Volume 4
You know the drill
Post those peepers
And mods, spare my thread please
Unrelated but I like this song
Volume 4
You know the drill
Post those peepers
And mods, spare my thread please
Unrelated but I like this song
Sup nigga.
I didn't know your eyes were that color
I must have never looked at them this close before
You don't know me retard faggot
Pepe please put down the fucking gun before you hurt someone
I like your hair
Thanks bro
I like your hunter eyes
ok. i need to get new glasses desu.
ITT: dox yourself
thank you, most of my comments are on my eyes
Oh no now Jow Forums will find out who I am!
Yes. Right now you look like a secretary
Nice eyes though
i already did on other boards. it s not like every agency that wants to know about me doesn t already.
i don t mind looking that way but everyone told me i need different glasses before.
OP looks like Geneva Ayala
Everyone also said you should lose weight
>Geneva Ayala
i am trying to. i already hit the water weight plateau.
Post discord so I can keep track of your progress
XXXTENTACION's ex gf. He used to beat her n shit.
i d rather not. i ll just keep posting here.
Oh this chick.
I'm a guy though
why do you have pubic hair in your head?looks like the eyes of an underage channing tatum
back to /soc/
About to go up for my first day on the job as a night shift airplane refueller.
>b-b-back to soc!!!
Good luck out there man.
Pretty sure Ive seen you before
Okay baby, if you change your mind let me know and I'll post mine for you
i only posted on here before i posted on soc
>has never seen curly hair before
You sound retarded
My left eye isn't usually half closed
hi femanon
reminder you're not ugly
Kind of looks like Tim Roth
You have, I was here last night.
Oh nice
Thanks for your contribution user
just ask me in random threads desu. i m not that hard to find.
hi. i feel ugly though. ;-;
Yes I do look like I'm 5.
Thems that f e m a l e eyes
I'm not really looking though
So I'll probably miss you
I would just rather talk to you one on one
more like you look like you're cute
Good to see some trannies in the thread