RIP kierkegaard/ritalinbot
You'll be missed.
RIP kierkegaard/ritalinbot
You'll be missed.
Other urls found in this thread:
>be missed
I can't read cursive can someone please type out the letter for me
>You'll be missed.
literallly who
That handwriting is painful to look at.
>im a pathetic loser i have no friends or gf blah blah blah im gonna kms yadda yadda everyone was right
Some namefag with two names
He basically did cool threads with nice questions that actually made you think
you were one of his orbiters i can tell
Last year, I took some LSD and wrote a letter that looked like a suicide note, but read more like someone that didn't want to die and was angry at the reader for expecting that. I explained that I was afraid of being accountable to myself, and that righting every wrong that I had done to rest my conscience seemed impossible. Since then, I've learned that I can also do justice to myself by having mercy. I am still darkened by a deep conviction that I am fundamentally evil and unlovable, but I give myself the patience of mercy every day.
took 40 of those and a bottle of vodka for fun and did not die,they will be fine
Thanks for the kek.
this fag always thought I was harassing them lel
congratulations on the organ damage.
From what I can make out, the letter says:
>I'm worthless. I was not made for this world. I have never been able to do anything right my whole life. My father never loved me and my mother never respected me. This world wasn't meant for me and neither was I mean for it. I've decided it would be best to leave it. Being alive isn't very much worth it anymore and there's nothing I can do to change it anymore. I'm fat, ugly, unlikable and miserable in every single way. I've never been able to get on with any women nor ever will and trying is useless. I will never namefag on Jow Forums ever again and this time it's for real. I'll commit suicide. Goodbye.
>I have decided to end my life. I've taken a whole packet of diazepam, mixed it with alcohol, and 21 pills of propranolol. My heart will, hopefully, stop beating in this very day. This is my goodbye. You will never hear from Kierkegaard ever again and I guess that the book I had been working on will never see the light of day. You were right, [Custe?], a suicide should be the way a writer should go to the next life, but unfortunately my work has been left unfinished. As I will be dying soon, I don't feel bad in disclosing my real name is: Antonio [Chagras Arrudo?]. With all that said, goodbye Jow Forums. See you on the other side. -Kierkegaard -Ritalinbot
is anyone dumb enough to think hes actually dead
incel BTFO lel
died because he was fat when he could have listened to me and done the hikki diet.
BETAfags lel
so you think he faked his own death?
Yeah, I am.
I think he's definitely dead, alive, or in a hospital on a dialysis machine somewhere between the two. One of the three. Definitely.
God bless the miserable bastard. Hope things pick up for him wherever he is.
That would only have solved one of his problems, I gather that he was a namefagging nuisance, so he must have been quite isolated and lonely.
Going skele-mode wouldn't have fixed that. He would've just found another reason to hate himself.
>hes a fucking retard and this is a larp, propanolol is for people with heart problems he probably high blood pressure and tachycardia wich also relates to anxiety thus explaing why the box looks old and used, its just the meds he takes regularly, he didnt even do the research the possibly lethal dose of propanolol is >1grams, what he says is that he took 21 pills and thats from the 10 mg pills on the box, even if he took 21 pills of the biggest propanolol pill that is manufactured which is 40 mg each it would still be 0,8 grams and not lethal, he took from the 10 mg pills it would be 0,21 grams, not nearly enough for the possibly lethal dose, i just read a story of a lady that took 70 pills of the 40mg one and she was still alive and well when she arrived on the hospital, but she still died since that is more than 2 grams it was lethal, hes not responding cause hes a bitch looking for attention, unless he took 500+ pills of the diazepam that i dont even know if you can really die from that, this is just a massive low iq larp
> he must have been quite isolated and lonely.
dude I do not get lonely.
been inside all my 20's
im turning 26 in a few months.
>imagine getting lonely
You are right, he liek me will never be happy no matter what changed, spome of us are defective
People take less-than-lethal doses as a cry for help; he might well be in a mental health unit by now.
