If he gets booted from the white house next election cycle, will r9k be comfy again? I really miss 2015 :(

if he gets booted from the white house next election cycle, will r9k be comfy again? I really miss 2015 :(

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he wont


Best comfy scenario is yang/tulsi

>no war

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Idk personally I think 2013 r9k was the happiest times

happy comfy times for sure but too many redditors and no personality. Jow Forums lost its Jow Forums and became dank edgy reddit

No chance. The only difference is that the sides are going to switch, with the smug side becoming the outraged side and the outraged side becoming the smug side.
It will still be crawling with the same trannies, high schoolers, and self-proclaimed geniuses with an IQ of 80. The quality of conversation won't change.

>missing anything post-gamergate
>missing anything post-2012 reddit invasion
>missing anything post 2010 reddit invasion
>missing anything post 2008 chanology horseshit
>missing anything post 2006 Digg invasion
>missing anything post Jow Forums.net
>missing anything after the first week in 2003 when moot put this site online
How dare anybody enjoy anything about this site, it was cool for about 6 days and shit after that and if you say otherwise you fucking suck nigger dicks.

Will never happen. Dems that vote are all either communists, SJW dipshits or hippie boomers


moot ur just mad that google makes you carry luggage lmao nice try buddy

that makes sense but I feel like that's always what Jow Forums has been. its really never been "good" thought provoking discussion everyone on here if fucking retarded and only stays because they cant be fucking retarded out in the real world.

As a poorfag /neet/ what exactly do I gain by voting Republican?
Please enlighten me.

Commies are voting for bernie and he wont get anywhere anyways.

hello visitor

Traps and trannies will be here regardless if he gets re-elected or not so, no it will not be comfy again. Not until they stop spamming garbage and go back to their own board

trannies will never leave and they won't stay in their containment thread,"fembots" will continue to shit the board, discord drama threads won't get deleted cause mods don't care about not4channel.
Just move on keep yourself on comfy threads and that's it this will never get better best could happen is that the board gets deleted

poor kike :(

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I really never understood why they all went to this board /lgbt/ is full of the same exact stuff, why did they have to bring it here?

nothing gg

bernies probably gonna be all bark no bite anyways. without getting too much into politics because I fucking hate Jow Forums spergs I don't think bernies gonna get much done outside of establishment agenda

I want war with Iran and or North Korea and or Venezuala. Actually I want to fight venezuala so fucking bad forget the other 2 shitholes war in Latin America would be legit and comfy af

war might unfortunately be good for that country

>war creates demand, increased production
>America btfos them, then rewrites their constitution
>Venezuela dollar worth something!

Like I care if it's good for them or not. I just want to go over and fight in the jungle not the shitty desert or North Korea and get a hot Latina waifu whos dad I killed.

Commie here. I agree that Bernie's not actually going to accomplish much, but I'm still voting for him because he's normalized the fuck out of the word "socialism" and it's made it easier for me to talk about actual leftist ideas publicly without hiding my power level and I want more of that. Plus it'll hopefully get SocDems to realize the limits of voting.

no meat on their bones sis, they don't have any food...

the lugenpresse doesn't want the public to know that he has like a 99% chance of winning again

the left has jumped the shark and the voting populace can see this clearly

just how I like them. starving women are tighter

you liked paying a penalty for being uninsured under obama care?

for that reason I like him. he might be able to normalize leftist ideas without having to molotov the government just to get health care

he plays the long game in the pursuit of /comfy/

if that happens, there will be a civil war, and nowhere will be comfy

even the left knows hes gonna get reelected lmao. literally the day bernie announced his candidacy everyone knew trump won just because thered be so many split votes


I think if he gets reelected there will be a civil war. tensions are very very high and hes started deporting people. what if those people don't wanna be deported and started attacking? what if people join them? not very comfy at all friend

dubs of truth


I Fucking wish
But you know how annoying his support trolls are now? Imagine how absolutely obnoxious they would be should trump lose to what is probably the most pathetic field of potential candidates in recent memory?
I'm afraid it's over
It's been over for a while but trump was like crashing a fuel truck into the slow house fire

it's sad how you guys have betrayed Trump tbhg

I feel like this website is purposely contrarian though, basically shits on whoever is in power

Him being in the white house is the entire reason you can still post on Jow Forums.

