Bell Dolphin

Bell Dolphin makes millions a year doing nothing.

I don't even get what she's selling. Her content is non-existent. Even my Youtube videos are better entertainment but I'm a male and underprivileged in modern society so of course nobody gives me millions. I'd actually have to work hard for it.
I guess today being a female means you're such a rare sight you deserve all they money in the world.

Attached: modern pants.png (360x371, 114K)

I don't see anything wrong with it, if people are willing to pay for that shit and she isn't harming anyone than do whatever she wants. If you think it's wrong it's the responsibility of the friends and family of her customers to make sure they're ok and not spending their money on stupid shit, not her responsibility.

I don't think it's she who is in the wrong, but all the sad faggots who give her money, they are the ones we should crack down on

How are you underprivileged because a handful of females capitalize off attention? You couldn't do the half the shit she does even with a body like hers.

Didn't anyone ever tell you life isn't fair? No, you aren't going to make money as easily as the pretty model. Is this surprising to you, you giant crybaby?

>millions a year
>doing nothing

theres as many females as males and they are not all millionaires.

also i feel very underpriviledged compared to bezos, compared to him my dad worked so much why isnt he a millionaire :'(

>You couldn't do the half the shit she does

Oh wow. Just.. wow. I mean.. damn dude what.
I couldn't show my tongue and make a 3 second phone video out of it?

No you couldn't, you don't have the skills to put on the makeup, costumes, and have good quality pictures taken, plus market it.

I can actually do an ahegao better than her and I'm not even kidding.
Also the production quality with these e-thots is horrible, just a shaky phone video.

>all the sad faggots who give her money

Who are they? I'm an incel and even I wouldn't go there.
Are married normies in fact the ones giving thots money?

If you can do all she does and better then what are you waiting for? Start becoming a millionaire.

Blame the beta-orbiters, not her. It's a good hustle. Btw, guys cando and have done the same, although there aren't that many. (The cute (emo) boys sharing their feelings and gaining a cult following of insecure teenage girls) Problem is: you have to put real effort into your looks and a good persona. (For the small chance you'll roll out of the popularity gamble, because popularity is distributed in a Zipfian way it's the newest gold rush.)

I'm a male. Males are worth nothing compared to women on the Internet.

>Btw, guys cando and have done the same
Tell me how. I want women to give me money for posting smiles on the Internet.
I'd say Bell Dolfin is 3/5 and I'm a 3/5 guy

As I said: develop an appearance and persona that 'is in', that you know a large audience will like (/love/secretly fantasize about). The cute emo boy persona was hot for a while, there was a more recent wave of tiktok ripped boys doing random stuff where they were showing their abs. That's part 1, part 2 is harder. You have to get a following.

Go gay for pay my dude.

Why all the hate on Bell? Camming or modeling is hard work. Could you imagine being in a work environment were your earnings are just based on your looks? Ugh not for me. She is good at what she does. And whatever your opinion, there is a huge market for what she does. Don't hate the player hate the game.

Also this. If you put as much work into your body and persona that she does, you would surely find some fans.

I can't really blame her for doing what she's doing since it doesn't harm anyone. It's the same for twitch girls streaming with scanty clothes for donations, as long as there are retards throwing money at them they'll keep doing it.

>I guess today being a female means you're such a rare sight you deserve all they money in the world.

so I guess literally any girl could just go and do exactly what she's doing and make just as much money, right? hahaha you dumb faggot.

No you incel. Its fucking simps who are giving her money. They put pussy on the pedestal so much that they give money away. Their thirst for pussy makes them pathetic.

>doing nothing
then why don't every girls you know do the same

this board is made up of absolute brainlets, just start thinking already

>blame idiot who let to be mugged, not the thief
Yeah right, like, blame the potheads, not the dealer