>there are neets here right now who want to see liberal democracy dead
Are you retarded or just narcissistic enough to believe that liberal democracy is suppressing some sort of greatness you possess?
>there are neets here right now who want to see liberal democracy dead
Are you retarded or just narcissistic enough to believe that liberal democracy is suppressing some sort of greatness you possess?
To be fair, in an authoritarian state they'd either be killed or put to work, which would solve the NEET problem, one way or another.
I don't think you understand that a lot of posters don't understand what any political words actually mean. There are only two groups that matter, those who like non-whites, and those that don't.
liberal democracy is the best system we have, but giving women the vote is a pernicious, festering blow the west may never recover from.
No and fuck you i deserve NEETbux women deserve no voting though every guy deserves a wife though and fuck niggers also kill every jew and furry
incel: the post
its okay user those niggers will one day give back your crush
you seem to think i give a shit about anyone other than myself lmao, i dont fucking care what happens to anyone
We do.
Normies have shown they are not capable of voting for the greater interest of the nation.They vote for platitudes and short term benefits with little regard as to how those decisions will affect the future of their countrymen.Look at the immigration crisis, housing racket and job saturation going on.They simply dont care about the longterm as long they can buy thier iphones and starbuck coffees, they just dont care
>Maybe if I use big words everybody will think I'm smart?
It's those dang ol millennials what with their innernet and their fortnite
millennials and zoomers are just the end result of degenerate boomer parenting
I don't want it dead for any personal reasons, but I believe it will benefit me personally as well, in additions I think it will be a greater benefit to society, spiritualism and the environment.
You're not as hot as Idris Elba either.
Zoomies are unironically gay and will kill western civilization.
>If I point and mock him, maybe I don't have to refute the content of his argument?
Absolute monarchy is the only true and honest way to govern any group of people. There has never been a satisfactory argument against it.
Kids these days amirite?
>t.gay zoomie cuck
>t. big strong alpha boomer
liberal democracy has long died user. Business Plot 2.0 has succeeded.
you are retarded and there is no content to your argument except "muh women are inferior". Voting rights should be reserved to those who demonstrate critical thinking skills, reading comprehension and at least average IQ. you can be damned sure many men wouldn't fulfill this criteria.
Raging fat female
wonderful rebuttal. i feel attacked and might even kms.
well you should definitely consider it
someone called me a raging fat female on an anonymous imageboard, i don't think i can recover.
Not a neet or a wagie, but want to see the world burn
I like how virgins on an incel website think an authoritarian government wouldn't just gas them for being asocial and work-shys. It makes me cringe.