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It would probably get worse, his fans would likely abandon or post less frequently in forums where he is less popular and go to hive mind communities to vent. I think it would get worse with the redditors coming here to avoid discourse with nonconservative redditors

This is like a top 700 website that has gone up to top 50 according to Alexa, fappening, Trump, even my girlfriend knows what Jow Forums is even if she doesnt browse it simply from YouTube beauty gurus making documentaries/reaction videos to it

There is no going back

republicans have always been like this. best case scenario trumps boomers stay on facebook and Jow Forums becomes a quarentine for annoying neocons and nazifetishists.

in my ideal /comfyworld/ the media forgets completly about trump, his supporters, and his actions and policys. theres nothing politically polorizing. everything is just /comfy/

its always been that way. literally ever since maddox made being an edgy contrarian popular

>theres nothing politically polorizing. everything is just /comfy/
checked and you sound young

I dont wanna say his annoying support trolls are gonna get this place taken down. but i will say that the only place shit like vice ever does articles on is Jow Forums

good one anone

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I feel like in both of those situations those people would go straight to Jow Forums. if not, they wouldn't take their politics and reddit faggotry here hopefully

Jow Forums is like Ellis Island with the rest of Jow Forums making up New Yorks major boroughs

theyll always go to other boards. theyll make it known that theyre "visitors"

Fuck off back to rwddot
It was the swarm of slimy rwddot trumpfags that slid in though Jow Forums that was the match in the dumpster that is Jow Forums.

man what does this even mean

You might want to blame Jow Forums, but be aware that if Hillary Clinton were President right now Jow Forums would either have been shut down or dramatically altered (example: social media integration).
Jow Forums could not exist and there could be 0 posts about Trump made here in any regard and that would have happened anyway.
At least with Trump he
>is happy to be supported by anons
>has never directly acknowledged Jow Forums even exists despite the first point
>hasn't made a single regulation regarding the internet (he has removed one instead)
What do you think Hillary would have done?
I genuinely think anyone on Jow Forums expressing support of Trump being removed from office is either a retarded normalfag that shouldn't be here or a shill that also shouldn't be here.

the potato niggers refugees may start there but they'll end up all over the place

That why my internet gets throttled most evenings inexplicably after the removal of net neutrality

According to some user that claimed that life is all a big loop, Hillary is going to win in 2020.Also apparently the queen of England is dying sometime in October, lads

Ellis Island was a prominent immigration processing center for arriving Europeans entering the US through New York. So while Jow Forums is typically where reddit migrants land the expectation is they will shit up your thread regardless when they want to off topic shitpost

How is she not dead already?

Both sides do it
Just so happens the right went off the deep end this time.
Left will probably go off the deep end next time
So on
So forth

This is like when the Romans asked Attila and the Huns to fight the Goths, technically Romans could attribute retaining their way of life to Attila but the Hunnic empire eventually became more trouble than it was worth.

Jow Forums isn't "contrarian."
Jow Forums shits on people that fuck with Jow Forums and what Jow Forums likes.
Anons shit on Jack Thompson and Fox and Bible Thumpers because they wanted to ban video games.
Anons shit on Hillary Clinton because she advocated for Nationalizing the internet and literally throwing people in jail for saying mean things online.

People acting like Jow Forums would benefit from Trump being impeached or losing the next election are shills.

>muh net neutrality
Your internet gets throttled because your ISP is fucking garbage or you're just making that up entirely.

checked and screencapped for happening

its the lgbt way of spreading your seed

>clinton would kill Jow Forums because ???

do you even have a shred of evidence to back this? What the fuck?

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>you're walking down a street lined with alley
>one particular alley is dark and smells foul
>you turn down thw dark smelly alley (go to Jow Forums
>you see that lining the entire alley are dumpsters
>the dumpsters all vary from some that are quite clean and actually pleasant to the dark leaky /b/ dumpster
>you walk further down the alley
>the Jow Forums dumpster catches your eye. How could it now
>pic related is Jow Forums

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I wish I wasn't asleep during school :(

My hypothesis is that the /lgbt/ and /r9gay/ posters as well as narcissistic trannies have always been here but prefer to post here to gay boards because they get more attention. I also think they find it difficult getting relationships due to some combination of physical appearance, hygiene, mental illness and limited dating pool so they feel more at home here than gay boards

leftist kinda are kind of the majority on social media and other places like that. if they wanted to accelerate they could do it with relatively low resistance

My isp is obviously garbage. It doesn't have to be anything but garbage now.
For one I live in a monopoly city and so zero competition (thanks both sides for that)
And now there's legally nothing stopping them from throttling me because I live in neighborhood full if old people who don't put as much demand on the network.

I get the comparison.
You either
>say nothing and let SJWs do whatever they want, you remain the same but what you like might change
>stand against SJWs and tell them to fuck off, what you like stays the same but YOU change
I wonder if moot was actually aware of this when he made Jow Forums even after /new/ wasn't desirable, or when he didn't delete Jow Forums upon retiring even after the fappening/gamergate/cuck shitshow.
I mean it's not like Trump and his online supporters brought politics to the internet by themselves. user's online support of Trump was more of a response to the politics being brought to the internet instead.

trumptards and normies coming into this site was the worst thing that has ever happened.

