You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing".

Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE.

Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING

Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?


>for your average woman it goes - personality, physique, face, height, wealth/success


Face it, face is EVERYTHING. HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME are literally ALL that matter.

>i'd like you if you were more muscular!

Gymcels are so fucking stupid, seriously.

You can gymcel your ENTIRE LIFE but it won't change these SET IN STONE, GENETIC factors that MATTER THE MOST. Really the only way working out will make you look better is if you're already overweight and losing weight reveals previously hidden cheekbones/jawline, and therefore improves your FACE. Thinking women like guys with autistic bulging muscles is stupid as FUCK.

STATUS and MONEY may make women want to DATE you, but literally the ONLY THING that matters in terms of SEXUAL ATTRACTION are ALPHA LOOKS which means a good HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME.

Oh, and as for personality, just fucking LOL. Personality is just another word for looks. Chad stands in the corner of the room and says nothing. Women go crazy over how "mysterious" he is. You do the same and they call the police.

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guy on the right looks like an unemployed rat. dude on the left looks like some cringey camp captain.

>excercise is only for aesthetic purposes

Oh looks another "user discovers the world isn't fair" episode. We have this one every single day.

It's like 2 hours a day and not every day just 3 days a week and you get to be in better health live longer.
Who even wants a shitty woman who picks a mate solely based on looks?

>You hit the GYM HARD

no I don't, I've never been to a gym in my life

If you only hit the gym to impress girls you have already lost

>how do I get a gf
>just hit the gym bro
>but that doesn't get me a gf
>lol it's not for getting a gf it's for health and shit anyways lmao

>Chad is muscular and fit from eating pizza and watching animu in the basement all day
Imagine how dumb someone must be to believe this.

how do i reach /nanomachines/ mode bros?

Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night nerd.

>He is so stupid he didn't get the point
Based retard

>Thinking women like guys with autistic bulging muscles is stupid as FUCK
My gf likes it when I go to the gym and get bigger arms desu.

>You hit the GYM HARD
yet no social skills

Being in better shape increases SMV. What a stupid thread

Yes, but bone is everything. A 6'1 skinny guy mogs a 5'6 bodybuilder.

Lolwut. The lanklet would get mogged.

>not becoming a sigma male

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>The lanklet would get mogged

Depends on the girl. Women of shorter races seem to care more about muscle for example, but it's not all about race either but individual preference

Cope. Even shorter women want a 6'1 male over someone their own size. Kek

Look at this virgin lanklet coping hard.

i'm 6'3 with a good face and frame and am a 29 year old virgin

What's that? I can't hear you from up here

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>swimming against the current instead of embracing your identity as an omega male

TL;DR the purpose of the cover is to be judged

Oh wow, an unsourced meme graph, surely that must be factual!

See I feel like you're almost getting it.

It was never about the gym. It was about feeling better about yourself.

Manlet rage is so cute

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Met my current gf at the gym

>for your average woman it goes - personality, physique, face, height, wealth/success

who the fuck believes personality is first?

mfw 6'2" in burger units

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>Personality is just another word for looks. Chad stands in the corner of the room and says nothing. Women go crazy over how "mysterious" he is. You do the same and they call the police.
It's the frame of reference. If a man is confident and silent, he is reflecting on what is happening or doesn't feel to contribute. If you are silent you are anxious with thoughts racing through your mind looking out of place. The frame is what is hot or not.

My height isn't listed on this chart

>not building your own hedonistic cruise ship to laugh at the current in

Lanklet virgin rage is so sad.

Are you originally fit?

Any woman worth a shit would choke on her own vomit from laughter by looking at the guy on the left, as she would about the guy on the right. But you being the mentally ill, demented incel that you are couldn't knew that

It takes a nosedive after 6'2

That bottom part is interesting. I dont really understand it. So the taller the girl, the bigger she wants the height difference to be?

The size of Chad's head looks so fucking awkward compared to his body if you look long enough.

Me too. Like 6'2.5 burgerunits. I never even felt tall untill I started traveling.

Chad has plot armour

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I'm taller than 6'2 and have only ever had positive reactions to it desu. I always get cute short girls.

I'm 6'3" so Its not a huge deal