Anxietybots unite

Anxietybots unite

Anyone who has a form of anxiety should post here. How are you doing today and in general?

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If you have anxiety or depression you need to be gassed.

It's not my fault, I didn't ask for this

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No! This was supposed to be a comfy anxiety support thread : (

reporting in, op. I'm doing a lot better than I ever have in the past. I've been dealing with the most severe anxiety/panic issues I've heard about since I was 6 or so. I started drugs (snri) and I've been seeing a therapist.

That's great to hear! I also started meds and seeing a therapist, though my anxiety isn't as severe as others

Agoraphobe w/ panic attacks. I started throwing up more than i used to and I'm getting very skinny. I'm signed up for a college class this fall and hoping I can do it. I dont take any meds.

Another month has gone by and I still haven't called the gym to cancel my membership (got my own equipment now).
Another week has gone by and I still haven't called the mechanic to bring in my car and get it fixed. One day it's just going to die.
Another day in which I did not go to the barber to get my hair trimmed. It's been months since my last visit.
Another day in which I don't start using a planner to schedule myself. Wouldn't want to actually commit to improving my life, now, would we...

Social anxietybot here, been doing pretty good despite being pretty much unable to leave my house. How are you doing OP?

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OCD here, another day of intrusive thoughts and doing random shit to help with it. Hopefully the Risperdal and Lexapro calms it down for a bit.

Jeesus... hate seeing these threads.... you got a frickin problem you deal with it:.... none of this mental illness stuff..... get over it

diagnosed with GAD. I was on Klonopin for a year but i stopped taking it 3 months ago because people acted like i was a druggy. now i'm just afraid of everything again.

I've been called an agoraphobe, but never diagnosed. what's it like user?

fuck that shit. its not as bad as seroquel, but it still sucks

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>lawl dude just get over it bro, its all in your head man laaaawl

Yeah it sucks, can't even get rid of stress by fapping because it got rid of my sex drive.

you really can't blame them. Your brain is reality. I really think that user can't understand any more than any of us can imagine a new color. Although maybe that analogy is too generous as almost all mental illnesses can be said to be the extreme bounds of normal human experiences.

today I saw pretty much the only girl I was friends with in highschool and completely fucking ignored her for some reason
the only time Im decently social is when Im high

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>completely fucking ignored her
it's alright, user. We all do that here : (
I'm terrified of saying something and terrified of not having said something every fucking time. Along with anxiety from a thousand other sources, it was enough to make me a shut in for 10 years straight.

I'm on Lexapro too, I dunno if I've noticed the side effects though, except maybe weight gain? I also have been very tired like all the time, dunno if thats a side effect

>really tired
yeah, odds are it's a side effect. It's meant to be one of the ones that goes away with time though. I got hit pretty hard with it for 2 weeks on venlafaxine

Being tired and lightheaded is one of the side effects. Weight gain is too along with increase of appetite. If you're taking other meds, that could make it worse too

Please do it. I've been wanting to die for 10 years and I'm too much of a pussy to hang myself.

Hmm I see. I've been taking it for several months. Maybe I'll tell my psychiatrist next time

Seven months? That's a bit too long, usually your body gets used to it after a few weeks and you'll start feeling less and less of the side effects. Definitely bring it up.

Used to be pretty bad. I talk with people everyday. Minor improvements have made me substantially less anxious.

>substantially less
I'm so afraid (lel) that it'll always be there, defining my life. Just to a lesser extent. I'm trying so hard too.

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i have social anxiety and i fucking hate this type of shit
what this guy said

>I've been called an agoraphobe, but never diagnosed. what's it like user?
You think about leaving the house and get panic attacks. You go outside you get severe panic attacks and can't talk or think. Someone knocks on the door and you think you're gonna die and hide behind your bed.

>what this guy said
see you in 5 years when you finally try to get help, desu

that's just normal though? I really feel like every inch of my life has been irreparably corrupted by the anxiety gang. I have no clue what's normal and I never have.

Do you have a job/ school? It all about failing and picking yourself back up. But you cant fail if you have no one to talk to.

AVPD fag here, currently taking 150mgs of Sertraline, I think it's making progress but It's hard to tell this late in my life. I've been dealing with Anxiety for nearly 18 years (23 YO) and after dealing with it for so long it feels like a tumor that keeps my body from falling apart. I'm not completely introverted to the point of becoming a hermit, I always try to improve but it never feels like I make any darn progress. I also deal with really shite delusions of impostor syndrome and believing everyone around me is always ready to laugh at me. Why couldn't I get the fun delusions where I feel better about myself?

All in all, it stinks, but it's good to know I'm not the only melonhead in the world who deals with this bullshit in their noggin.

school. I'm unusually good at talking to myself which worked to pick myself up the last 3 times (ffs) I failed miserably. So many classes skipped to curl up in a ball in my room, or to pace around my 1 room apartment aimlessly. I think my phone once said I walked 5 miles just walking in circles around my stupid apartment...

Negative emotions are like fuel for my engine. But other people function differently. Instead of being hard on yourself, keep a reminder that its not always you with the social issues. If youre talking to some guy or girl and the convo isnt working, it may just be because they are the ones who cant carry the convo, not you. They may just not be in a mood to chat. The point is you dont wanna be berate yourself until you cant even get back up again.

it's pretty funny how hard it's been to stop blaming myself for every bad interaction. I dunno, sometimes I feel like life just requires a kind of arrogance I'll never have. If something's gone wrong who am I to say it was someone else's fault?

>If you have anxiety or depression you need to be gassed.
do it
maybe in my next life ill be born without this shit

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Yes there is this arrogance that is sort of half earned, half fibbed. Its a delicate balance. You are in fact the only one to say that the other person dropped the conversation because its your headspace. You know and I know that youre not the only one making conversational fuckups. Being social is a two way street. Your goal is to avoid crippling yourself so you can go back out there and fight another day. And obviously you shouldnt be an austist and think that everything is everyone else's fault. Find the balance that makes you most capable.

a weird anecdote(?) I have is finding that having extremely low self esteem is actually really helpful for competing. It was only a video game, but I was on a team, competed in tournaments, etc... Anyway, the point is that in order to compete you have to be willing to blame yourself for everything and analyse every action from that mindset. It's how you improve. There was always more you could have done. Of course, anxiety fucked me over in the end by creating a ceiling I couldn't break through, but still.

I don't have anxiety so why should I post here?