Listen robots. All you have to do, and I mean ALL you have to do, is lower your weight standard. Boom. Nice...

Listen robots. All you have to do, and I mean ALL you have to do, is lower your weight standard. Boom. Nice, loyal and genuine girls all around. And I don't mean date a landwhale. There are chubby lonely qts here RIGHT NOW, ready to talk to you if only you won't ree at the mention of her slightly high bmi, chunky thighs and cute tummy.

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You are a decade too late my friend. Girls these days are conditioned to believe they deserve a 10/10 gigachad just because all women are kweens. A chubby 6/10 is as snobby and shallow as a 10/10 bombshell

>loyal and genuine
>implying these apply to any human under the sun except for the rare 0.01 percent of people
Im just letting everyine know that if you get with an ugly girl she'll want to monkey branch off of you because you've given her the validation and confidence to assume that she's attractive enough for better guys than you. Its the same for guys because these people have experienced a life where they never got that validation from anyone, they think they aren't deserving of better relationships so the confidence boost you give them makes them want to strive for something better

Attached: 1501178174210.png (600x600, 8K)

>weight standard
Does not compute. No straight man has this.

>The chick with a cute face, big tits, sweet vagina and perfect feet is ugly because she's FAT!

Fucking stupid. It's still a hot chick. Fat isn't even real. It's just a side effect of intemperance that can be reversed or accelerated.

Attached: R5lDZoq.jpg (500x416, 40K)

No lie the fatty on the right is much better than the one on the left there.

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If she weighs more than 200, she's a landwhale. If she doesn't, she's already within my standards, but doesn't exist, so your point is moot

I can get sex with the type of women I want via dating app, but no woman regardless of weight, height, race can tolerate my personality after being around me and I do not know how to change that.

If you look in all the wrong places, sure, that's true.



>wait till repressed pedos with petite fetish notice this thread

It's not going to happen friend. All the incels on this website are so entitled that a real woman would never fit into whatever standards they have.

>nice try though

>OP has never spoken to a fat woman
Fat women are mentally ill. They have serious issues which prevent them from living a normal life. Being fat is just as much a red flag as being a self harmer, a drug addict, or an anorexic.

I would date a chunkier girl if she was a Drow

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Thick asian thighs

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I mean they're usually just lazy that's all

The camera lens is a bit much. I really don't think it's necessary.

well I weigh a little more than 100 lbs so I wouldn't date an overly fat woman not really because of how she looks but because our lifestyles and habits would just be too different

She's in my very league.

It's hardly even about looks for me. I'd date a 3/10 (by conventional attractiveness scale) if she had a good personality but most women are just too boring because they mostly stick to their own boring gendered interests and the ones that don't are in too high demand, even then the biggest dealbreaker would be that she doesn't understand my own pains I have gone through because my life was too different from most other people, especially women's. Whatever woman is on my own level I am 99.99999999999999999999% sure we will never meet.

Attached: every fucking day.jpg (500x703, 33K)

I've got no standards other than white and sane.

Why don't you get one like her then, user?

Deciding to pursue chubby girls is actually raising your standards rather than lowering them, as they are superior.

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>Listen robots
Stopped reading right there.
There are no robots here anymore. You are preaching to a bunch of failed normies and a couple of incels.