Doesn't mean it's necessarily a larp.
he wouldnt even need to go to the hospital with the amount he took
God damnit. He doesn't deserve to die. I hope that fucker is still alive and reading this from the hospital so I can personally him what a fucking idiot he is for trying to kill himself. You hear me, Kierky? You were doing alright. You just had to keep trying. Why did you have to go swallowing all that shit and giving yourself a mild stomach ache you dumb fuck. Damn it...
you think he might actually be alive, like in a hospital or something, or maybe in a coma? I hope he's ok, wherever he is
but why would he fake his own death? and he mixed that with alcohol and a whole packet of diazepm which would kill him, wouldnt it? i mean, why would he disclose his real name anyway?
Have you guys read his "book".
It starts off as novel but the end is nothing but random thoughts and ramblings. I think he's really dead. He was going bad.
going mad*
it's Aiste, that Lithuanian schizophrenic tranny who usually avatarfags with auto-generated anime girl pics such as this
I think his name is Antonio Chogas Arrudo
You're not defective, you're just not in the right situation. You can't find happiness because it doesn't exist other than as a transient feeling, but you're capable of finding contentedness.
Let me remind you that there's an entire world out there full of new experiences (and consequently novel thoughts and sensations) that you can't even imagine right now, which could easily change your entire perspective.
I implore you to get far away from your current situation; you're finding the game tedious because you're autistically refusing to leave the tutorial area and explore the rest of the goddamned map.
Unfuck yourself!
idk mate. take a look at this thing he wrote I found in the arcives. it does sound really depressing
yeah exactly. The main character kills himself and the writings are are the memoirs of a dead man so its really weird, plus, look at the cover he made, this is fucked, who makes a cover like this?
>A 21-year-old student was brought to a district general hospital following an attempted suicide by ingestion of tablets. Paramedics calculated up to a maximum of 160x40mg propranolol SR, 28x10mg amlodipine and 56x10mg olanzapine may have been taken.
>She started to make a gradual improvement with reduction in inotropic requirement. All inotropes were stopped 12h after OGD, and the patient made a full medical recovery.
this is a story of someone that took 30,5 times more of the same medicine he took plus some other drugs also in larger amounts and she survived, his name literally amounts no nothing with no id or way to connect with a real person, it could not even be his real name for all we know, he would fake his own death for attention why else? maybe to make aiste feel bad, maybe he wanted to stop namefaging and decided to do this, i dont know his reasons, whatever the case he is dumb
im working on it man.
im trying to get better. I just leak negativity sometimes.
>Antonio [Chagras Arrudo?]
He was a Mexican LARPing as a Danish philosopher
Its all very tiresome.
One of these days I hope we can all get along with each other. The world already treats us like shit so we dont need to treat other like shit too
People go to hospitals to get checked out when they do stuff like this, regardless of the lethality of whatever they took, just to be on the safe side and make sure there's no damage.
The hospital then tries to get them in for psychiatric evaluation, and they may be kept in a mental health unit for observation and/or treatment.
Had it happen to friends.
Thanks, my cursive reading skills are extremely rusty; I was mostly going off of context.
He's Brazilian, but was part of top 3% or something. He says in his book he was rich and his parents were rich, but all of them have lived miserable lives.
whatever he did, it wasnt a try for suicide, not even close, thats the point that im making, no one is dumb enough to try to suicide with such an small amount
They tried lock me up for doing what ritalinbot did excet I did not do it to KMS.
if you say the right words you can get out of being locked up.
Cruel as always, Gunjy, you psychopath.
Hypocritical as usual, I see.
Aiste don't kill yourself
I'll miss you if you do
>no one is dumb enough to try to suicide with such an small amount
They are. People 'try to suicide' with relatively small amounts of aspirin and alcohol, user.
Whether it's intended to succeed or it's simply a cry for help doesn't matter, it means that that person isn't getting the help they need to cope.
Why did you do it?
Shut up and kill yourself already, Gunjy. Your existence is much more pathetic than this guy's ever was. At least he wasn't a pedophilic antisocial rapist half-aboriginal with a double digit IQ like you are.
