
I live in a small little tinyhome on some land I had inherited from my uncle when he died of lung cancer. I practice nudism and I really like walking around and working out on my plot nude, when I ain't working of course. There is a privacy fence, with some bushes in front to not make it look too shit. I have an outdoor shower, as I like showering outdoors. I like just laying on the grass and having the wind lick my skin. Gardening nude feels pretty great as well. I also really like schlicking it on the grass.

Any other user here practice nudism?

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>tfw no nudist bots
I thought it'd be more common given that some bots do live alone as well.

No, I live rurally but with neighbours (and renting) but I used to live on a remote island during the summer and it was super nice, no electricity, light pollution and a tiny house made of rocks, I used to do it back then but that was a loooong time ago

Nudism is nothing but a fetish thing.

sounds like fun i just need the space

I practice nudism part time in my bedroom. I live with others.

how about you and your nudy prudy friends invite me over you worthless whore
I'm naked right now

That sounds nice, have you ever thought of being nudist, at least privately within the confines of your own home? I'm only a private nudist myself. I have a few friends who thankfully accept my lifestyle, and when they come over to hangout and play some dnd or board games, they usually are fine with being nude with me as well.

Not necessarily, if you do it enough times or for a long enough period of time, most of the erotic nature of being naked kinda wears off. Though I would be lying if I didn't say I got aroused from time to time thinking about it.

Do you live alone? You could just be nude around your house.

Do those other people see you naked, or are you a closet nudist?

I'm pretty much a nudist but I got a lot of guns n shit
Waiting for some schizo single mom bitch to get back to me since she is supposebly a nudist (nobody wants to see that body) but has a 11 and 13 with huge udders
She thinks she can play me, bitch you invited me over, this is gonna become a shootin' war
Contact me you dumb emo unstable bitch your kids ain't gonna get any prettier
I don't even have her phone number but I gave her mine :'(

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>I'm naked right now
Are you usually nude around your house, or are you only a periodic/occasional nudist?

I'm always nude inside my house and I also rub pee all over myself
Anymore questions?

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I'm not a 24/7 nudist but when I'm at home I'm usually naked. I haven't ever really thought about it being nudism in the traditional sense, just that it's more comfortable than being in clothing. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't at least mildly arousing, though.

No, it is too easy to get ticks on your balls.

>nudist schizo single mom
Sounds like shit. Why would you try to date a single mom?
>own alot of guns
Cool, I only own a surplus sks that my dad gave me, and a sig p365.

That sounds nice. I have alot of towels for sitting on at home. Do you use towels to sit on, or do you just sit on your bare ass?

You don't necessarily need to be a nudist outdoors.

Yeah, I usually sit on old blankets or towels. Even though I'm a complete sasquatch I don't sweat too much though.

clothes are comfy and warm

I agree, but only when it's super cold. Even then, sitting inside with a fresh cup of cocoa and some blankets is equally as comfy if not more.

Are you nudist with your friends? Whenever my friends are over at my place, they usually go nude along with me.

Haha, I don't have any friends. I'd probably keep at least some boxers around if it were people I was comfortable with though, I don't like people seeing me naked unless we're family or otherwise really close.

That's understandable, you ever play vidya nude? I mainly play modded skyrim, and minecraft. I actually have a few nude minecraft skins that I use when I'm playing on my single player world.

Of course. If I'm on the computer I'm 99% of the time nude, vidya is no exception. I've actually got a modded Skyrim game I'm running right now (no nude mods mind you). Minecraft is fun too but I don't go as far as changing my skin, I'd just forget to change it back.

>no nude skyrim mods
I mean if you're wearing armor most of the time in-game, it doesn't really matter, it's good when you want to rp as a semi-nudist Nordic barbarian cutting down foes with your characters dick out or tits flopping around.

I feel cold easily. I refuse to wear anything less than my beater and some shorts

To an extent. I also have a farm myself, I literally only wear a pair of overalls so half the time my boobs are hanging out anyway, and sometimes I'll go without. Not so much nudist but more carefree I guess.

Yeah. In previous playthroughs I've put some in there simply for the sake of realism but this time I've got cold weather & survival mods. No nudism for me unless I'm a werewolf or something.

Are you usually alone? Why not go nudist then?

That's too bad, I personally enjoy the coolness though. Once it get too cold however, I'm usually not nudist outside.

Oh, that would explain it. Sounds fun though.

I enjoy it. Gives some nice variety instead of just walking around from place to place. Haven't tried visiting the hot springs yet, though, maybe they're a bit more hospitable.

Probably? There were a few bathers in that area, hopefully your mod hasn't removed them.

I wouldn't think so - more about adding/modifying content than removing it.

That sounds nice, is it frostfall?

Yup. I've also got Wet and Cold & Vivid Weather to build on that base. All around very pleasant going from town to town or just exploring the wilderness, even when it's pouring rain or a blizzard.

I am alone but I don't have full privacy like a hedge row around the border of my land. Plus I'm always scared it'll be some random time people show up for whatever reason.

Ah, well it's understandable since most people are not used to being seen nude by others. Embarrassment is a very real fear, as well as being taken pictures of by drones and trespassers. Thankfully I don't have anyone here who flies drones around, though one of my friends does own one.

Have you been nude outdoors? Sometimes when it rains, I like to feel the raindrops on my skin.

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Yeah, plenty of times. I'll occasionally sit out on my back porch nude & put on some music if it's a particularly nice day. Standing out in the rain is refreshing, too.

I've always wondered what the world would be like if was nudism was super common and accepted, of course without the rape. Everyone would probably be more accepting and comfortable about their bodies, of course the opposite could also happen and everyone who chooses to be nudist would be super into working out. Obviously public sex would still be illegal, but it would probably happen more often.

