Logically defend living in a cold climate

logically defend living in a cold climate

>worst feeling in the world
>on days its 85 i can still go for walks and go outside even if i sweat my balls off
>in the winter not i or anyone else walks around or takes long walks
>instantly cooled down perfectly tempature
>can just sit outside or go for a walk
>when its 90 degrees i can just sit on my friends porch and drink beer
>on cold days i cant even look outside or go outside or do anything
>its fucking MISERABLE just to walk to my mailbox or to a car
>have to warm up car for 10 minutes
>every day is walk out to the car, shovel fucking snow, throw on your hat gloves mittens coat sweaters extra coat boots pants extra pants extra socks
>still cold
>first thing in the morning is shovel fucking snow while a fucking -30 degree wind hits your face and fucking snow blows everywhere
>have to drive on icey roads risk dying and people always die
>no fresh air
>even if you go outside you smell nothing but chimney smoke no trees and everyone has their stupid fucking stoves maxed out
>track water every time you come inside boots always wet as fuck get snow in your socks
>literally 7 months without fresh air
>cant even open the door for 5 seconds have to instantly close it shut and you cant even have one draft of wind inside
>in the summer literally all you have to do is push the button on an ac
>get hot dump some water on your face get sweaty take a 5 minute shower
>only have to wear shorts and a shirt or hoodie and jeans
>no vitamin d defiency
>fresh air
>can grow your own fruits and vegetables

i hate god. i fucking hate anyone that lives here.

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no normalfags in nunavut

Hello DUI blackanon, how are you holding up? Is god doing anything to stop you these days?

of course he is. when is he not? just more and more shit more and more torture perfectly timed and orchestrated events around me making my life my own personal hell while god stays up there laughing at me making my life even more shit with more shit

I fucking hate god I fucking hate just laying here powerless I want to fucking attack god back

Why don't you become a vampire like most of us? When the time comes we will fight against him.

you're a bitch, cold is infinitely preferable to hot, put on some extra layers you pussy and stop being such an insufferable fucking normalfag

I WANNA BE FUCKING WARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

N-niganon calm down

In the winter, there are less people. Meaning, there are less people who talk, coax, harass, notice, bother, or EXIST in your vicinity. It's wonderful.
If you just get the right gear (long johns, hiking socks, duck boots, down jacket) you can be warm--nay, downright COZY--in the coldest of temperatures.
>owning a car in 2019
>owning property to shovel in 2019
I walk a mile when it's snowing at sunrise or sunset and have a blast
Frozen garbage in the alleys doesn't smell whereas the scent of steamed shit is ever-present

t. resident of Chiberia

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dude theres no one outside because its too fucking cold. only like 10% of the population likes the cold like that and im not them. 40 degrees kills me. fuck this 10 degree bull shit

I love living in a cold climate. Get to snuggle under lots of blankets at night, enjoy hot showers and saunas year round, always a good time for soup and hot toddies. I hate the heat, it's why I went north.

>logically defend living in a cold climate
I was born and raised in southern Arizona. Heat sucks ass. I like snow. I'm moving to someplace with snow one of these days.

Hot climates fucking suck. I'm moving north as soon as I can

well yeah thats a hot fucking fireball shithole. move some place thats slightly colder like socal or by the ocean. if you really have do Oregon or some shit do NOT come to the northeast

Heat brings out teenagers and wasps which I hate way more than anything you listed.
If you own a car then yeah snow suck ass. I don't.
Probably somewhere there is a rly cold place where snow is rare.


niggers don't like the cold

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>like socal
I'd rather live in death valley. My guns, my knives, my swords would all be illegal, and I'd have to deal with even more mexicans, and about a million homosexuals.
The Iowa and the Planes of Fame Museum is cool though.

Put on a fucking sweater and stop complaining

>no shitskins
And that's it

literally none of it is enough and i need to cover literally every inch of my skin 24/7 and im still dry fucking itchy and cold. right now im in fucking flip flops a hoodie and shorts. i fucking hate the cold. and i fucking hate the lack of fresh air. today i went on a fucking mile long nature walk and rode my bike.

Kill your self nigger its not because your black its because you broke the law like a fucking nigger degenerate

>dry skin
how have you survived this long?

that was god


>best feeling in the world
>If it's hot I can't run without sweating my balls off
>In the winter I can run completely alone, in silence
>white rolling hills and naked complex branches of hibernating trees
>Feeling cold >>> feeling warm
>Can lay in the snow or go anywhere, with no other people around
>Get to feel cozy in front of heater or fire if I get too cold
>Have excuse to not drive and can walk to the local store instead
>Can go out into the wood or a park and breathe in fresh clean cold air, with no one else around to pollute the experience
>Walk barefoot on cozy carpet right after coming inside
>To get warm all I have to do is push the button on the heater and sit next to it
>Get cold, take a warm shower
>Get to wear big cozy cute winter clothes to cover up my disgusting body
>Vitamin supplements
>Can eat snow to surpress hunger to appease my eating disorder

I once heard someone say that if it's cold you can put more clothes on, but if it's hot there's only so much you can take off

I FUCKING love the cold dude. You obviously don't like the cold, so a cold environment is not for you.

oh great, this attention whore again
what did you do now? Run over a family while on meth?

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As someone who has lived back and forth between Utah, Arizona, and Texas for their entire life, I can honestly say to you without any hesitation: boo fucking hoo.

Get inside, stay warm and comfy
>45 degrees Celsius of death
Wish for a more painless death