are guys who are still virgins in there 20's honestly okay with it? one of my friends acts happy about like he dosnt give two shits about
Are guys who are still virgins in there 20's honestly okay with it...
I'm 21, a virgin and pretty okay with it. I had chances in school and college to get girlfriends and always turned them down. It's too much effort and my hand gets the job done.
no, they aren't okay with it. however it does not necessarily mean they will go about moping around like a sad sack of shit spilling their faggot feels to anybody who'll listen
22 so not that old but I'm totally fine with being a virgin. I don't think it's ever been something I've worried about. Probably a different story at 35 though.
19 and honestly i never really cared about being a virgin
but i cant get it up anymore anyway so who cares eh
I'm fine with it but I'm probably an odd case, I really have no libido
I'm 29 and a virgin, not bothered a bit by it. I've had 15 years to figure out how I was gonna live my life without sex and I've long since come to terms with it. It's really not a big deal.
I'm 25 & the last 2 times I've had a women touching me down there I went flacid.
24 user here, if I don't find someone by 30 I'm just accepting that I'll be a gross crazy uncle to a couple of nieces and nephews then die. Nice
21, not okey, buk I already accepted life as a wizard, I almost lost it a year ago with a special person, but at the end I was just a game for her, lost all my confidence.
28 and I literally don't give a shit, I think I might be legitimately asexual.
22 here, not ok at all fuck this gay earth
A friend of mine is ok with it while I've become a sex obsessed degenerate.
I don't really care about it.
23 and I am seriously not okay with it. However I used to bitch and whine about it to my friends but it really just makes you feel worse because of course it doesn't change anything.
It doesnt bother me much in and of itself. I am just afraid I will be alone forever or that my one life will be wasted.
21, i care even if sometimes i pretend i don't.
How do i stop caring bros?
Essentially saying that it doesn't matter to me and I am alright with that.
20 here, still adapting to the speed up in time. I can't believe how fast everything is going now... I still mistake myself for being 18, but no, two years have traveled in the blink of an eye. I can't believe we're in 2019, I've written the wrong year on HW and other assignments recently. Everything is speeding up for no reason, why? And how do I slow it down?
If you're here and a virgin past the age of 20 most of your good life is wasted. Unless you think you can get your ''''''first love''''''' at the age of 30+ and it will feel like the genuine thing you should've experienced 15 years sooner
I was voluntarily a virgin until 25 and I don't regret waiting for the right person. I'm a woman though. Why are men so obsessed with wanting to lose it as quickly as possible?
I'm 29 and I'm fine. I've had the opportunity to have sex with at least two women, one of them beautiful, and turned them down for various reasons. Looking forward to my wizard powers.
Post vagina with timestamp or gtfo
>projection the post
duuurrr if your life doesn't go exactlyl like how i imagined it in my fantasy then its all wasted and for nothing
COPE harder
Im only 20. i used to identify as incel, but I stopped feeling sorry for myself when I realized that it's a choice and I like the choice I made. My choice is that I think socializing is disgusting and I'd rather be a solitary autist. I'd rather stay in my comfort zone. I'm just following my gut
That's called relativity my friend, and it will only get worse. In simplest terms, time appears to move faster as you experience more time.
at literally any point in time i can walk down town and pick up a hooker, my virginity has absolutely no value to me at all and my heart goes out to all incels who lack this enlightenment.
I am
I'm in no rush to soooo I just go about not caring about it
I'm 35. Not really bothered. Your libido tapers off, and there's porn. Plus I don't have to deal with the issues of a girlfriend, or STDs.
That being said, many of my friends seem to have very functional relationships.
And, a word of advice for you guys in your early twenties - if you wanna turn it around, do it now. Your age group still has a large quantity of single women.
At my age, it's socially much harder to date women in their early twenties. The women in my age are married, wrinkled (yeah I refuse to lower my standards, deal with it), or divorced with two kids. The only ones left single have some serious issues.
>fucking an AIDS ridden whore with a thick condom is the same as the genuine experience
Lmao, yeah bro you have potential to be a normie any time you want you just can't be bothered haha
>The only ones left single have some serious issues.
right, and you don't, 35 year old virgin Jow Forums guy
i dont give a shit about the genuine experience, or becoming a normie. i will never be emotionally attracted to a woman anyways.
