Anxiety is worse than depression

Anxiety is worse than depression

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I could not tell you but I will say together they make life not even worth living

just like talk to people lmao

Both are just made up buzzwords for feelings everybody feels everyday, but losers dwell on because they have nothing else going on in their lives.

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Id say true depression is probably the worst thing past schizophrenia
Being actually depressed makes you literally not do anything

nah both are pretty damn garbage. sudoku thoughts aren't very pleasant

I'm not talking about social anxiety. I'm talking about anxiety anxiety. When you're lying in bed trying to sleep but wide awake with a feeling of impending doom.

>I'll believe some retard on r9k over professionals

sure bud


I'm feeling that too. I can't wait for my mom to wake up. Taking to her makes me feel better.

I wish I was still depressed. A few episodes of Star Trek would numb my depression. But now I can't stand still for long without taking to people. R9k is my bandaid until I can talk to people IRL.


Kek, there is no such thing as a professional in non hands on fields (like engineering, etc). Journalism, pschology, counselors, they're all just scared kids like you who had to pick a degree, and just prarrot what their jewish textbooks tell them to, to indoctrinate another generation of scared little kids like you.

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>they're all just scared kids like you
Are you a scared kid too? If not, how did you become so brave? I want to be your student

>muh jews

I thought trannies shitting up the board was the worst, retards aren't any better.

Generally speaking why would you take advice from anyone on here at all?

You shouldn't take advice from anyone to be honest. Evolution provided you with instincts for a reason, just listening to empty useless bullshit like it holds any weight.

I disagree, evolution did not prepare my caveman brain for grad school so in that respect I will listen to people with more experience who have done it before and made mistakes, although I appreciate making my own mistakes will benefit me as well.

But as far as mental health goes why would anyone listen to anyone here on how to tackle it? The healthiest happiest people are not posting here, and anyone telling you that they have everything figured out here is full of it.

>The healthiest happiest people are not posting here
Good point. That makes me feel better.

And you'll end up nowhere if you don't stop following them. Don't take advice or help from people who have no stake in whether you live or die.

Nobody in my family even went to college before I did, and I did so via scholarship. I have several people who I consider my mentors that I am going to take the input of, again, over anybody on here because anybody that tells you they have it all figured out and know what to do is full of it

I have both I can confirm. At least with depression you don't feel like your heart is gonna give out any second.

>smoke a heavy bowl to help with anxiety
>it hits me the wrong way and I feel like I am in the midst of a heart attack
Lol legit would trade anything to not have anxiety

I very highly disagree.

just dont think lmao

How can you have anxiety as a man? You're a sissy cum dumpster.

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Set & setting can matter even with weed. Or maybe your weed is just shit.

I go pretty far out the way to get quality weed and only ever smoke in my house, occasionally the neighbors and maintenance people give me anxiety though. Like I will be passed out on the couch and the leaf blower guy will walk by and it sounds like he is inside the house which will freak me out, especially since I am usually naked at home

Unfortunately I am addicted to smoking my weed mixed with mostly tobacco (like 75 tobacco 25 weed) so that may cause some anxiety, it definitely gives me the shits

With depression at the very least you can just go to sleep and not be awake for it. Its awful but its better than feeling like youre going to spontaneously combust at any moment.

>But as far as mental health goes why would anyone listen to anyone here on how to tackle it?

Because people here have similar experiences and dispositions and might be able to share coping strategies. I agree its not ideal but its better than some normie who doesnt deal with the problem at all.

yeah bro a bunch of guys telling you to kys and do drugs is really helpful mate. we're all crabs in a bucket on this shithole.

See the post I initially referenced, it is just some retard saying depression and anxiety do not exist whatsoever and then when asked what he does to make him not prone to experience anguish did not respond. And that is what r9k is, people who can tell you all the things wrong with you but offer no solutions.

Some normies and robots are bros but most all are unhelpful

>not having both
Fucking casual.