I have given myself brain damage, is there any way to recover?

I have given myself brain damage, is there any way to recover?
>be me
>12/13 years old
>cold winter nights, our house has little insulation
>put head under covers
>immediately warm
>fall asleep
>continue sleeping like this for my entire adolescence.
>realize I'm limiting oxygen to my brain
>stop doing it at age 19

Now I can't think of things fast have slow reaction time, and bad memory. Is it over for me bros? It's over around a year since I've stopped, and now I can't imagine doing it. How long will it take for me to recover?

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Get an MRI I'm almost positive you didn't give yourself brain hypoxia for a decade and not notice until now.

Certainly not breathing fresh air for 6-8 hours and reducing oxygen for multiple nights would cause damage, no?

You think your brain cares if air is "fresh"? It's just simple molecules traveling thru your blood to your brain while being filtered from shit, even brain has kinda barrier to filter the blood it takes.
Only real thing to think about is while your body was growing and developing such limiting yourself for hours could somehow affect something in organism, but not fucking one person here will tell you for sure, you need REAL doctors and do analyzes, until that talking about it meaningless.

how do I get an MRI scan? Am I supposed to just walk into the ER?

There should be paid services for it too, specialised med places for such specific tasks for money, google for some in your city.
Or you can go officially thru doctors asking them to check your brain because you suspect you have damaged it, they may direct you for a scan, I don't really know how it works in your country

Can you do this with chronic shallow breathing?

What about if you had clogged sinuses and struggled to breathe through your nose most of your life? What could that result in?

You could breath through your mouth, so that wouldn't do too much to your brain. If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure mouth breathers have a lower IQ than regular breathers, and it's probably do to oxygen. At the same time, breathing through your mouth causes your jaw to move back, your eyes to droop, and your face to fall flat. This is why people try mewing, to hopefully push the face back up to a normal position.

Guys, if I started running, would that help speed me back up to a normal level of function? Everything I do is slower than everyone else around me, and my reaction time is 315ms, which puts me at the bottom 20% of people

FUCK man, that blows ass. Oh well, I'm still a 10/10 chad with a big penis. Sucks you didn't inherit chad genes, tubby weeb.

Nose helps to fight bacteria thru its defensive mechanism, thru mouth you can simple get sick with more chances.

I got run over by a car and have permanent brain damage. You slept under the covers. Die.

What are you even talking about? You do realize that if you ran out of oxygen, you would instinctly realize and get the covers out, right? No way in hell would "sleeping under the covers" give you actual brain damage lmao. Tell me when you get a concussion from a car accident.

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dude your blankets aren't airtight, you're fine. Just aging and probably not eating healthy/exercising. If you eat better and exercise for a month, your brain will function better.

Yeah, but limiting oxygen during the prime hours of brain development surely has an impact, no?

Also, I'd like to mention that during this time period I also avoided drinking water. I did not have a water bottle without my siblings using it whenever I wasn't looking, and so I decided I would rather not drink water than have their lips touch it.

And so I went through my formative years without drinking a good amount of water, and even more I prided myself on it. It was like my own little super power. I drank apple juice (which had a ton of sugar) and milk only. God, I really screwed up...

RIP, brain damage forever. Rest in peace forever user

>Wah wah me has more damage

why is everything a pity party on r9k?

>I drank apple juice (which had a ton of sugar) and milk only. God, I really screwed up...
user, seriously, you're fine just start caring for your health now and start getting fit, and you'll feel much better. You don't have any permanent brain damage. relax

OP did not give himself brain damage he was always retarded.

yeah, limiting oxygen in any form is a bad idea

Yeah, breathing through your nose is better in every way

>mfw you have a female brain now without the extra lateral connections because you didn't breathe correctly and drink water while growing up

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>thinks putting head under covers gave him brain damage

yeah, op is coping hard

Jesus guys, it's real and I'm screwed


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this is why you don't trust the dumb fucks on quora

Nice one OP
Repeat another 19 years and see how much dumber you become.

now that I think about it, I don't dream either... I ruined my minds eye by breathing shallow and breathing carbon dioxide...

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Honestly, one of the strangest copes to dealing with the realization that you're retarded, I've seen in my life.

It's not coping, it's a direct cause and effect. Coping would be like "Oh yeah, breathing carbon dioxide trains your heart bro" or "oxygen isn't even that necessary for brain function bro"

don't worry, your brain damage is congenital

aaand you think this made you retarded?

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>tfw I used to hold my breath underwater for 2 min as a kid

RIP my former IQ

>ate shitty and tried extreme weight lifting with very little knowledge early in my life
>stunted my growth and made worse my already shitty genetics
>decide to get into boxing because confidence issues
>now I have legitimate signs of early brain damage from multiple concussions

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that sucks dude, you have my condolences

its okay it gives me an excuse to live a life of comfort, because Im to retarded, unmotivated from literally being beaten down, and depressed to do anything else.

loneliness causes memory loss and causes Alzheimer. The dementia boomers of today were social druggies who went to parties and didnt know of smartphones. I cant imagine the impact the fact that many kids and young adults these days consider themselves introverts and would rather lay and watch netflix as oppose to go eat out with friends. Thankfully though they are quite informed on fitness/exercising so it should cancel out the memory loss; combine that with the happy pills they swallow

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Mew is a charlatan, it's low tier genetics (including a fucked up jaw) that makes people start mouth breathing, not the inverse.

The article only said it increases your riak of alzheimers, and you dont have early onset alzheimers

If you've been doing this daily for 7 years then I'm confused as to how you could say "now" your reaction/memory are poor, you've never known an alternative to this if that's the case (you can't compare an 11 year old's brain to an adult's). Most likely you did no real harm to yourself, as if you were really depriving yourself of oxygen, then you'd just throw the covers off in your sleep. Maybe you're trying to explain why you aren't in the 90th percentile for reaction time and think snuggling in blankets is why, but there's always a below average to everything, guess you're part of it, fren.

that's what coping means, trying to rationalize your failings, not having dumb ideas.

>mom takes me to see Disney on Ice when I was little
>grow up to be a manlet

wtf it's not my fault, stupid mom ruined everything reee