Not him, single at 35 for a man means ugly/awkward most or the time, single for a woman means batshit crazy, but don't take my word for it, enjoy your false rape accusation or punctured condom yourself.
mate I accepted that it would never happen for me when I was 12. I saw how different I was from everyone else. Anyway, by now the idea of actual intimacy with someone else seems completely absurd. As though it would have to be a different person having the experience. Oh well, maybe I'm a cautionary tale, but I'm reasonably content, all things considered.
aren't you also wrinkled? probably a lot worse than they are? hypocritical
But you could've been had you not had a shitty upbringing and hadn't become a bitter broken faggot. Doesn't really sound like choice or enlightnemet to me.
im 27 and a kv. the thought of having sex is such a foreign concept to me that honestly, i really dont even think about it. i dont really get upset over not having sex or a girlfriend. what makes me miserable is just not having friends, and not having them for literally like over 10 years. without friends you dont have the slightest iota of a chance at getting any girl interested in you anyway. i make no effort to even tlak to anyone let alone women beucase of how humiliated i am about my worthless pathetic life.
>Why are men so obsessed with wanting to lose it as quickly as possible?
>Why are men worried about being undesired in a era where women fuck 20% of men
>defending post wall roasties on this board
The absolute state of this shithole, holy fuck. Neck yourself you crab.
I just want a girl to hug me and say she loves me
Women aren't capabile of love, get blackpilled you fag
lol I still think of myself as "just out of college" and I haven't set foot in a university in over 7 years
i dont mind, i just feel intense despair when i get horny and start thinking about it, 90% of the time my wish to be with a girl revolves more around cuddles and love
33 here. It bothered me in my mid to late twenties because I was forced to acknowledge that I was a severely defective person in some way. However with time that feeling has gone away as I've come to understand that I would not be happy with a partner. The distress was in trying to conform to people that I just don't match well with. I was born to be solitary.
Men age a loooot better than women. This dude is 43 and not a model
I'm okay with being a virgin but not with the loneliness that accompanies it. Some people really dont give a shit about it tho so hes probably honest
I know 25 yr old men who are balding and wrinkling already. It depends on genetics, not gender
>Never had sex with a woman
Have had plenty of dudes but never a woman, which is funny because I have a reputation as a womanizer.
ok, but how do you know me though? Wtf?
I doubt you aged all that well, especially since you're very likely white, aka the fastest aging race
>But you could've been had you not had a shitty upbringing and hadn't become a bitter broken faggot.
maybe. i could be a loser and desire these things and suffer for it, or i could just not care and be content with my life. im pretty ok with where im at and a lot of people here cant say the same.
should be balkan not yugoslavian, yugoslavian deosnt mean that much anymore, specialy in exyu countries
I'm a 26 year old virgin and I'm okay with it but that's probably because I despise being around people and find humans extremely disgusting
24, KV, I try not to think about it, causes major anxiety
I'm OK with it. I've been told that I'm moderately attractive (rated usually around 7 or 7.5 out of 10) and live in a college town, so I could probably get some pussy easily using tinder. Not that interested, though. I'm 22.
He's polish meaning all those 15 kinds of asian and europeans,a euro hapa cross.
I'm 35 and I have the opposite problem no money, uneducated/stuck in dead end jobs can't move out(Third time movin back in with parents).
I'll be 20 soon and I don't find shame in having not spent my first time with someone I don't care about.
I'm 39 and concur with everything this guy just said.
If you're still in your 20s try doing something about it now because it doesn't get easier the older you get.
That is, unless you LIKE single moms and cat ladies.
28 and pretty much stopped caring. just have a fap session once or twice a week to lower horny levels
Think about it you mong it's gonna be like that for the rest of your life and it's only gonna get worse. Will you do something or will you perish like a dog ?
Damn, son. Why are you still here ? You could have a kid in college by now.
Im 25 and no im very not ok with it, but lifes a bitch, what can you do about it.
Stop trying to convince people you faggots, either they come to the realization themselves, or they don't. It's pointless to try to do motivation through anger.
Ik a 30 black gay virgin. He's my bro and when he's around me the wizard title is an honor to him lol. As for me, I lost mine to an ugly fat chick at 15 :/
Btw he's a decent, soft spoken human. So y'all can rule out the creepy-shitty factor if assumed
I've got like 20 matches on Tinder right now and a handful of other women I know who I could get if I really cared to lose it that badly. Do I sound like somebody who's bothered by it?
>fucking an AIDS ridden whore with a thick condom
So you mean finding a 'meaningul relationship' in the post-modern context?
I'm 24, it used to bother me a lot, but it doesn't really anymore.
