Nerdy girl joins our autist club

>nerdy girl joins our autist club
>ticks all the boxes of the beta nerd fantasies
>cute face
>stylish but still a tomboy
>watches anime and plays vidya
>watch all the club members tumble over themselves to speak with her
>failed flirting attempts
>using their power level to impress m'lady
>one guy even sends her a poem
>turns out she is taken
>brings her bf with her one time because he's taking her on a date right after
>all the pathetic faggots in the club go silent
>her bf looks like a typical frat guy
>clearly goes to the gym
>striped oxford shirt
>khaki shorts and boat shoes
>while everyone is playing smash bf is whispering shit in her ear and she is giggling the whole time
>sitting in bfs lap when its her turn to play
>bf bursts out laughing when he spots one club member with a miku bag

lmao should I still stay in this club? The vibe is getting pretty weird now

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You should try to have sex with her bf.

you should make them more miserable by telling them that guy just has a good personality

is bf cute? owo

Kek, I would stay in the club just to watch them self-destruct.

how bad did you stop your spaghetti OP?

faggot you didn't tell us what is club about?

reveal your true powerlevel and inform the bf that he is neither based nor redpilled. She'll fuggg you on the spot, guaranteed, user.

Nerdy girls always date turbonormies, that's a pretty commonly known fact. Not once have I met a girl with legit nerdy interests that dated someone with similar interests. Trannies dont count

of course

tell her to invite some girl friends of her

it's the best chance you have desu

Changing one digit won't hide your dark intentions, Satan.

I'm not prison gay yet.

Tempting. I might just whip out "jus bee yurself".

Kinda looks like pic related but not as lean and with short hair

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>intentionally destroying the autist club by doing the textbook example of women infiltrating a niche base and turning it into a hotbed of normie activity.

You're the reason why Magic is shit

thats because women can't be nerds unless they are legit ugly as fuck. the pretty "nerd" girls just absorbed some hobby from their previous boyfriend and use it to seem like they are interesting

>pic related
clearly the powermove is you try to fuck him, user

So he looks like an incel? Great, just tell them it's the personality then.

It's not about being gay or even succeeding in sleeping with him. You just gotta do it for its own sake. You just have to attempt to cuck the nerd girl.

The nerdy girls I've met are called ugly by a lot of people (I consider them cute but I'm beginning to think I have lower standards than I thought)
They still have boyfriends that arent into their interests, half the time they find it laughable or disgusting based on personal accounts from these girls

you probably just have low standards

The name of the club is literally called "Geek Culture Club" so it attracts all the degenerates on campus.

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And yet they've all had no trouble getting a guy anyways

I would actually consider suicide if I was in that club and not self aware

>geek culture
Start a new club and just straight up call it Degenerates Anonymous.

>you just have to attempt to cuck the nerd girl

as much fun that would me, her bf is the type to act all tough and put up a front when confronted with homosexuality. He would probably start chimping out and try to beat me up if I started flirting with him or even gave signals

based post and shows why it's impossible for 'fembots' to exist, only femthots exist. even 'nerdy' girls can get a bf with ease.

Okay, now you absolutely have to do it. Hopefully she brings him to your nerd club again. It's not worth doing outside of it.

That's why you gotta lift nigga. Overpower the normie faggot and pozz his boihole. Do it for us homie. Do it for your robros.

They'll date a guy with similar interests. Though they'll be cheating on him.

I'd go just to get more laughs out of the beta faggots.

Shit like that is why males and females were segregated during education.
If it wasn't her having a bf, it would be infighting over her that would ruin the club.

Abandon club: the instant a fake gamer girl shows up the club enters a death spiral. You should have left the instant she joined. Frat boy bfs are late stage death spasms.

kek, that was a nice read

As Carl Sagan once said, we are the universe experiencing itself. If OP isn't there to witness the collapse of the Degeneracy Club, then we collectively as a fragment of the greater cosmic existence will have lost an opportunity to capture something fleeting and transcendent. The trick, of course, is to balance yourself right up to the edge of the event horizon without being drawn in to the gravity well of incel drama that's about to occur.

Ask her to refrain from bringing non-members along in the future.
If she refuses kick her out.

Problem solved.

Worst case scenario is that he commits a hate crime on campus and you get to sue him and the school for not being tolerant enough.

