Play games with a few guys for 4 years

>play games with a few guys for 4 years
>one of them is NEET like me
>chat all day and nights on game chat
>ghost them
You ever ghost people?
You been ghosted?

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yeah 1 guy we had nice friendship for like 3~ years as well & I just ghosted him. Feels bad, man.

Why would u ghost people?

when will gunjy stop shitting up my board with his incredible incel behavior?

Almost everyone I talk to is here, so to ghost them, I often have to push them away from this place.

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why did you ghost him if you would feel bad?
>Why would u ghost people?
they got boring.
You wouldn ot keep playing a game or watching an anime if it was boring would you?

>when will gunjy stop shitting up my board with his incredible incel behavior?
I rarely make recognizable posts and threads except for today.
Was just bored
>Almost everyone I talk to is here, so to ghost them, I often have to push them away from this place.
Not the same, when you ghost people tehy get all upset because
>i thought we were friends

I ghosted you yeah

Well, I'm an open book, more or less. Everyone knows who I am, but people still befriend me and I end up having to hurt some of them, even though that's never my actual intention.

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>They got boring
That doesn't mean you have to ghost them lmao
Do you think it's cool to ghost people or something cringe boy

people here are losers.
Hurting people gets boring.
>That doesn't mean you have to ghost them lmao
wait, when people are boring to interact with you just continue to talk to them?
What do you get out of it?

Of course you ghost people when they are boring

I get out of it by simply just lessoning my time hanging out with them. And in doing that, you remain in contact and on good terms. You never know when they can come in handy

I'm a loser myself. I get called pathetic here very often. But I don't hurt good people on purpose or for fun. I'm not like that.

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I burn every friendship I'm in to the fucking ground. For 25 years there isn't a single one that hasn't ended in a solid ghosting desu. I'm actually a pretty shit person, but oh well. I'm fucked up so maybe that's enough of an excuse.

Yeah I've ghosted most people that I became friends with. It's not really a big deal.

>hurt good people on purpose
Different user but I don't ghost people intentionally just to hurt them, I do it because I no longer feel a connection with them and ghosting them is the easiest way to go about it.

My only friends ghosted me recently.

Don't hold any resentment user as it likely was not personal. They probably just had their own life to take care of and they didn't see you in their future.

Lol. This person is fucking stupid. They've been damaged their whole lives to the point where they've never actually learned how to end a relationship like a healthy adult. Yeah I've been ghosted by people, but it's usually for the best because it's a sign of emotional immaturity.

Who hurt you?

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You sound bitter as fuck bro lol

Its weird, we were all close, then they just... stopped. Life is getting worse and worse, only light right now is being on vacation.

You won't escape Megumin.

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Use that deflection reflex ro preserve your ego. Of course everyone has had their feelings hurt by someone ghosting. Doesn't change the fact that there are super easy and emotionally mature ways to handle them normally. If you find your self ghosting regularly, it's likely a sign that you are the problem. A lot of people have a hard time accepting that, so they lash out and call anyone "bitter" who calls them out for their behavior.

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lol sucks to be you if you're too boring not to be ghosted
get some skillz playa

You just keep deflecting the questions that seem to get at you. If two people don't fit together, it doesn't mean either is flawed necessarily.

>says as he has to resort to using alt accounts to get people to chat with
>later says hes not lonely

my alts were for fucking with people.

A pre collapse society that behaves pathologically

Youre a schizzy

ghosting hurts and it's the reason I never try to make friends anymore. so thanks a lot jerks

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I had a big group of friends that I knew irl and played games with and ghosted them all out of the blue because of a mental breakdown, I just want to be alone now.

You and me are the same user. We are one.

I wish I could make friends.
I cannot empathize but I purposely got people close to me only to abandon them for fun.
If that happened to me I would not feel to good.

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Are you a sociopath or what

I ghost a chick if she isn't interested in me. Like, why should i be friends with some stuck up slut who thinks shes too good for me? Thats what they have gay friends for, a shoulder to cry on and use for mundane favors.

>Im not lonely
>I wish I could make friends.

>No one knows the real me cuz epic mask
>I wish I could make friends.

You fucking dumbass

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Duh, this faggot is gonna end up killing himself in a few years when r9k is dead.

>Are you a sociopath or what
docs say clster B with ASPD, I shy away from those labels beause edgy people.

>>Im not lonely
>>I wish I could make friends.
I rarely make friends and I obsess over making them happy, but never trust them.
I may have one I trust,

>You wouldn ot keep playing a game or watching an anime if it was boring would you?
What kind of sociopathic level of retardness should you fall down to become like this?
People aren't commodities or items only worth for using them then discarding them.
If the relationship get stale, you could either yourself find a way to make it not boring anymore or if you're a lazy piece of shit, just tell them the truth and give your farewell to the lads.
No wonder most fags here can't bond with people.
That's why I only have irl friends.

>I rarely make friends and I obsess over making them happy, but never trust them.
>obsess over making them happy,
>but never trust them.
>I may have one I trust,
you sound more and more like aiste with each post

I ghost a lot of girls I match with on Tinder, what tends to happen is I will have a few numbers I text at night before work but as the day gets busy the next day the most boring or least attractive ones I stop responding to.

Fortunately they rarely if ever hold a grudge and I have matched with some of the same people in my area 3+ times

everyone abused my trust in life.
I had to fuck people over irl to get ahead, to get anywhere.
I don't want to be ASPD.
I want to be normal.
I do anything for my friends if I make one.

People aside from those I care about (literally hardly any) are just disposable and to be used to my own benefit but I learnt if I hurt people I hurt people I care for indirectly.
So I avoid doing it but urge is strong.

>you sound more and more like aiste with each post
or maybe Aiste just tries to sound like me.

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>I do anything for my friends if I make one.
And how will you manage to create a bond deep enough to be called friendship?
You'll kick them out beforehand.
>People aside from those I care about (literally hardly any) are just disposable
So you complain that people used to treat you badly then you do the same. It's a vicious spiral.
Fuck up people who made you suffer, not unrelated people.

>or maybe Aiste just tries to sound like me.
>just tries to sound like me.
no, ive seen her firsthand and thats literally how she acts but it always backfires lmao. dont know about your discord second life so cant really comment on that

also you have third worlder mentality. people are backstabbing yes they are, but it doesnt mean you have to chimpout back and do the same. that mentaility is how third world communities are slowly eroded to the lawless shitholes theyre known as. even if it indirectly hurts those you do not care about its a vicious cycle like other user said. youre in a better place now no? why keep doing this shit?

Yeah I ghosted some dumb whore back in HS. She deserved it. Bitch.

Yes, i end up ghosting lots of people online when i'm bored. The thing is that only makes even more bored so in a few days time i always check on them. The ones that drive me curious atleast but i'm still bored. The vicious cycle continues....

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I ghosted an entire small community I had been part of because I was mad at them once.
I was okay because I had one really good online friend left, who had no knowledge of or connection to this other community. That friend ghosted me a few days later. I've been completely alone ever since.

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Online friendships aren't real unless you met RL.

I was in a discord with some neet guys, then my high inhibition kicked in and I felt shy of being there idk why, now I'm afraid of going back.

>Online friendships aren't real unless you met RL.
meh try being inside for over half a decade

You gotta ghost boring people otherwise how can you find time to talk to everyone?

I have ghosted most of my irl friends. They just can't leave me alone

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