How do I cure myself of hebephilia? Do I get a petite 20-something gf or do I just an hero?
Curing Hebephilia
>he puts himself onto the watchlist
haha say hi to chris hansen for me when you see him
Tbh just get a chick who looks really young but is over the age of consent.
Jerk off to pics of drawn hebe.
If she is 15+, only retards and feminists will try to make you feel guilty for being attracted to her.
Just dont be a creep, and try to date woman your/closer to your age. If dating apps have showed me something, is that classy 21-29 year old woman are usually the most attractive demographic.
I blame the fact that I had relationship with a young girl when I was 16. Been attracted ever since. Problem is that everyone else seems to like thicc busty women but I like short.
>haha say hi to chris hansen for me when you see him
>thinking hebephilia is even taken action against ever in a world where 15 year olds parctically posts nudes on instagram every day
Just realize that women are into the same shit and get a small age-appropriate gf, they all want to be daddy's little kitten
Being with 16+ is legal in most states anyway. It's weird that images are illegal. That being said, i would never be a creep and try to get with a girl under 18 (although I think I would make her very happy)
Realize that they're only appealing physically, but mentally they're insufferable when and where it matters. Having sex with a 14+ girl is ok if they want it, but dating one is just retarded.
>How do I cure myself of hebephilia?
You can't and you don't.
Naturally speaking, there is nothing wrong with being attracted with girls of that age, they are capable of reproduction.
Morally speaking, there is not a single thing inherently wrong with being attracted to them. There is also nothing inherently wrong with being in a relationship with one, so long as it is a genuine consensual thing. Problem with underage relationships is that minors can be coerced or mislead much easier than adults, but it's the coercion that's morally wrong, not the relationship itself.
Anyone that thinks it's sick or immoral to be attracted to 15+ age people is an ignorant retard, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Legally however, it's often best to just avoid trouble. The law is the way it is, precisely because of how hard it is to prove coercion, so it simply tries to discourage it completely. That being said, in many places, 16 is legal, just read up on the law, and be careful.
Good advice user. Thanks.
Just fap user im pretty good with kids and female teens. Even though i have sinful thoughts about them.
>tfw so good with kids that got an offer to work in a daycare
of course i rejected it would be weird(in this current year) for a man to work in a daycare
It's really easy, all you have to do is find a really attractive girl (age 12-15) and then fall in love with her and court her, take her places, do things with her, watch movies, talk, and more. You just do this until she becomes 18+ and as long as you stay attracted to her, you'll overcome your hebephilia
>that pic
Way too young. More like pic-related
see a therapist to work it out. no point in a relationship with any girl because you'll stop being attracted when she starts aging whatsoever.
that pic is from a movie you dumbo
>Curing Hebephilia
"Hebephilia" is perfectly normal, user. It was proposed and rejected from the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition).
>How do I cure myself of hebephilia?
What you're really asking is how to cope with modern laws created by cucked feminist legislatures. Back when men were in charge of themselves, they almost unanimously agreed the age of consent should be around 10 to 12 years old. Hebephilia is normal.
>Good advice user. Thanks.
You're welcome mate.
10 to 12 is straight up pedo, a lot of girls haven't even started their period by that age
>10 to 12 is straight up pedo
Wrong. Pedophilia is the primary or exclusive attraction to prepubescent children.
>Until the maturation of their reproductive capabilities, the pre-pubertal physical differences between boys and girls are the external sex organs. On average, girls begin puberty around ages 10-11 and end puberty around 15-17; boys begin around ages 11-12 and end around 16-17.
>Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent (early adolescent) children (especially those showing Tanner stages 2 to 3 of development), which is typically ages 11-14.
Girls peak at 9-13 honestly.
>ywn again have a high school gf
well its interesting you want to make a difference maybe showing some moral conscious or social fear either way its probably a good idea
yeah girls of 14 and stuff would often be getting married of and lots of our ancestors may have been young and have us even genetically this could be a good thing probably not the best tho and i imagine it would be quite a strain on what is still very much a child
but yeah its clearly a selfish fetish because you cant be sharing or repecting a person that is still at that age because well were fucking dumb and time at that age goes alot slower so even between the ages of 19 to 20 you change alot
its a shame you feel like this because its not really fair on anyone id say change your focus and find new associations of pleasure and also get out of your own head what get you heated is very different from sharing a moment with someone just find someone your happy with and im sure there will be chemistry
if that fails id suggest hypnosis i hear it can be extremely powerful but well done for realising your fetish isnt healthy for you or others and yes 20 year olds could be alot of fun
those laws seem like: fine as long as she's old enough that your penetration won't put her in hospital. they didn't care about consent.
this is about the age which its more likely than not she understands the sex act and its consequences. you think a 11 year old consents? i think under 16 is usually predation.
all this being said i was fucking about at this age and thought i was big shit but i dont know what the chances of you meeting a girl that would be intrested in you or an natural setting
how can i both find and become the bf of a girl like pic related?
Why could an 11 year old not understand sex acts? How dumb do you think 11 year olds are?