I was expecting some group white whale holy grail action there for a second. Understand you are human trash and befriend the bf. Learn from him, change and be upfront about it with him too.

>campus club
>d..dont bring your boyfriend t that is against the rules now
Lol youre so socialy inept my guy.

Am I?
I wouldn't stutter for a start.
And I would specifically ask her to not bring "non-members" with her to preserve the integrity of the club.
Of course this rule would have to be enforced without exceptions.

It is dead. You need to start a new group.

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It's a college club, no one would allow that. Clubs typically want new members. And everyone would know you just wanted to cock block her bf. You would come off as a butthurt loser.

The secret sauce is not giving a shit what others think.
Then again, that is something you will learn with age.
But if my proposed ruling is not enforceable you could always vote on a code of conduct to mitigate and moderate the influx of troublemakers.

Kill the club before it turns into a normie trashfest

Accept the fact that it's about to go up in flames, and just sit back and watch it all burn down. A group of betas won't survive the presence of an alpha without conforming to his ways, and if the ratio of men to women is greater than 1:1 there will inevitably be some kind of group shattering infighting that will tear it all apart.

Sounds like a time. Stay there while NerdGirl and AlphaMan RIP the neckbeards new ones

What would they do? Smoke crack before fucking their asses

did you try to impress m'lady OP? be honest :)

i can't even laugh at this
call me a faggot but this is saddening

>hey maybe I should join an anime club! I like anime! My boyfriend thinks I should try new things
>oh all the guys here are really nice!
>oh is that a note?
>id better bring my boyfriend along so these guys dont get the wrong idea

Entitled nerdy men are the worst kinds of people.
Don't leave though I need updates

this honestly, you and your nerd friends were acting like creeps so she brought chad to put you in your place.

>lmao should I still stay in this club? The vibe is getting pretty weird now
You need to stay because there are going to be a lot more hilarious stories to come from this shitshow.

divine justice, fuck you nerds

Semi-Normie here. My GF works on computers in an office and this has been literally constant since college, the desperate attachment and thirst is never ending. We used to joke a lot about it when they would squirm and/or try to follow "alpha" advice like you see in this thread, but now it's just tired and sad to see so many 30+ dudes doing it.

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Sad truth. I've posted about this before but one of the worst cases of nerd entitlement I've seen was when this guy drove my ex and I all around town and came back to hang with us at my apartment. We began making out on the bed while he squirmed and held his hands in his lap like a child. She would later tell me how much she hated him and how pathetic he was. I thought he was a nice guy, I even tried to be cool with him, but his weakness was obvious and revolting. Nerds always flock together to compensate for their shortcomings yet fail to realize that women are more interested in stronger and more independent guys.

Whoa, man. I'll call these behaviors pathetic all day long, but I wouldn't do something like that. Why would you guys bring a thirsty nerd she hated and thought was pathetic back to your apartment to watch you make out?

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She was a bit cruel and wanted to shove it in his face. I always tried to downplay myself and act nerdier with him because I felt for the guy, I really did. That's another thing to watch out about nerdy women. They hate nerdy men.

What's the nerd entitled to? being himself and asking out a woman? Seems to me more that their blameworthy trait is a complete lack of self-awareness.

Sometimes you kind of need to literally drill it into their minds that you are with someone else and its not them. Although this is a little brutal

I have my own little tale on this

>be me, femanon w/ long-term, long distance bf (we met before uni but then went to different unis)
>befriend this dude
>into the same nerdy shit as me. Get on well with him he makes me laugh
>he develops a crush on me
>i let it be known that I have a bf and i am not interested
>come to realization/worry that he may only be 'friends' with me because he sees me as a potential mate, and won't back down because my bf isnt physically here
>get a couple of hickeys on my neck the nezt time i travel to see bf
>kinda trashy but who honestly cares
>next time i see friend is when we're in the library with a group of others and doing some essays
>can literally see the change in his demeanour when he notices the hickeys
>doesn't talk to me like he would normally until they fade


The entitled-ness comes out when they go sour as soon as her bf comes into the picture.

>being himself and asking out a woman?
Not knowing what a woman wants or needs. Acting like a snake and trying to slither into her personal life without giving her any reason to like him. Nerds and betas always do this. They are emotional tampons.

