Got my first yearly evaluation at work that decides our wage increase

>got my first yearly evaluation at work that decides our wage increase
>have been working there for almost two years but got fucked out of the first one on a technicality
>this is my first real raise since my six month mark
>everyone is scored in a number of categories from 1 to 5

>got a 1 in Cooperation and Attitude with a note saying I don't smile or engage with my co-workers enough
>got 2s and 3s in everything else despite very seriously being one of the best, most dedicated workers there

Most of my lazy, idiotic, normie co-workers are going to be getting a substantially larger raise than me because I'm not happy doing their work for them. Actually I don't even really care about the money, but knowing my two years of hard work went completely unnoticed and unappreciated is pretty annoying. I think I've about had it.

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Id fucking leave. Get out of there user

Sabotage your coworkers.

That is the easiest way to make yourself look better and get raises.

It's a zero sum game, you better step it up and let out your inner psycho, because if not you're going to fucking lose.

Hard work doesn't pay off, only the perception of hard work and competence does.

Kill them all. user Appreciation Day has begun.

I think I will, this is something that's beyond my ability to accept. However, I think I can make it so that things are a little more fair, more even across the board. Yeah, I think before I leave I'll try that.

In most workplaces there are fundamentally two types of employees. Workers and slackers. Slackers stand around talking all day. They make friends with each other and their bosses. Slackers love working with each other because it's basically just hanging out with friends. That's why they're the ones getting promoted. We look out for people we like, so the most important thing in looking for a promotion is making friends with the boss. If you manage to make friends in high places, sooner or later you'll land somewhere high up too. All the higher ups are socialite slackers- this is important to remember.

Workers are the golden goose keeping the business running. They're perpetually overworked and forced to do the jobs of 2-3 people alone. Despite this, nobody ever recognizes them. Out of sight, out of mind. You will only ever receive negative reinforcement because the only time interaction occurs is when you fail to complete your (unreasonable) workload. This cements you as being lazy in the mind of the boss. Despite being the hardest working and most productive, you are devalued in comparison to the social slackers. Why? The boss just likes them more.

The bottom line here is that the ability to make friends is more valuable than any kind of actual skill or work you could do. Networking is king. Make friends with a rich kid because his dad will hook you up with a six figure salary sitting around doing nothing because hey what else are friends for? No experience, no diploma, forget engineering or computer science. That's what they pay the workers (half your salary) for. You're just there to goof off and chat with buddy so that his time on the clock passes just a little bit easier.

Welcome to hell. This is why there are shooters.
It doesnt matter how much work you do, only thing that matters is if people like you (I.e. attractive)

>he's going to shoot his workplace

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2s and 3s is normal, it's not like school where if you do something wrong you lose points. They give people average at best so theres no reason to pay them more, regardless of performance

Maybe you could just stop breaking your ass working and start drinking your coffe with the retards.
Or else you try to find a subjective way to quantify your and their work in order to show your boss that you are a much better goy.

This too. Fuck everything

You speak the truth, I see that.

My job is a low level factory one, simple and utterly unimportant. Still, if I'm going to spend 8 hours of the day, 6 days a week doing something, I'd like to do it well and put effort into it. All this time I thought it would pay off eventually, I thought that someone would notice how I would help anyone who needed it or would always make sure I left everything nice a neat for the next shift. How I would work next to new people to pick up their slack for them while they learned, or accept whatever shitty position no one else wanted. I knew people didn't like me because I was quiet and serious about work, but I thought my "ability" would make up for it. This really does feel like a punch to the gut. I think I'll call in tomorrow to think a few things over.

>saying I don't smile
God i hate this. Im focused on my fucking work. Im not angry in fact I'm smiling on the inside. But thanks for pointing out how "mad" I look which in turn actually makes me upset.

I don't have it in me to hurt anyone. At least physically.

I know, or at least heard of several people getting 4s who are objectively worse than me in about everything other than talking about stupid shit and finding new ways to get out of doing a job.

At my first shitty retail job I put my heart and soul into doing the best at my work. I felt underappreciated and butted heads with my co-workers, who I thought were slackers. My boss was really blunt, so at my first review, he said, "You're good at what you do but it doesn't matter if people don't like you. You're in a shitty mood all the time and it makes people around you less productive and you need to chill out a bit and make people like you more."
It kind of makes sense. Individually you can be great at what you do, but the output of the team is what your boss cares about. I started smiling more, approaching disagreements way more really carefully, making small talk, and honestly it really is something that will make everyone happy and more productive. Is it "bullshit?" Yes, none of us really give a fuck about our coworkers. But making people around you happy can give a better payoff than just doing your hard tasks well, is easier on you, and isn't actually that hard if you prioritise it a bit more over getting shit done. People respond well to bullshit even when they know it's bullshit.

Bruhs I need to get a job soon but I'm a socially anxious ADHD faggot who hasn't cleaned his room since 4th grade, wat do

>posts evil wojak
>isn't actually evil
yep you had 1 job and you sucked at it

You know what to do, no fucking balls.

No balls, you won't.

Workers can be replaced fairly easily by a large company. That isn't the case for certain other things.

Wow you got a 1 in attitude?

You're probably not as good of a worker as you think.

Seems like you know the answer, clean your room then go on from there.

Don't worry social anxiety is pretend millennial bullshit

Work is hell for robots, had some coworkers actually get me fired after several months of conspiring to get me written up for anything possible

Why did you deserve that?

wagie wagie get in cagie. imagine dedicating most of your days and time making an hourly wage for a goldstein, being 100 percent expendable, and you don't smile picking up other coworkers slack so you dont get a better raise then they will. hmmmm

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I am not certain, I am pretty normie besides occasional depression and anxiety which I mostly manage with exercise and weed. I had not spoken to anyone hardly at work when one of my coworkers who openly vocalized her disdain for black men with my skin color one of the first times I met her and frequently leaves work early told our manager my area was unclean while I was stuck working with loss protection and a very obvious probably drug riddled shoplifter.

After that first reprimand I stopped helping other people in the department and focused solely on my work, the assistant manager who I smoked weed with outside of work most every day told me unfortunately a lot of people were trying to have me fired which surprised me because I thought it was just the one chick.

Eventually I was just randomly called to the back office and fired by the manager. I had considered going to HR beforehand but just figured it would make it worse, did not think they could actually get me fired if I was doing my work.

What most of u said is all true, ive made it 2 years taking care of old people with mostly girls and bitter people as coworkers, even tho i was akward and pretty bad at it in the start. The trick is to act humble smile and listen to their garbage and make them feel good/feed their ego, hated most of them but never showed that i did even tho most of them were all petty people all trashtalking each others.