operating room in the medical field. i'm able to travel for contracts domestically as well within a few years. it all sounds nice and it can be, but i'm the lowest life from, bottom of the shoe of the OR.

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Doing Dry July just to prove that I can stop any time.

It's way easier this year. Last year I was craving bad after the first week.

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Is the photo weed? No offense, but it seems kind of shitty desu. Is it from a legal state/store?

Im just relaxing before wageslaving tomorrow as an engineer in a mexican factory. Almost finished the bottle of wine by now but my body demands more.

That sounds nice dude, are you entering the field as a medical tech? Or are you a fresh graduate from medicine?
Will you work as the classical assistant of the head surgeon as it is portrayed on Tv? or is it bullshit the way is it depicted?

How was working in an italian restaurant? Was it comfy?

Yeah it's high grade from a dispensary. Picture doesn't do it justice but it's straight crystal covered and the container it came in says 27% thc.
And that sucks user.

I'm a weed iliterate so idk if that specs are good lmao, sorry. My roomate smokes a lot of weed tho and gave me this, it says its 70% THC, have you tried it or something similar? Would you say its good?

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exactly what you said. assistant to the surgeon preforming the procedure.

it does live up to its reenactment but in slow motion and toned down. nobody throws a clipboard in the air while dashing to a room/patient. everything is very precise, calculated, and efficient.

i'm a scumbag working on being a better person, i met other scumbags trying to better them selves in their own way. i was able to grow and become comfortable with myself prior to working at that place.

i should be happy, i sort of am happy, but deep down it isn't enough and there is more to do. it isn't catch up, but it feels like it in a sense. i'm 25 y/o

Same ish except its cause i only drink at night and work nights on weekends
I fucked up and started obsessing over yandere girls again. Also joined tinder, got one match that didnt respond, and am obsessing over two girls that I met on here that dont feel the same way I do cause nobody ever does
Any time I think it's about to get better, the rug is pulled put from under me and it just hurts more and more every time I let my guard down for even a moment

No worries. So for carts, if you get it from the street it's most likely fake. Dealers buy empty carts and fill them with a lot of bad "filler" shit that can really damage your body. A good way to tell if it's legit is on a new cart, it will have a bubble at the top. No matter which way you flip the cart, it should not move. Fake cart liquid will be more watery. Real carts will have a viscosity similar to honey. I only recommend making your own carts, or buying from a dispensary. But if it is a good cart, 70% is alright. Most dispensary carts will be around 80-90% and will cost about $45 for a gram. If you are in an illegal state, I would recommend only buying flower and get yourself something like sneakypetestore.com/products/dynavap-2018-m?variant=1219744563206
It's a godsend for saving money on weed. You can get high vaping your weed. But then you have what's called AVB (already vaped bud) that you can eat to get high. You can literally eat it but I prefer to make cannabutter. Just throw the used weed in some butter on low heat and stir for a few hours. Strain it through a cheesecloth and you can use it on anything.

It does sounds pretty rad man. That second line makes it sound like its an art.

Well, it is indeed a progress, you are moving to a nobler profession.

Maybe it's fake as you say, cause previously I had a brassknuckes one and it was thickier. This one's watery. Howeves since its Mexico, and its illegal, a beggat cant be chooser lol.

So butante "vapes" can smoke weed buds too? Or you just save money by switching power source?

i want to do drugs every day, drink alcohol every day, take pills every day and smother my brain in so much destruction and decay that i am drowning in it

i want to be tortured with joy and smothered with rot, i want my brain to become a living breathing nightmare and for it to seep over the edge into reality for everyone to stare at in disgust and horror

i want to scream in blissful pain and writhe in agonizing joy as my skin slides down my bones into the beautiful blazing inferno hell scape, i want to wipe my soul clean, all of my laughter, smiles, tears and blood, i want to be PURE and CLEAN MORE MORE MORE MORE GIVE ME MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE

> This one's watery. Howeves since its Mexico, and its illegal, a beggat cant be chooser lol
If it's Mexican it's definitely fake. I'd be cautious. Mexican carts have been known to contain shit like gasoline and motor oil to thicken it. You should stick to flower. Even brick weed is better than that.
>So butante "vapes" can smoke weed buds too?
The vape I linked is specifically for weed. It's the best budget vape and requires no battery. You just hold a lighter on the cap until it clicks then hit it. All the outlet/battery powered vapes are $150+ for a good one. But the one I linked is one that I use every day. It's basically doubling the weed I have. If I smoke a gram, I still have a gram of AVB I can make into cannabutter. Another one of my favorites for a morning high is to take about a gram of vaped weed and mix it with some ground coffee beans. Completely masks the bitter taste of the weed. Or you can take any capsule pill, empty it and fill it with the vaped weed if you don't want to taste it. The possibilities are endless. Vaping weed is the future desu