Only wanted him to stop namefagging. not die.
>I'll miss you if you do
No, you won't.
>literal who tripfag commits sudoku
who the fuck cares lmao
>They are
maybe 15yo stacy with no friends would do this but not on the internet, not on Jow Forums and especially not him, there are suicide thread around and people giving out ways to actual comit suicide and all the information of whatever medicine and the required lethal amount is on easily found with a google search
>shits on a man when he's down
>bullies him relentlessly
>he takes the plunge
>enjoy the attention and misery in his absence for a while
>begin to realize what you actually did
>"Only wanted him to stop namefagging. not die."
Why don't you fuck off forever you worthless cunt.
>Cruel as always, Gunjy, you psychopath.
not a psychopath, I can feel empathy.
Just seems not to exist for nearly anyone.
Why would you care if this fag killed himself?
Why should I care?
He always bitched about me and I wil miss that I guess.
I am improving I do not want to become a loser like him or rather end up the way he did.
Oh and if I do I promised I will stream it andi t will be entertaining
my thoughts on it. I do not think he ded
I care about my fellow man. That's what makes me human.
Wrong as always cunt. Archive tells different stories
If anyone here is feeling suicidal I would like to help in anyway I can
If you need someone to talk to or just need to rant about whatever your problems are. Just don't hurt yourself.
If you need a friend drop your discord and I will stay with you until you're happy again.
imagine being an edgy faggot when you're almost 30
Why did you make this thread again, Kierk?
>goblin creates a fake suicide attempt to frame himself as me to shill his poorly written book
that fag isn't me
Reminder Aiste is another shill that tries to frame xitself as me
You seem to think that people who attempt suicide are necessarily acting rationally.
Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.
this fag also tries to frame xitself as me as well
>hikki diet
You are a stupid faggot who needs to stop projecting your anorexia nervosa on an entire board of impressionable loners. Your lack of nutrition is not enlightening or ennobling you, it is only making you gradually more retarded until your brain shrinks to the size of a grapefruit and your body finally shuts down for good.
>Why did you do it?
>that typing style
it is of my opinion that he didnt take anything and if he did he is at the moment getting drunk and probably reading this post and most likely posting as user
>You are a stupid faggot who needs to stop projecting your anorexia
I legit did develop dysphoria from hikki diet.
I keep thinking I am fat and would fast for no reason.
I am working on this now
Seriously though, fat people just need to quit eating food, I did it and now I am skinny
if he was pretending to be dead just to make someone read his poorly-written book, he succeeded at it
i read the whole darn thing
if he's dead, it's a deep work, if he's not, it's pure trash. give up on writing already, my man.
What a faggy ass voice. Idk whats going on in this thread but fuuuuuuck
I would hate to sound like this nigga holy shit thats bad
as this worthless faggot tries to frame xitself as me
I didn't bully him. Just called him out on his nonsense. If he killed himself over that, then it's not my fault. Incel misogynist pseuds shouldn't be pitied just because they're sad and suicidal.
yea putting on fat and taking off fat is all about caloric intake, most fat people eat around 4000 calories daily, but reporting eating 2000.
I hope your health is better and you're remembering to eat foods that provide actual nutritional benefit, the usual proteins and vitamins and the like. Eating less is fine. Starving yourself is not.
>Only wanted him to stop namefagging. not die.
Literally lol, you should stop avatarfagging
You ever notice how bullies aren't the most objective when it comes to identifying their own behaviour as bullying?
why don't we all do a suicide pact? i imagine most of you don't deserve the air you breath anyway
>I didnt bully him
Yes you did. But tell me more how you're not at fault
the maximum recommended daily intake of propanolol in a pacient with migraines is 240mg, thats medically approved and more than double the 210mg amount he took, he wouldnt have to go to the hospital for that, not even close
as this faggot tries to posit xitself as me
I did what I had to for their own sake. Saki deserved it even less, but it was just. I'm sure he's better off now than he was while avatarfagging. I'm saving these people from a cruel fate. You can hate me all you want, but it's true.
not more than double my bad, more than double is on a pacient of angina pectoris which is 480mg
stop being an avatar fag you arent a cute girl like the image your a fat incel
Whatever you say, tranny faggot.
