I dont understand how emo kids can be depressed when they have perfect hair...

I dont understand how emo kids can be depressed when they have perfect hair, listen to higly dopaminergic music and have friends who are close to them.

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they just straight their hair, and its mostly a fashion thing

attention and a hair straightener is all you need to pretend to be depressed and angsty.

Were you not alive whenthat shit trend was popular? It was literally just rich kids who wanted to pretend to be edgy so they stocked up at hot topic and made their moms drop them off at the mall to meet up with their friends

They're not actually depressed, they're just on their prescribed drugs.

I was actually but i dont stare at kids at the mall so i wouldnt know

You'd know they weren't actually sad if you were sentient when it was popular 10 years ago, are you 14?

Currently i am 37 years old and dont know anything about kids or modern culture because i dont consume visual media

Why would a 37 year old randomly make a thread about a dead mall trend from the 00s

Because i like emo music and find the bois cute so want to know more about these people in hopes that i can get an emo boyfriend

they're not actually depressed? Fucking duh?

i'm way younger than this hag, emo boys date me

what bands do you like op?
please be a woman

woah, this thread suddenly became way more creepy

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because their entire ethos is based on their physical appearance. that's already proof positive someone isn't actually depressed. if you put THAT much effort into looking a certain way, clearly you have some amount of confidence facing the world dressed like a svelte faggot.

That's not true I am emo and have no friends.Im just depressed and stay home all day.

B-but im a guy!
Asking alexandria, from first to last, motionless in white and three days grace. Im more into DSBM but i also listen to and make emo music.

Every emo kid I knew in the 2000s was normie as fuck. It was a fashion choice more than the actual lifestyle of being mentally ill. Most emos were either bipolar or borderline if anything, the rest just faked depression and only cut for attention.

>t. Hot Topic goth that wanted to be scene/emo but got rejected by scene/emo kids for being 2weird4them

They don't even like horror movies or books, they just listen to music all day and do drugs.

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Borderline what? Borderline gaaaaaay!

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Im sorry so many people here interacted with posers but real emo are not like this.Most of us didn't even talk to anyone we just went to school and did our thing.We get laughed at and made fun of , bullied and just take it and vent off the frustrations back home.

>tfw no emo gf (female)

Why do normalfags use this word so often? Its pretty annoying

goths were always more interesting then emo, but maybe i'm saying this because goth was not a trend anymore when emo was, maybe emos now are like what the goths were
so every loser is a real emo?

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It's true, people pretend to be emo cause they like the aesthetic not because they align with emo mindset.Not that the trend is dead, it is very rare to find emo people but we exist.

are you an emo boy (male)?

>mfw 10 years ago was a 19yo emo, straightened hair, tight jeans, striped hoodie, spider bites, bunch of emo friends that all pretended we were depressed/unique, frequented Hot Topic/Spencers/Zumies, and listened to MCR before they were cool
Take me back to those bad times I miss ;_; Things are actually shitty now, I want to go back

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the most prime, ideal emo boy: sasuke uchiha. you can't prove me wrong.

baste trollposter

I think there's a lot of overlap.Most emo kids would be considered losers since the normies reject them.I think we are all in the outcast category.

just the hair, skinny jeans, and music. i listen to other stuff too

you sound perfect i will be your emo gf (female).....

but isn't the fashion/music part of it more important? its a trend that developed its characteristics because people were trying to fit in, while the "outcasts" category have no characteristic other than being a loser

this dabi cosplayer is the ideal man...

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Pic related is me
I need an emo/goth egf rn

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[email protected]

Because materialism will never make up for human connection and they're deeply lonely inside