Why do you think wh*te bois get so emotional when they're confronted with their lack of strength and martial prowess? Just look at him at the end, he's S E E T H I N G
Why do you think wh*te bois get so emotional when they're confronted with their lack of strength and martial prowess...
Because crackers arent the people getting into gang wars
Wrestling is very fun to watch, thanks for sharing user!
Why are Wh*te people so pussy lol
The top powerlifter and white men.
Nice try nigger.
imagine two ripped grecian dudes doing this
just rippling with muscle from army training, all oiled up and deadass naked. hmm
>t.white guy.
Comment is original.
Go back to pol, this place is not for racial discussions. Or did they btfo with redpills so you come here to get a victory out of the discussion?
It was a thinly veiled wrestling thread. Having racial differences gets replies 100% guarenteed
i guess you're the epitom of black masculinity as a loser suburbanite geek sitting on r9k in mom's basement? get a life
>be scrawny socially inept greasy loser
>be sitting on r9k
>in mom's basement
>try to act like I'm the epitom of masculinity
just spread your ass cheeks black boy
Yeah, there a biological differences between races. Ever wondered why nigs can run good while they are no black scientist. What you want to prove with the treat?
Because unlike you niggers we're more civilized, we'll just shoot you instead of this throwing hands nonsense.
Well, the video in the OP came down to milliseconds and I wanted to share it with you guys. VIDEO SPOILER:if the white guy had won I would have been like "black bois get BTFO LOOOOOL"
>t.Gay stormweenies who watch bbc cuck porn
Sure you aint op trying to shill
you say that but you're sitting here as a loser like the rest of us you can atleast try to put some creative effort into your low IQ bait threads
Folkstyle wrestling is part of white culture. The greeks did it, the romans did it, they do it in Oklahoma and Ohio. What's wrong with wrestling?
I'm not fully convinced that English is your first language.
Niggers are good at fight cuz our brain needs shittones of energy. Look at smarty people, they are allways skinny af. Niggers get mor muscle cuz the brain of them dont need not as much energy cuz they are low iq subhumans. Every combat with weapons blacks gtfo cuz they got sticks while we got guns.
It aint. Still wont hold me back dropping these mf redpills my son
Judo is not Jow Forums you fucking retard.
But racial debates are.
zoomer neet sitting in mommy's basement thinks they're alpha solely because they're black
Oh shit, you're right, my bad. Then how about we have a grappling thread?
I will now leave your threat. Pls be a nigger somewhere else
White guy is too low and too focused on going for the legs. Black guy is aware of this and is controlling the distance to keep the white guy from grabbing his legs. Notice that the black guy didnt attempt any take downs, he is focused on not getting his legs grabbed.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, bootlicker
Didn't he need to though? He got put on the shot clock a couple times. It's like he was given the ultimatum "shoot or you lose the match"
There are weight classes in wrestling
If a wh*teboy were to ever come with that type of shit towards me I would knock his ass out silly.
He could have gone for the arm when the black guy put his hand out, but he was too focused on going for the legs, probably for the reason you said.youtu.be
post your dox if you're so tough black boy
Where you at c*mskin? Tell me where you live and we talk face to face.
I'l give you my geocordinates and area code first i want you to deliver
Yeah, because you're going to go fight him? You're just going to send him stupid shit in the mail.
why do you jackasses fall for this ridiculously obvious bait?
They shouldn't do this. What a retarded twist to the thread.
But just imagine the UFC taking up two wristlet virgins for a freakshow MMA match. They throw silly, wild punches and shout "fuck BBC!" and "fuck whitey!"
white people are very low iq
1099 Marcus Drive, Greater Sudbury, ON P3B 4K6, Canada
Latitude: 46.499585 | Longitude: -80.947755 come meet me after work I bet your bitch ass won't even show
This wh*teoids make the human race look bad with thier below average iq.
Guys, you should actually watch this one. Bo Nickal is out of his fucking mind against someone who could wipe the floor with any of us.
Lol wh*teboi scared.You know I would beat that ass on sight give me your address coward.
come and get me then gimme your full dox if you're so tough
>tries to act tough
>won't even deliver any dox material
I'll fight you wh*teboi.Ima beat the the living dogshit out of you do you hear?
7 Eyre St N, Sudbury, ON P3C, Canada come get me :^)
Daily reminder that the white man's days are numbered.He is being displaced at a rapid pace and will soon be a minority in his own country.When that day comes we will make them our slaves.Thats right,one day you are gonna pick MY cotton dumb wh*teoid.
you ain't gonna do shit user
I doubt some fat obese greasy neckbeard with health problems sitting on r9k in his mom's basement is gonna be much of a threat to the white race user
oh no out numbered by scrawny black twinks too scared to leave mommy's basement ! whatever will i do?
>t.internet tough guy
LMFAO I would beat the dog shit outta you wh*teoid and that's not a threat that's a promise.
prove it tough guy
you won't do shit
why should he be scared of some basement dwelling scrawny black twink that's too scared to post their dox ? he's probably got something to back it up clearly you don't
give him your dox i wanna see a black twink get creampied