Kierk, just show yourself already
c'mon, that joke is not funny anymore
i know you wouldn't die as a virgin. i know you'd fuck at least a hooker before killing yourself
i know you
i've come to know you thought your countless shitposts
So now youre saving these people? Kierk was right all along, you really are a snake.
>. If he killed himself over that, then it's not my fault. Incel misogynist pseuds shouldn't be pitied just because they're sad and suicidal.
withy ou hear Aiste, fuck incels
>I hope your health is better and you're remembering to eat foods that provide actual nutritional benefit, the usual proteins and vitamins and the like. Eating less is fine. Starving yourself is not.
I surprisingly was never low on vitamins from fasting for months (steak every 5 days)
I actually unironically astounded my doctor but I agree.
I eat soups now, still Keto thoug but have carbs sometimes.
I am gaining muscle and stuff, exercise daily.
Thanks though, its weird as fuck when I try point out how I am fat to my mum when my ribs where showing etc.. fucking mind just plays tricks on you.
I make sure to eat now
Someone pls give me a rundown of what happened here. Was ist a feud between ritalinanon and girlposter? did this drive him over the edge?
Aiste, you're not saving anyone. When are you going away? Or was that just another lie?
you're an incel yourself
you have to prey on mentally damaged teenagers just to get a chance at having some pussy
bottom of the barrel
even below that you're nothing but a "god" among filth
>nice questions
they were simply questions that could be easily answered with a google search that he spammed incessantly
I don't know who any of you people are, you're not as known as you seem to think you are.
I certainly don't hate you, and I don't think I indicated that I did. You must be projecting some inner turmoil onto me.
You're not saving anyone from anything; you're desperately latching on to anyone who will listen to you.
I hope things improve for you.
Did some namefag kill himself? Avatarfags, namefags and tripfags all deserve to die.
>you're an incel yourself
I do not go outside, I am not an incel.
I quit preying on people to fuck with them.
it got boring, everything gets boring
>these are all faggots that try to larp that they're me
IDK who you are kid
>Only wanted him to stop namefagging. not die.
wait you feel guilt? I thought you were an invincible sociopath?
lmao looks like it's finally starting to set in for you that you drove someone to suicide
he was many things...
he was..
>an hero
>these are all faggots that try to larp that they're me in order to run various psyops
I think you are paranoid
your little character is breaking honey you overweight dumbass
rip robot, hope you're in a better place right now.
bahahaha it's hilarious watching this shithead tranny finally break down.
aiste, the world will be a completely better place when you've killed yourself
these are all faggots that try to larp that they're me in order to run various psyops. You should avoid all these posters when you use this site as they are running encryption derived from my grimoires as they attempt to whistle my sigil to frame themselves as me
Considering the possibility he's not dead, he'll stop namefagging out of shame. If he is dead, he's still better off and happier. I only ever did good for him. I tried to change his misguided ways all the time.
I'm not guilty. I'm just saying what I was aiming for.
>Namefag is an absolute failure at life
Is this a common theme among attentionwhores on Jow Forums?
>I'm not guilty
how does it feel to know you're a genuine piece of human garbage?
avatar fag shut the fuck up and join him in hell
>Be me
>Life is shit
>Be suicidal
>Finally work up the courage to end it all
>Spend hours writing your suicide note and filling everything in
>Overdose on pills
>Your family finds your note
>They look at it
>They cant read it because its in cursive and shitty
>If he is dead, he's still better off and happier. I only ever did good for him. I tried to change his misguided ways all the time.
That's some pretty crazy cope for killing someone mate
this is why I'd type out my note if I did it, my handwriting is awful
I'm a good person. I understand better what's good for this board and its anons than most of you. Goodnight.