I've dated around, but nothing really went anywhere, I legitimately don't know how to / too nervous to romantically escalate. Though, I think this is down to the fact that I have phimosis and I'm petrified that it'll hurt too much if I did try to have sex... but I'd rather kill myself than get circumcised.
I feel increasingly emotionally castrated at this point in my life, I just never thought I'd actually be in this position.
I'm 21. It's alright. I'd much rather physical affection to sex but I'm too broken to even think about subjecting someone to a relationship with me.
It does bother me. And not just because i want sex but more because it is a symptom of my inability to form intimate relationships with others. Something is very wrong with me and i wish it wasn't this way. I dont see a way to fix it and my time is running out.
I'm 32 and still virgin. What can I do? I just observe life at this point.
Same here. I've tried to just ignore it but every time I remember it, it just reminds me that there are so many things wrong with me as a person and that bothers me more so than the actual lack of sex.
25 virgin here.
You either dwell on it and let it the misery consume you, or you grow past it and just give up entirely.
There came a point for me when I just stopped caring about it so much, and realised that me still being a KHV was down to my own choices and lifestyle more than anything, and that I was not willing to drastically change that lifestyle and try to be someone I'm not just to get my dick wet.
That's so interesting
I'm 22 and I'm intensely angry and jealous of my peers. I wish I could go back in time and pummel my classmates
I just turned 20. I was religious up until 19 until I no longer believed even wanting to so badly for it to be true. When I finally "came to" I realized that I had absolutely 0 actual dating experience because all the dates I had were courtship and really religious and weird. I'm pretty okay with it but itd be nice if I met a lady friend.
>virgins in your 20s
fucking amateurs
come back when you're still a virgin at 30
I'm 22 and khv. it's whatever, you get used to it especially if you were expecting to live like this since you were in middle school. I was always too weird and different for the other kids, it was never a possibility in the first place. drugs are a nice cope too
I can see this as 32. Yep, it's all downhill from here.
Might as well die alone.
27 and still a virgin. It's fucking torture. I am sexually frustrated and don't enjoy anything anymore. Everyone gets laid but not me. I am pissed off and the only thing that keeps me calm is weed. Fuck this life
I'm 23 and I still don't understand why people care so much about it at all.
>go to work
>sexy interns everywhere wearing dresses and skirts and shit
>go to the gym
>gym thots in spandex and yoga pants flaunting their pussies at you
>go to the market
>beautiful young girls working the registers as their summer job
>go out literally anywhere
>young couples all over the place
It really is torture, and there is no escape.
> ctrl-f prostitute
> ctrl-f escort
0 results. Unless you live in Saudi Arabia or the US, there is no reason to be a virgin past 25.
I just wish I fucked this hot Columbian hooker earlier, it did so much good things for my self esteem and cured my autism.
Only incels care about their virginity.
>Paying sex
>For a human toilet
>Is proud of it
That's what pathetic losers who can't get laid does. I want to attract girls. I don't want to pay a disgusting whore. You are simply pathetic and nothing else
im fucking 20 and a virgin and you know what i care but i dont care that much, because i know that one day i will lose my virginity to a beatiful grill
> attracting girls
If you don't have the right genetics, then you can forget about it.
Well, I've been a wizard for almost 1.5 years and am happy with it! UwU
no you wont.And neither will I. Explain exactly how are you going to do this?
This isn't a feels thread bro
The pain... its why i dont leave the house much anymore.. friends... couples.. families everywhere. I cannot bear it.
I'm not sad I'm a virgin, I just want to relate to someone and find it impossible to
I do care a small bit, but it's just unrealistic to spend your whole life thinking about it
Becoming obsessive won't bring you any closer to getting it, it will just stop you enjoying your life for what it is, and make you go off the rails like Rodge
t. non hateful, happy robot
I'm not sad about it, because I never even considered it a possibility
I wouldn't know, lost mine at 15
I don't really care either way. If there's a woman that wants to deal with me not liking being touched due to trauma then I'll probably end up losing my V-card. But if not, then I'm ok with that.
>I've had 15 years to figure out how I was gonna live my life without sex and I've long since come to terms with it.
Absolute autism. Why did you not use those 15 years to try and get laid? Fall in love? Have a family? You're retarded and deserve your loneliness desu completely wasted potential
that's probs right
I have never fucked a whore but can guarantee you that it is not as good as finishing inside a qt lifeguard after she begged for your raw cock