>be ugly female in autist group
>ignored most of the time
>gamer gurrl stacey friend joins
>all the guys fighting for her attention including the one i had a crush on
>know she has a boyfriend but don't tell anyone
>laugh when she makes fun of the autists in private
i feel avenged and gained a friend, 10/10 would recommend

Not sure if larp but men and women cannot be friends. Sorry. Not happening. Unless they're different races or the male is asexual.

Good show. You need to get you a boyfriend who doesn't gawk over random stacys. They are no good for relationships, it's a very superficial and entitled mindset.

Again it isn't necessarily "entitled" it is a lack of self awareness.

They go by a simple process that being friends is a forerunner to dating someone. You put in time and effort and get something out. That by doing this you'll naturally grow closer. This isn't necessarily malicious, it is just that they are looking at it in a more technical way, like leveling in an RPG.

Of course, that isn't how it works and friendship isn't a simple progression of stranger to acquaintance to friend to best friend. We like people for vastly different reasons and talk about vastly different things with them.

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That club Sounds gay as fuck. You and your friends need to work on yourselves and outchad the Chad.

Keep your Interest in nerdy shit, but get Jow Forums. work on being assertive and confident.

More importantly, you must learn how to talk to women as of you are uninterested in them. It works. I fucking tell you, it actually works. It's how a balding non/fit/ pedo-looking-like faggot such as myself scored a 7/10 gamergirl.

But he does what everyone does. He knows that women sleep around and -friend relationships generally mean nothing, so he tries his luck with the woman he has a crush on and if he fails he moves unto the next. It's the same practice as chad, only difference is the success rate.

So the nerds in question are "entitled" only in the sense that they don't know their "place" as non-chads, rather think they are entitled to act like chad.

If betas do cold approaches they're entitled creeps. If they try to befriend a woman first they're entitled creeps. Shit.

Ah yes, I was in the 'Turkish cultural appreciation' club in highschool. It was named that because we a regular anime club wouldn't get a room.

It was weird because our school actually got a turkish exchange student who joined our club. He was actually a really cool dude. It was because of him that for the school festival we actually made a effort making traditional turkish food and dressing in turkish fashion.

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It's simple you stupid fucks.

Men and women cannot actually be friends.

This is a reality that you motherfuckers don't understand, and it hurts everyone involved.

Do yourself a favor and don't try to be friends with us.

Even having a "crush" is a bit pathetic, it's juvenile and selfish. They want this single woman so badly but demonstrate nothing of value to her. It's always "I want her to myself, I wish she loved me, I can treat her right," but never "I want to excite her, I want to show her a good time, I want to make her want me."

>So the nerds in question are "entitled" only in the sense that they don't know their "place" as non-chads, rather think they are entitled to act like chad.
If they acted like chad they would naturally be able to play the game and give the woman something to work with.

Ah i see you've never had friends

This. Why the fuck would you willingly let a woman join your group? Fucking dumbass.

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Oh i dont want to be friends with you fucks.

Irl men are mostly cool though

>If they acted like chad
>play the game
t.A normalfag who knows nothing about what it's like to deal with social anxiety

That's not what I am saying at all. The issue is that often the "befriending" is done in a way where there isn't necessarily merit in either party being friend and they feel that social relationships are as simple as being transactional. You put in "effort" and get something out.

People don't go from friends to best friends in a linear function. Events might conspire to make you closer to someone, a shared situation or experience. Or you might just feel a spark and hit it off. And that being said, you don't have to be closer to everyone. We have friends we might tell more than others and some friends might do different things with.

"Betas" need to learn to pick up on social cues. Unfortunately that lesson isn't often learnt. People are all or nothing. People either over or under estimate whether someone likes them or not, especially if they are infatuated with them. Everything becomes over analysed instead of focussing on having a good time with people.

>Even having a "crush" is a bit pathetic
of course it is. If your relationships doesn't start with a swipe and bb u wan fk then it's creepy and juvenile.

>demonstrate nothing of value to her
yeah ugly betas should know that they have no value. Entitled scum I'm telling ya.

>I wish she loved me
No he actually thought that? Sweetie I hope you called the cops or something.

>If they acted like chad they would naturally be able to play the game and give the woman something to work with.
act like chad ie be hot and then be hot in your presence.

You think that, but they are just better at lying to you.

That interest is still there, they're just more adept at masking it.

