>be travelling on plane to china from norway
>it takes an eternity to get there, and it's so cold on it
>stop in greece for some reason
>the engines are down so we have to sleep in the flight terminal
and in another dream
>be stuck in some dream in a room full of naked she elves
>have to fuck em all or else the administrators wrath will be horrible
>fuck and stuff, then phase into another dream
>walk up some apartment house a few stories upwards
>some kids tell me im a bad designated marksman
>then up on like the 5th floor im starting to get scared of heights
>there's this woman there
>house starts to sway from side to side
>hold her tight
>pic related
>she kisses me on the neck
and then i woke up
What are your dreams like?
bumping please reply (you9
Usually teeth falling out or I forget where all my classes are located, and then I remember that I haven't been to class since the start of the semester and there's no way I won't fail.
It's only when I wake up that my brain acknowledges that I'm 29 and I graduated 7 years ago.
One dream I remember from when I was a kid was I was stuck on a rocky islet of sorts and a tidal wave hit but it only swept away a favorite stuffed animal and I was stuck there all alone. What a portent. Now I'm alone with whiskey as my only companion in this lonely fucking apartment at 3am
Had a ptsd dream once. It was trippy.
Otherwise they're pretty good. Usually related to my job or girls I'm interested in.
>Going out for a drive
>A drive in the Arctic for some reason
>Like in a cheesy cartoon, at one point I realize I am actually driving upside down
>Wait a second
>Plummet to my death
I haven't had this dream in a very long time (years) but for some reason I remember it more vividly than any other, besides the one where I am getting chased by a madman in a car through a prohibition style city
I just have nightmares these days. Like last night I dreamt I had lost control of my body and had to watch as I sprinted into traffic with fucking shadow people everywhere and arms coming through the walls and shit. And sometimes I dream she doesn't hate me anymore.
>fuck and stuff
this cant be true, once you start fucking in a dream you jizz for real and you wake up
>be dreaming
>at a farm house or something
>apparently looking to buy a tractor but w/e
>seller is a fat guy in overalls who leads me to a room with no tractors but books with car brands in them
>get suspicious of the situation but cant quite put my finger on why
>realize I'm in the resident evil house with the hillbillies
>no one has arrived yet so I try not to panic and make my way out slowly
>can feel myself being followed but I dont turn around in case I get a jumpscare or something
>get to hazy glass exit door and stop when I see a silhouette
>instincts tell me to clear the hall
>I move
>shotgun blast comes in from the person outside
>I run out for the back door (I have now teleported to my house somehow and know the way out)
>dont even know where I'm going
>footsteps behind me grow louder
I forced myself awake there because it would have just gotten worse from there on. Whenever I imagine a bad thing happening to me in a dream I'm likely already experiencing it, like I'm in the future and the present at the same time , quite hard to explain.
Last night's dreams
>some occultist group using Freemason imagery marches in a massive demonstration wearing all black at night in the forest
>it can't be the Freemasons though because there are female members
>they march in formations, with banners and torches and such
>at some point Shaquille O'Neil (who is apparently a member of this group) wears only a female member's skirt and shakes his ass behind a female member
>the rest of the group looks down on this action and suggests he's under the influence of a demonic presence
>Shaq denies this and shuts himself inside a cabin
>he's heard speaking as if to someone else, but only his voice is heard
>some other members go inside and confront him
>as they do so, one of them hides a camera inside the room, pointed at the closet
>they don't reach any conclusions with Shaq and leave the cabin
>he continues talking to the entity, who can be seen and heard with the camera
>it's some fucked up ghost or demon drenched in blood
>it has a raspy, whispery voice and this fucked up face
>one of the members calls out to Shaq from outside, telling him that they can see and hear everything
>Shaq looks scared
>the entity gets angry and lets out a bone chilling shriek
>it bursts out of the cabin and begins tormenting the members, they scatter and try to flee
>I, apparently being a part of this congregation now, run away and jump a fence at one point, it's now daytime and snowing
>I'm in a neighborhood, there's a house right in front of me
>I run to the window and see a family gathering for dinner, the mother laying out a roast or a turkey or something
>I get their attention from the window and simply yell "help me"
>the mother drops what she's holding and screams, something lifts me up from behind
90% of the time I dream about my ex gf from 7 years ago. Usually that I'm chasing after her, like I want to tell her something but I never make it to her. Almost every night. No clue how to get it to stop, it's been like this for years
After that, there was something about Satan possessing electrical cords and lengths of rope throughout history, somehow linking it to the snake at the garden of eden. I forget most of it, there was some story about a law student being seduced into satanic practices while at law school and starting a cult with some of his peers, only to be claimed by Satan in the form of a snake at the end. The snake had the faces of the damned lining its body.
I was also being personally tormented by the many horrifying things I'd seen while dreaming at one point.
I don't know if I'm going to sleep tonight. I don't want to deal with that again.
My dreams are almost always nightmares. Some kind of monster is always after me. Sometimes I fight it but sometimes I've got people I need to protect. No matter what its terrifying and I wake up feeling like I'm gonna die every time I have them
Recently however I did have a dream where ingit abducted by a bunch of lady vampires, they took me to their lair, and they all fed on me at the same time. It was really vivid and painful but in a good way. Best dream I've had in years
My dreams are usually really prophetic and symbolic and have to do with my anxieties.
I came while sleeping many times and I didn't wake up wtf
Lately they've been garbled trash due to living groundhog day in front of the computer.
Sometimes it's that recurring dream of missing a test in highschool and not being able to find the room in the endless hallways. Sometimes it's just seeing old friends with weird skybox environments ranging from sunsets to night with brilliant galaxies and planets.
>What are your dreams like?
I smoke weed, so nonexistent.
I had one where I wanted to fuck my mom.
Had one during the winter where the world was overgrown ruins the sky was blue, felt summer wind very vividly. There was no one else around. Dreams are spooky.
Most of my dreams are about random people trying to kill me. Sometimes they're criminals that have it out for me for some reason, other times its people that I know. It's always so dark I can barely see. At times the sky is a blood red, sometimes it's so bright I have to squent.
These dreams are so frequent, that everytime I'm having one, it's like I instinctively search for my gun in the dream. Right when I have my gun, and I'm ready to shoot, I wake up.... Except for when I don't wake up, and I kill niggas in my dreams.
I smoke a lot of weed so if i do dream i have no memory of it. however when i stop i get very vivid dreams. and recently they've all been nightmares. usually running away from something.
Lately I've had various dreams where I'm for some reason naked.
>travelling from A to B with a layover in a completely absurd location
I've had that happen a lot in my dreams. Last time I was going from France to Belgium via boat but ended up stopping in Corsica.
I wonder if other anons had the same happen to them
I've had different kinds of absurdities in travel dreams. Such as being on a plane to Hong Kong where I went downstairs to the plane's basement and it had a swimming pool.
Varies between bizarre, to sexual, to morbid and fucked up or a combination of all three. Hottest dream i had recently was i had a threesome with my hot zoomer cousin and her friend. My cousin rode my dick like a horny little slut and her friend sat on my face riding my tongue to orgasm. It was fucking hot i was so pissed off when i woke up.
>dream I live a happily married life with 3 kids having a barbecue in a comfy neighbourhood, just like those '50s ads
>wake up
>I'm a 32 yo neet with a decaying body and mind just waiting for my death
Dreams like that and waking up to reality is one of the few things that still hurt me.
bumping yes thatts right im bumpig