stop being a Ioser virgin.
Stop being a Ioser virgin
Im trying Ma'am
well, apparently you're not trying hard enough.
Dxm feels a lot better than your used up non virgin roast beef sandwich you call a pussy lmao.
I'm really, really trying, user. W-we're all gunna make it, right?
as long as you put in the effort, you'll make it.
Only to an anime girl.. o wait
>non virgin roast beef sandwich
not like you're gonna get any better anyway
Do you have the original pic without the writing?
the original pic still has the writing, just in japanese.
>losing virginity
Lmao, never happened.
I literally don't know a single woman besides my mother, grandmother, and my 60 year old coworkers.
I gave up on that
Tell me how to cope with this I stead
OK, I'll become a successful virgin then.
>tfw no laid back casual gyaru who takes your virginity for fun
Maybe it has to do something with me being 36 years old
>ywn have sweaty post-sex cuddles with a gyaru
how to find a slut who gets off of taking virginity of a beta loser?
shut the fuck up bitch im gonna keep jacking off to big titty anime girls. also what do you even define as a "loser"? does fucking a girl automically give you a divine revelatrion and elevate your social status to a chad? sounds like BULLSHIT to me
please replace the anime girl with a cute twink thank you
how about you replace your brain with a 12ga slug, faggot?
nah, i'm good. thanks for the offer though user