It's the hell that an attractive or desirable woman deals with that a man will never quite understand.

Entitled-ness comes from a nerd expecting a woman to likr him simply because she's a woman and he's a man who hasn't been a cunt to her (yet).

I don't blame underdeveloped men for thinking like this. This mindset has been spoonfed to them by media. I do, however, blame them for never growing out of this mindset.

>pick up on social cues
in other words be a mind reader

All this mental acrobatics. Would it really harm you to just say it like it is? Ugly betas are not entitled to approach women with romantic intentions.

If you have social anxiety you have to help yourself user. A woman won't take the time to listen to your problems everyday and magically fix you. Trust me, I learned this the hard way. I know how you feel. It's a harsh truth.

No, acting like chad doesn't mean you have to be hot. You need to be smooth and charming. You need to show that you can take care of her, not serve her every need hand and foot like a little bitch boy.

>You need to be smooth and charming
Stop lying on the internet, we've seen the experiments and their results.

Truly the easiest option would be to drug and rape the boyfriend. At least then interactions wouldn't be as awkward knowing what you did to him.

>in other words be a mind reader
No you just need to know your place. If you're not chad then stop thinking you're entitled to approach women.

>bro just stop having social anxiety
>bro just be smooth a charming
yeah it's that easy bro
>I know how you feel
no you don't

no it's more likr

>a woman doesn't have to give you the time of day regardless of how you look
>and if you feel like you deserve her time despite bringing absolutely nothing to the table
>and if you feel angry and vindicted that she rejected you
>Congratulations you're an entitled bitch

>smooth and charming
don't those people develop that in childhood?

>you don't get to have love or sex know your place nerd

Honestly I'm okay with that
At least then I can be in blissful ignorance

Betas are not always good at expressing their intentions towards someone in an obvious way. Instead they often play the long game thinking that being friends will equal affection in the long run.

No. Just learn from trial and error about people and relationships. Over estimating or under estimating what people think makes people too anxious and conscious about what they are doing. People pick up on this anxiety as lack of confidence. You'll never get it right 100% of the time but with more experience you can recognise cues.

Bro just be your self(the self being that of a charming chad)!

Many women fall in love with the most unexpected partners because their connection is just that deep and meaningful. Take the old trope that a man will accept sex from a hot woman no matter who she is. Both genders respond positively to strong sexual dominance, that's simply biological. But it doesn't mean shit beyond mere biology.

I'm probably more fucked up than you could imagine.

Some do. That's if you're the one approaching, by the way. A lot of women will initiate if they like the guy, but this very rarely happens. So you have to take it upon yourself to change for the better if you want to be the one approaching and getting actual results.

No, they're entitled creeps, and this line of thinking just underscores a total lack of social conditioning (not saying that's all their fault, just a fact). Like you said, friendship is more complicated than that, but these guys think giving girls this false friendship will eventually entitle them to a romantic relationship, which is apparent by the way they shrink when reminded that it won't.

You can ask a girl out without being a creep, even if you're a nerd. You can't be a clingy fake-friend, wishing her romantic failure so you can have a chance (which you don't have) at getting the only thing you actually want from her, without being a super creep.

im dating a girl who was a nerdy gamer girl that watched anime, though since we started dating she basically stopped gaming all together.

really makes you think

>bro I'm so damaged like bro you can't even imagine
that's impossible

>Just learn from trial and error about people and relationships
Yeah, trial and error which makes the beta nerd an entitled creepy piece of shit that should be made the subject of mockery on- and offline.

>bro I'm so damaged like bro you can't even imagine
That's exactly what you were just telling me, you stupid beta. Stay anxious. Mommy will let you suck her nips like she always does when you're feeling down.

Honestly, the girl is never the problem in all these situations. It is the guys.

The thing I hate about nerdy guys is how they will talk all this brotherhood style shit, enjoy numerous interests and passions but the minute a woman is introduced, they will stab their best friend in the back for even a chance at pussy.

in high school there were a lot of nerdy girls that I think were "objectively" ugly but I all found to be really hot, as long as they were on the skinny side. definitely some sort of halo effect

Honestly I just started acting like the chads in movies and women love it. My wife still thinks I'm smooth desu

>You can ask a girl out without being a creep, even if you're a nerd
Yeah there you have it betas: do cold approaches! Getting to know a lady will make you an entitled creep.