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Leftists were just louder in general and are now considerably louder in social media.
The reality is that the country is quite evenly split (which is no accident)

youre implying gay boards on Jow Forums have a standard. for awhile there if you even mentioned you were a tranny or a female you wouldve been btfod. it makes sense that theyve always been here but I just dont understand why they need to bring their own boards shit here

>user's online support of Trump was more of a response to the politics being brought to the internet instead.
I agree, I am the poster you responded to and it is easy today in retrospect to hate the Trump posters that infiltrate every board but I also remember what it was like before he was elected I do not think SJWs were gonna infiltrate Jow Forums at that point but I remember getting called an Uncle Tom to my face because I said I did not think it was a big deal some white celebrity had braids in her hair. So in that respect things did get better in real life in my opinion but my favorite niche website definitely got worse

>evenly split

Not really the people who voted trump in were 60+ yo boomers as much as pol wants to be delusional and take credit.

They're going to die off in a few years and we can restore America to being good again instead of a entitled corporate boomer dystopia who hates the young and the middle class.



>the candidate that campaigned against "hate speech" and made promises to deal with the "alt-right" and had teams of people trolling social media in her name would just forget all about Jow Forums existing
Clinton wanted to nationalize the fucking internet. Yes, her administration would have came after this place. With that "net neutrality" (aka literally revoke ISPs rights if they don't do what we want) garbage they would have had the legal power to do so.

Nah. This place changed for good during the election and I don't see how it'll go back to any way before that time. Best you can hope for is that things don't get even more cancerous after 2020.

He's not going to get "booted out". He's going to drop out before the election even happens. Like how a CEO "willingly" steps down before getting fired.


when boomers die off thats when the world will truly return to /comfy/

the only good boomer is a dead boomer

I dont think he would do that to his ego

He'll do literally anything to avoid releasing his tax returns.

Bruh why you still here

99% of usa have work
Memes and lot more stuff
Its comfy af

one theory ive had in mind, is that he understands that If he goes to war with iran he wont be president a second term. so if it looks like war is inevitable, hell happily step down to pass the war on to whoevers next

nah, the left isn't capable of winning a civil war, if they revolt it'll just give Trump the reason he needs to crack down hard on them, and no one will sympathize. if the right revolts though, they have the ability to make this country ungovernable by destroying infrastructure, hoarding produce, or just not showing up to work

There's literally no reason to give two shits about whether or not we're going to war with Iran. We've been fucking around in the middle-east nonstop since WW2 (coincidentally when Israel was established), it doesn't matter which particular country it is, it's all the same shit.

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You're delusional if you think anything is going to change (other than the 2 parties bending and shifting in order to maintain the dichotomy )

>left revolts, means of production aren't seized, trump gains more power, lefties lose power
>right revolts, means of production are seized, trump loses power but his party gains power

whats his endgame? libritarianism?

You do realize that if America ever became communist, the antifa and commie fags such as yourself would be among the first to be purged.

it could be the deciding factor in who leads this country next. war isnt very comfy friend

>brought to you by Verizon Communications Inc.

a war with Iran would be much worse though
>far stronger military than Iraq had before the war
>as mountainous as Afghanistan, making guerrilla warfare easy
>allied with Russia and China
while the Iranian army would undoubtedly fall, it would be a far more costly victory than in the previous wars, and the war of attrition with the locals afterward would end the American empire

this doesnt sound very comfy at all. if china and russia are involved would it ever get bad enough to where wed need a draft?

Not all phone posters are bad goys. I've been on Jow Forums since 2007. My laptop is just broke and I have no money for a new one.

whenever I think of phone posters I think of greasy underage k*ds that post exclusively on Jow Forums about how they hate colored people and on Jow Forums about how they hate women

Either alien blood from Area 51 or ancient celtic blood magic

>brought to you by Netflix
NN existed because Netflix was reeeeeing about getting throttled by ISPs for using 10x as much bandwidth as every other service combined.
The government shouldnt have gotten involved at all. Do you really think Netflix and the Obama admin gave a shit about your internet being slow?
NN didn't even solve the problem. It just passed costs on to the customers (if Netflix isn't paying for bandwidth then you are instead) and had other stipulations that had NOTHING to do with throttling.

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>brought to you by Comcast corporation. The owners of NBC

Nigger, didn't out just dump a Jow Forums screencap to rebuke me and expect me to take it or you seriously after?
Netflix doesn't use bandwidth, netflix customers do. If I were to cancel my Netflix then netflix would no longer be using my share of the overall bandwidth.
While I 100 agree the government shouldn't have gotten involved, isps had already started pulling shady shit multiple times. Unfortunately regulation is the easy answer.
Of course Obama gave a shit if net was slow. That shady shit the isps has started doing was unfair to the poor. Obama cared because it was good for votes and approval. Beyond that he didn't give a shit abouty net. Trump doesn't give a shit about my net. You don't give a shit about my net. So here we are.
The NN law was surprisingly plain too (at like 120 pages), especially for coming from the Obama administration. I bet you didn't even read it.
It's a lot of definitions, explanations, and basically reclassified internet as common carrier (kek at the trumptards praising trump for proposing common carrier)

oh god no, there will be another election, we're just biding our time before the next dam breaks and the wave of normies drowns us all, why do you americans have ruin everything for every one?

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Stop the communist boogeyman. Americans cant be communists

Nah, there's no going back

You get a much-needed fire lit under your ass