Fembot Thread

Fembots, post pictures of girls you think are beautiful. No virtue signalling white girls posting Beyonce please.

Tell us whether you'd sleep with that girl.

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>Tell us whether you'd sleep with that girl.
I wouldn't sleep with any girl, no matter how beautiful they are.
that being said, I think Amber Heard is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

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Kaya Scodelario is a close second. i'd do anything to look like her.

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Not one person in particular, but im an azn and ive always wanted blue or green eyes ;_;

I think she's just got something very cute about her.

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Diana SiIvers.

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Probably not have sex with her but it'd be nice to be best friends and have sleepovers and cuddle platonically. She looks like she's so soft and smells nice.

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I get unironically upset I don't look like this because it's the ideal female face to me. And no, I don't feel sexual attraction toward her.

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Femanons don't exist, retards

she looks uptight to me

pan daijing. maybe i m biased bc i really like her music, but idk maybe i would? i don t really like girls. idk, i get upset at like most girls bc i wish i had their face instead of mine.

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This is the most beautiful person I can think of and yes, I would sleep with her. I wish I looked like her

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Ugly Mongoloid subhuman.

I feel similarly, but Im a man. Just wanted to check, r the people here women or men posting?

no she isn t.
i m a woman but idk i d just like to not have my ugly face.

>i d just like to not have my ugly face.
Same. Im getting full facial surgery in a few months, prety exited. Hope body is okish too eventually. If not ill get rib surgery or contourig or soething

how much is it for you? mine would be 20k+ from everything i need.
p jealous since i ll never be able to afford the stuff i need.

45k, im going to the best tho and getting everything. Will have to borrow a lot of money. I can just barely afford it with borrowing. However i hope to get it insured.

how can i get it on insurance? i can t get a letter from my therapist or psych because the think i have bdd tho.

Im doing under the guise of like transgendeirsm. Im a normal man mostly tho, I just wish I was female and pretty. Im not a transgender and am a normal guy irl and will b after surgery as well. Certain company insurance cover it
Amazon,s tarbucks, apple

Might b harder as a girl to get that sort of thing insured sadly :{
Maybe u could do the reverse and get "facial masculinzation surgery""" but just have the surgeon do mostly general cosmetic stuff

oh. there goes my hope lmao. i don t think i could do that desu. i already have to take the same drugs as trans women because my body hates me and wants to make me as ugly as possible, so maybe i could try and say i am one?

>i already have to take the same drugs as trans women because my body hates me and wants to make me as ugly as possi
Same lel I take it too. But yeah it sucks

Honestly just save up tho. It;ll only take a year of wagieing to afford it. Before i could do isnurance my plan was to go to a cheaper surgeon for 25k which wouldve worked. 20k once is worth it for the face u want.

why cant i look like her

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my parents and my bf would do everything to stop me. they already get upset when i talk about it and say i don t need it. also, idk if i could save that much in a year. i barely make that in a year.

Why no cute fembot wants to be my personal maid and sex toy?

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neckbeards generally aren't the most sexually desirable

I wish I looked more like this :*-(

I wouldn't sleep with her because I'm not a faggot

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Have you guys considered going to SK? I recently got some surgeries done there. Im quite happy with the results, but now I want more lol. Its pretty cheap, and you already know the docs there have a TON of experience. Try researching on purseforums if youre interested.

you're ugIy inceI

saving pictures of cute girls and hating myself for not being cute is one of my favourite hobbies
and yes i absolutely would

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femanons that hate themselves are always the sweetest femanons pls love me

Yes I almost did faceline there. I ended up deciding on keojampa tho in USA. SK is cheap but their nose isnt as ideal and keo can do soem unique very god stuff.

girls with small squishy faces are very cute /2

don't lie, you wouldn't love me. but I appreciate it user, thank you

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>you wouldn't love me
yes i would

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I love Charlotte Hope, she is so pretty and has an incredible figure

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good picks. They've got such small delicate faces

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holy fuck, she's gorgeous. What's her name tho?

based taste. shes my favorite girl from game of thrones. my weewee really liked those bony hips for some reason

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Winona Ryder in the 90s. So fucking pretty.

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Honestly I'm just jealous of any white girl with freckles, clear skin and big, cute lips.

>I'm white with relatively big lips but my skin is acne prone and i just want to rip thst bitch off sometimes lads

tugba sunuroglu

Absolutely based taste, my friend.

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Not the same user but I would love you

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Thanks user. Winona and Johnny in the 90s are perfect.

Oh also I forgot to answer in my first post:
Also I wouldn't fuck Winona Ryder. But I wish I was as pretty as her.

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I would never sleep with a woman, but I'd stare into Felicity Jones's face all day if she let me.

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This thread is very positive. I thought women hated each other? That's what i usually see.

are there more pics of her online?

come on you know you want to kiss her

I might play with her hand or let her play with my hair, but that's about the extent of it. Never really been interested in kissing or more intimate matters.

>I might play with her hand or let her play with my hair,
awww thats so cute

I don't really hate women. I struggle to find a large group of women I get along with, but that's more me being a weirdo introvert than anything.

maybe.. but i still don t know how to get around everyone that wants me to not do it. i don t want to lose the few people i actually have in my life.
same, but i don t save them anymore, it just feels too bad these days.

I've always found Mitsushima Hikari to be adorable.

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