the desktops of Jow Forums. go!
macfag trapbot here
the desktops of Jow Forums. go!
macfag trapbot here
please anons... show me your desktops....
>4gb ram
Jesus christ can you even run battletoads on max graphics? Disgusting.
sorry user i dont play games because im not a GAYmer, because that would make me GAY haha
What do you do in your free time? Do you keep your randy to mandy candy handy?
tfw no qt waifu wp
i just shitpost on Jow Forums and discord user. it's pretty fun to me at least.
nice user
ok r8 it . . . .
appreciate the minimalism but at least have the background image large enough to cover the whole resolution my dude
Based Ouroboros, if u want i can draw u a pixel art minimalist background with it, if u want please describe how u want it positioned.
just the ourobors centered :p
ill bite op, why aren't you using neofetch?
because im a faggot who literally downloaded archey for this post lmao
Made the background black so u wont destroy ur fking eyes on that
Hope u like it
so? correct your mistake and install neofetch
thanks ill use it as my steam profile pic : ^)
black backgrounds make me sleepy
w7 here
ok user... i'll do it for you..
cute... what resolution is that, user?
2560x1080 in my first monitor
w-wow user... that's really big... i wish mine was as big as that >w>
what is you resolution?
someone give me music to listen to based on my background
i miss windows 7.
might use this evenetually for a background, thank you
1366 x 768 user, i'm only on a little macbook so it's pretty tiny compared to yours...
wrong pic
with originality, of course
your size is not going to matter
w-why is t-that, user?
this is my d3sktop
based korean animator background user
thanks dude i like her art a lot
after this shit i'm going commit suicide
youre kinda cute lets edate
yessie! i loved the soda city funk animation she did.
ok fren,... be safe
i have a gf user.. but we can be frens if you drop your discord...
only if you drop yours
ok user... kappukekky#1776
Mine a bit ago looked like this.but the background was yellow.
You know exactly where u have to go!!!!!!!
Mine at the moment.last change couple months ago.
Wallpaper engine variant 1 of 3, this one (grey) has moving rain in it, yellow have sparkles and green have some sort of fumes, im too lazy to show all 3 tho and they don't move anyways so w/e
As you wish. Just installed it after getting rid of solus, fairly good decision but I've want arch.
>inb4 distrohopping
*I've always wanted arch.
Also bump.
lol my therapist was a hippie on her 20's . she literally told me to "man up" and then started doing some retarded clapping thing (CBT). never again
She clapped your cock and balls to make you man up?
I take a new pic every time even though it never changes. Such is life of a brainlet.
my therapist makes fun of me and now this?
i hate you and your shitty macbook stupid fat tranny loser
Such is the life of a punching bag. I'm sure it will get better user.
Meany!... fat people do need to lose and regain weight
Here is my dumbass desktop pic. I have used this pic for like 7 years now.
Heck I have even changed computers twice and I still use this one.
had to fag the screenshot up a bit
also fuck speccy shit isnt right on half of the measurements
hi kappu
Never change hahaha.
Absolutely based. Me too.
It's okay myanee girl I am here
here is my desktop user , there is a bit of customization
heres mine, not much in terms of customization OSX has taught me to keep a clean desktop
I honestly prefer Manjaro over Arch. I think you made the right choice.
So far, in my experience psychologists have turned out to be quite the gormless stoners.
>league password
Dumb background. Invert the colours and fill up the remaining screen space with black.
This retro style is actually kind of nice.
I love that Simpsons background, but why the queen?
I like to keep a clean desktop. Running Ubuntu with XFCE if anyone was wondering.
I stole the background from an archfag from these threads, thanks dude.
My desktop is the coolest and none of u will get to see it. -Bump-
memejaro i3
are you doing ok user? im kinda worried about you
desktops are for holding icons
all your desktops are shit
ok cass
how are you self harm scars healing lmao
based as fuck user, rep the macfag tranner aesthetic!
get fucked Macfag
Sure thing OP, why not.
Oregano comment.
No particular reason, I just like her
fuck you
fuck you
kys wincuck
be sure to post a new desktop with neofetch!