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Also what do you listen to when you're in the rain?

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I think it would have an overall desensitizing effect as far as nudity goes, honestly. Sexual content in media would have more emphasis on the physical or emotional facets rather than just the "allure" of nudity. One thing I'd wonder about is sex ed - would it become unnecessary (assuming families are now less stringent about discussing the topic) or would it just shift down an age bracket or so? Regardless, if it were about being comfortable with nudity and our bodies as a whole I think nudity would just be considered outdated and maybe a health hazard; not all of us are hairy these days.

Mostly jazz or otherwise relaxing acoustic music, it sets the mood well.

>I think it would have an overall desensitizing effect as far as nudity goes
I believe so as well, nudity would lose its allure.

>Sexual content in media would have more emphasis on the physical or emotional facets
This could be good, imagine a society that care more about the romantic aspects rather then the sexual

>One thing I'd wonder about is sex ed - would it become unnecessary (assuming families are now less stringent about discussing the topic) or would it just shift down an age bracket or so?
I learned my sex ed from the internet, reading wikipedia and the like.

>a health hazard
Ehh, tech improves, you could always teach people how to be more hygienic or create more hygiene products. For example, taking a sitting towel everywhere you go, or not touching somebody else's genitals because germs.

>Mostly jazz or otherwise relaxing acoustic music, it sets the mood well
Nice, I like Ryo Fukui's scenery album.

The part about a health hazard was meant more in effect to the invention of clothing being to protect us from the elements. A coat keeps you warm and a barrier of clothing keeps you from frying in the sun if you don't want to constantly have a sheen of sunscreen. Fukui's great, though! My favorite from him is Mellow Dream.

Shit I love Mellow Dream and you two are the first people I've seen talk about it. Is this robot music?

Maybe. I'm just able to relax much easier with some music in the background & jazz typically does the job.

Robots like comfy music. So anything comfy is robot music. So are you nudist?

>sheen of sunscreen
I mean, it would look nice to have shiny skin, plus better scented varieties would popup. Plus I don't like to entirely cook when I'm outside, I wear lots of it anyway. As for cold weather and the like, it's understandable. But with the climate the way it is, you never know. Maybe we're gonna be in for a nudist society someday (probably not, but I can dream).

Yeah, just earlier it was absolutely pouring rain and hail where I live. In the middle of a sunny afternoon. In the middle of July. You could get me to believe that we're heading for a warmer winter if that can happen. Regardless, a nudist society would probably want more to start on than some climate shifting, though you never know. I'm content with how it is now though - in no rush to get nude anywhere but in my own house.

Oh that kinda sucks, I live in a warmer area, and it gets pretty hot sometimes. Which is why being nude is also a way to cool off for me. After all, the more sweat that is evaporated, the more you cool down. Skinny dipping is also pretty nice, though I've only done so once..

It was more startling than anything, really. Thought someone was tapping on my window. I feel you on the warmer area part though, I'm in Texas - likewise on the cooling off part too. I'm a walking furnace and it can get uncomfortable even in a tee. Never gone skinny dipping though I've always been curious about trying it.

Ahh, ok, I thought you meant you lived in a colder area or something. So, are you a fan of sweet iced tea? Being a Texan and all.

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I'm by and large a water man. Tea is nice but it doesn't beat a cold glass of ice water.

I would never be a nudist, I am cold all the time and wear a big sweatshirt and no pants around the house. I just popped in because I saw the jazz mentions. You two jazz nudists feel Toshiko Akiyoshi?

I love the 1956 trio album she was in. What other artists are you familiar with? Takehiro Honda? Kosuke Mine?

But Beautiful is very nice. I like listening to it on repeat.

>I practice being a useless degenerate hippy faggot

I grew up in a kinda nudist family. My friends are weirded out about times that I consider nudity to be completely acceptable or even normal. It's weird how taboo just seeing someone else's body is.

Btw, do any of you play any instruments, been recently trying to learn how to play the harmonica.

I occasionally make music digitally but don't really play any actual instruments, no.

>I also really like schlicking it on the grass.
C-can I join you?

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You gotta get nude first. Also, any of you ever had people walk in on you? One time 2 friends of mine opened up my gate unannounced and caught me with my fingers inside me, that was an extremely embarrassing and awkward day, thankfully we laughed it off, and the 2 still tease me about it to this day.

Btw fir got to ask what kinda music do you make?

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Well I'm a dude
I've never had anyone seen me jerk off

Never had your parents walk in on you?

I hate being nude, I'm insecure about my genitals

That doesn't sound very good, no matter what your genitals look like, being nude is and feels wonderful. What do you feel insecure about concerning them?

I've taken steps to avoid such a situation
Why the fuck would I allow that to happen?

Also It's one thing to have a big dick and a nudist
But I'm a grower anyways

Ehh accidents happen, I've had my mother walk in on me once after she forcefully unlocked the door to get something.

My penis was mutilated by circumcision

How big are you when erect?

>worried about his circumcised dick
The only thing bad about that is loss of sensitivity.

I start from a small point

Do you know how many inches is it? What do you mean by average?

yeah fresh air is really good for you but I live in a small town and its always cold and god traps me here

It's 2 inches flaccid and 5.5 inches erect

That's a nice size, a lot of my male friends who come over are about 5'3, though their flaccid size is much bigger. Btw, do you do anything special while jerking off? Or do you just stroke it. I have lots of lube, so I like using my fingers to play with both my ass and pussy at the same time.

Not usually
Just strokes
Maybe dry hump my bed
Of course I only pleasure my dick there's nothing else for me to do

>Of course I only pleasure my dick there's nothing else for me to do
Oh...I guess my expectations of robots on here have been skewed.

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What did you expect?
A plug or something?