>"ayo user, can i use yo notes real quick?"
What do?
"ayo user, can i use yo notes real quick?"
>yes but i need you to seal your anus with my mouth and give me your best braps for at least and hour first
No. And simply go back to studying
you can have my cummies too
ok if i can have a hug forst
Ayy girl these pickles are thicker than you are, wassup later
sure yeah just give them back when you're done
On phone and cant view webm so once I get on my computer I will make the decision.
*drop to knee*
*start touching legs
Your kind of thin for a black girl, dont you think?
>nigger trying to get something for free
Is it just me or do black women completely fail at being feminine?
kick her in her fucking nigger teeth and go back to studying
Only if you...
i want to be your little boi
shes pretty user. she is a person just like you and me. she says and does things she doesn't mean and makes mistakes and she is scared and wants to be accepted, she is cute and i want to hug her
>not feminine
nigga u gey
does she take fat poops?
please god give me a black gf, it's all I want
It's almost like different races have different ways of being feminine. Woah.
I dunno user. After extensive contact with the average black girl i can assure you most of them do not fit that description. Some of them do, but i cannot see the average one that way anymore.
why you ackin like we aint normal ass hoes user
lemme axe you a question, u raciss or sum? hmpfh
There are constants across races that indicate femininity. I honestly think it's her facial features more than anything.
Some people just have different Definition of femininity and attractiveness
>lemme axe you a question, u raciss or sum?
Can you please use proper grammar next post?
Wow user, that's some remarkable ebonics you picked up there. Are you from the south?
Why would you ruin black women when you people have Asian, Latina, Arab, Indian and "alternative" white girls at your disposal with zero standards towards you? We all know you're going to just pump and dump her because of the social consequences. The world is literally your oyster, so can you kindly take your 3 inchers somewhere else?
Yall white mfs aint on nun. Yall talm hard on here but irl you aint shit. lmao. Talm bout "i want a black gf" nigga we dont do that shit, lmao. Stay away from us you lil pink dick weird ass mfs. Go date asian hoes or some, idk. Leave us outta this.
Hahaha blackbot, us whitebots take what we want, and you can't do anything about it.
I would pump and dump the rest, but would actually be willing to start a family with a black woman who calls me baby.
t. Mexican
This, but unironically
Someone shoop the white hand of saruman onto her face.
Oh uhhh sorry I dont take notes, I've used this same notebook to look busy for years lmao
I am ashamed that i understood all that
Probably give her a little bit of light-hearted shit for it but eventually give her my notes to look at. Being nice to women isn't bad, but being too nice and doing things exactly as they ask because you're thirsty is.