Nearly all countries in the world have an AOC of 14 or 15, including anti feminist countries like ones in the middle east and other parts of asia. It has to do with length of life expectancy going up over time, not feminism.
theres rudimentary understanding but i dont think there any sexual apatite at that age you would mentally scar them
dosnt make it acceptable sure 14 15 year olds are starting to knock about with each other but thats different to being sold to some creep
user that is around 5th grade elementary you know. Incredibly dumb.
girls like this dont want bfs they want loads of side hookups and drama and attention if you wanted to get an e girl you could just speak to them pick them up ect if there dumb and want sex youd probably be in luck but even if you was her age your on to a loss wanting to be a bf of a girl like that
There is literally, LITERALLY nothing wrong with finding teenage girls attractive. Why would you suddenly not find them attractive anymore.
Feel no shame op. The majority of men find 15 yos sexually attractive. They just don't say anything because of social stigma
Majority of women are insufferable. If men didn't want to fuck them, most wouldnt give them the time of day.
yeah but most men know the respociblity to leave them alone and let them live there own life
think about it when your young you hang around with kids your age and capacity then as you grow up the brackets change entering a childs world like that dosnt make any mental sense
can you post this but in english
That's exactly why they should date someone older and help guide them through life.
Again not talking about manipulation or anything like that.
they have their parents for that. they are literal children, fucking creep
nah mate figure it out
what 14 year old is going to listen to your advice anyway
Petite gf is the way to go bro. My gf is 4'11" 86 lbs. She looks 12. She can still fit into her underwear she wore when she was 10. Just don't bring up the petite thing and like her for her personality. She wears my 2x shirts like a nightgown.
>2x shirts like a nightgown.
I love smol girls so much... i tried having sex with a tall girl once, it was awfull. Never again.
Btw, "hebephilia" or whatever fancy name the pedo wants to use, you should go anhero man... having desires for children is just bad.
You do realise in Europe 14 is the common age of consent? hell even until 2017, Spain (a country in Europe) had the age of consent set to 13
Smol girls need love too user
Just get a petite gf your age
And if youre ever attracted to a high school girl, just try talking to one LOL thatll cure you
>How do I cure myself of hebephilia?
Being attracted to fertile females is perfectly natural. You are only a hebephile if you are attracted exclusively to pubescent females and not post-pubescent females.
>She can still fit into her underwear she wore when she was 10
I have an erection.
How old are you? Also yes petite 20 year old best option
it still assumes that people would have sex with people close to their age, it just acknowledges that teenagers fuck each other sometimes. it wasn't made so like 40 year olds could fuck high schoolers
I'm same height and weight got scared reading this post lol
we want to fuck you
I already have a bf tho. He's 6'8 and 6 years older, could easily pass as my dad. We roleplay as if I'm 10. He's my first and only partner. Keep your hopes high and give smol girls love.
Post self origigihinvg
>Spain (a country in Europe)
Who the fuck doesn't know that?
i want to hurt you you filthy degenerate scum your not 10 i hope you get put on the sex offenders register as the paedophile you are and you loose your family your job and your home
your fantasy isnt real in the real world child sexual abuse victims have a fate worse then death hurt yourself your an idiot
Rot in hell you degenerate
this is unironically and originally my dream
Nothing wrong with being attracted to teens. They usually are capable of looking the same way as adults.
Whatever you do, do not look at this picture and imagine banging all these hot qt's.
Don't do it, you perv.
Im 18, in my state i could legally fuck these girls, and even im not into them
Its like you dont even watch chris hansen or any other faggot who catches 'predators' if you tried to meet a girl ubder 18 for any reason your head would get jumped on by vigilantes
They teach sex ed before that you dumb roast and if you dont know what sex is by 11 you are prob in the sped class
The dissonance in this post would be hilarious if he wasn't being serious
By asking women to stop living it large like vapid cunts and making themselves look like they hit the wall at age 20 and like they are middle age by the time they are 30
The reason there are so many hebephiles and the like today is because of the reduced sexual dimorphism caused by a modern way of life. It's natural for a man to want to be bigger, stronger and more masculine than his mate. But today's grown women are all masculinized - they go to work, they swear and talk about how much they like fucking, many are fat and have tattoos. And at the same time men are smaller and weaker than they used to be. As a result men subconsciously feel that they must compensate for this loss of masculine-feminine contrast by seeking mates that are younger and therefore smaller, weaker and more innocent.
If you can't set correct boundaries, any relationship doesn't work. You need to show that you won't hesitate to stand your ground at any time, and won't let bitching go on. That's it. Women are sufferable.
Most men are hebephiles though, they just decide to obey the law. It would only be strange if everyone suddenly became a pedophile.
that's illonka a fat chilena who makes covers of anime and had 3 abortions
that has sense, look at japan men are basically female with short hair and they are obsessed with lolis
Probably wouldnt have happened if she got married when she was a virgin.
Thats an interesting theory but for me it is definitely due to experience during my sexual development. I was sexually active when I was 16 with a girl who was around that age and psychologically I feel a need to relive that experience.
>I was sexually active when I was 16
You and 3 billion others, mate. Either were all hebephiles or its something else.
>lost virginity to a 5'0 thicc 19yo qt who looked 16
Feels great, man.