Desktop thread

the desktops of Jow Forums. go!

macfag trapbot here

Attached: desktop.png (1366x747, 1.82M)

please anons... show me your desktops....

Attached: tenor (4).gif (400x320, 1.44M)

>4gb ram
Jesus christ can you even run battletoads on max graphics? Disgusting.

sorry user i dont play games because im not a GAYmer, because that would make me GAY haha

Attached: 1563689950721.gif (347x284, 647K)

What do you do in your free time? Do you keep your randy to mandy candy handy?

tfw no qt waifu wp

Attached: 63e53a09cf22d58800eaa2ffecd15cb0.png (1920x1080, 553K)

i just shitpost on Jow Forums and discord user. it's pretty fun to me at least.
nice user

Attached: 1563728661490.png (600x600, 214K)

ok r8 it . . . .

Attached: 131313313.png (1920x1080, 480K)

appreciate the minimalism but at least have the background image large enough to cover the whole resolution my dude

Attached: 1563755865303.png (400x400, 168K)


Based Ouroboros, if u want i can draw u a pixel art minimalist background with it, if u want please describe how u want it positioned.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 493K)

just the ourobors centered :p

ill bite op, why aren't you using neofetch?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-22 at 10.33.26 PM.jpg (1920x1080, 631K)

because im a faggot who literally downloaded archey for this post lmao

Attached: 1563624478749.jpg (236x236, 10K)

Made the background black so u wont destroy ur fking eyes on that
Hope u like it

Attached: OuroborosForAnon.png (1920x1080, 20K)

so? correct your mistake and install neofetch

thanks ill use it as my steam profile pic : ^)

black backgrounds make me sleepy

w7 here

Attached: Screenshot_6.png (2559x1079, 1.88M)

ok user... i'll do it for you..

Attached: 1563767446759.png (500x505, 110K)

cute... what resolution is that, user?

Attached: 1563767807600.gif (303x307, 1.24M)

2560x1080 in my first monitor

w-wow user... that's really big... i wish mine was as big as that >w>

Attached: tenor (2).gif (480x270, 1.65M)

what is you resolution?

Attached: 1561065967798.jpg (800x723, 53K)

someone give me music to listen to based on my background
i miss windows 7.
might use this evenetually for a background, thank you

1366 x 768 user, i'm only on a little macbook so it's pretty tiny compared to yours...

Attached: n6hz0okdarsy.png (474x523, 105K)

wrong pic
with originality, of course

Attached: b6b9adad67bdbd26017d8b2886749e8a.jpg (1920x1080, 1.34M)

your size is not going to matter

Attached: cefb5a5.jpg (317x288, 15K)

w-why is t-that, user?

Attached: 1563764571116.jpg (2804x3184, 864K)

this is my d3sktop

Attached: desktawp.png (1919x1079, 1.78M)

based korean animator background user

Attached: 1563742366418.jpg (362x400, 46K)

thanks dude i like her art a lot

after this shit i'm going commit suicide

Attached: d603663.jpg (1332x2560, 500K)

youre kinda cute lets edate

yessie! i loved the soda city funk animation she did.
ok fren,... be safe
i have a gf user.. but we can be frens if you drop your discord...

Attached: 1563767897592.jpg (1000x1048, 497K)

only if you drop yours

Attached: 9daf21ee1a21e13d4884677d83ca9b31.jpg (236x236, 12K)

ok user... kappukekky#1776

Attached: 1563765340639.jpg (500x666, 77K)

Mine a bit ago looked like this.but the background was yellow.

Attached: wKcuhsE.jpg (1920x1080, 424K)

You know exactly where u have to go!!!!!!!

Mine at the moment.last change couple months ago.

Attached: godzilla-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg (960x540, 123K)

Wallpaper engine variant 1 of 3, this one (grey) has moving rain in it, yellow have sparkles and green have some sort of fumes, im too lazy to show all 3 tho and they don't move anyways so w/e

Attached: agjsdfvahde.png (1919x1079, 1.24M)

As you wish. Just installed it after getting rid of solus, fairly good decision but I've want arch.
>inb4 distrohopping

Attached: 2019-07-23-064913_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 372K)

*I've always wanted arch.
Also bump.

lol my therapist was a hippie on her 20's . she literally told me to "man up" and then started doing some retarded clapping thing (CBT). never again

She clapped your cock and balls to make you man up?

I take a new pic every time even though it never changes. Such is life of a brainlet.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1366x768, 166K)

my therapist makes fun of me and now this?

i hate you and your shitty macbook stupid fat tranny loser

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 7.40.53 am.png (3840x2400, 527K)

Such is the life of a punching bag. I'm sure it will get better user.

Meany!... fat people do need to lose and regain weight

Here is my dumbass desktop pic. I have used this pic for like 7 years now.
Heck I have even changed computers twice and I still use this one.

Attached: back.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

had to fag the screenshot up a bit
also fuck speccy shit isnt right on half of the measurements

hi kappu

Attached: Screenshot_2251.jpg (2559x1319, 1.55M)

Never change hahaha.

Absolutely based. Me too.

Attached: desktop-2M.jpg (5120x2880, 1.79M)

It's okay myanee girl I am here

Attached: DesktopThread.png (1366x768, 91K)

here is my desktop user , there is a bit of customization

Attached: desktop.jpg (5100x1275, 1.91M)

heres mine, not much in terms of customization OSX has taught me to keep a clean desktop

Attached: Screenshot_18.jpg (4479x1079, 667K)

I honestly prefer Manjaro over Arch. I think you made the right choice.

So far, in my experience psychologists have turned out to be quite the gormless stoners.

>league password

Dumb background. Invert the colours and fill up the remaining screen space with black.

This retro style is actually kind of nice.

I love that Simpsons background, but why the queen?

Attached: 1556949152445.jpg (1919x1079, 458K)

I like to keep a clean desktop. Running Ubuntu with XFCE if anyone was wondering.

Attached: 2019-07-19-180852_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 580K)

I stole the background from an archfag from these threads, thanks dude.

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 300K)

My desktop is the coolest and none of u will get to see it. -Bump-

Attached: 01DDDFE0-9CBF-44BB-968D-5C2ABF755B9B.gif (250x305, 1M)

memejaro i3

Attached: 2019-07-23-015531_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 344K)

are you doing ok user? im kinda worried about you

Attached: this_screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 475K)

desktops are for holding icons

Attached: chrome_2019-07-23_21-01-33.jpg (3839x1079, 1007K)

all your desktops are shit

Attached: 2019-05-19-133002_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

ok cass
how are you self harm scars healing lmao
based as fuck user, rep the macfag tranner aesthetic!

Attached: 1563904521465.png (690x693, 556K)

get fucked Macfag

Sure thing OP, why not.

Oregano comment.

Attached: file.jpg (1920x1080, 555K)

No particular reason, I just like her

fuck you
fuck you

kys wincuck

be sure to post a new desktop with neofetch!