/sig/ - Self Improvement General

>start small - go to the gym, eat healthy and frequently, start biking/running
>find some hobbies
>get out of your comfort zone

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i do not want to look like that. or have a thot gf like that. get out of here copers of doom lmao

>used to care about this kind of stuff
>realized that as a 5'6 nothing matters

How do you cure boredom? Trying to get a job right now but in the meantime its taxing on my brain to do essentially nothing all day outside of working out and posting poo poo pee pee on Jow Forums

You can use meditation to change your perspective :)

>improving my voice
>talking to myself in my chest voice
>gf has a voice fetish and makes me say things
>people treat my differently
>girls are more receptive to jokes
>guys are more friendly

unironically meditation and learning a new skill like python programming

fuck, I want to see a sex tape with these two. why are there no mountainous pornstars? I want to see a three metre giant hulk-smash a dwarf girls cervix and burst her womb with litres of cum

based, what technique have you used?

I'm improving my social skils by forcing myself to go out at least two nights a week. This week, I got real drunk at a punk house and got up early the next day to go to the park and see a yak. They're cool animals.

>think about improving myself
>realize that as a 5'4 nothing except leg surgery would help
>do nothing

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look of the size of that guy holy shit

Or you bored because you're depressed or are you bored because you're too uncreative to think of anything to do?

set a goal
literally anything
my goal at the moment is to stretch each night before bed so i can suck my own dick
it encourages me to do other things during the day that benefit that, like eating and not killing myself

Know a built up, highly popular guy who is 5'4". Has had several girls (many quite tall), including his current stable one who is both attractive and doesn't have a manipulative roastie personality.
The trick is to laugh at jokes about your height and not get defensive. Personality and muscles make up for everything else.

>Change your perspective

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Uncreative. Ive been at worse points in my life. If anything im feeling depressed because im so bored - not the reverse.


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Also I'm ugly and average height of females here is 5'8


Changes between ger and turkey
Doesn't even matters. Turkey's average has reached 5'7 too

I am exactly 6'0 and I still feel short. Shit sucks man.

Try some creative things (writing, poetry, other art), visit nature, learn to program, read some good books, go to the gym, do an extreme sport, etc.

Isnt it better I spent my time and energy getting educated and getting a better job? Ive sen guys totally out of shape with a good job getting hotties

Average height of females at the uni we both went to was 5'9".
No excuse.

How are females such giantesses these days?

I'd say find hobbies that both hold your interest and get you outside of your home, around other people. For me, I got into both boxing and fighting games. Both I can work on at home if need be, but are much better experienced with other people in person. I find they work really well because when I do have times I'm too overwhelmed with being around others, I can still perfect my skills at home until I am ready to go back out. I think I'd like to add another hobby in the future where I create something with my efforts, but I'm not sure what that will be as of now.

Depends. Some people are better off jumping into work sooner, and working on improving there instead of spending extra time studying and getting a degree. I ended up dropping out of college because I became tired of my major, started working soon after and I've been working my way up rather quickly just with hard work. I prefer getting rewarded with paychecks rather than a degree, but it isn't for everyone.

For my own SI, I've been counting my calories again to help control my weight. I was having a shit week eating and felt defeated, but I looked over all of my logged calories and realized my average is still a good bit below my TDEE. Stupid small thing, but it kept me from getting defeatist and staying off the rails and refocusing my efforts.

What sport can I start at age 30.



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cycle 40 miles a day after a hard night shift labouring
do meditiate
vidya, anime, drugs and cycling
im only at home 10 hours a day, this is a net loss on comfort zones
still killing myself in 3 years 95 days

Any sport.

I'd recommend martial arts, like Judo or BJJ, because they're technically individual sports with a community aspect. Or if you want to be alone, just go to gym, do calisthenics, go jogging, kayaking or the like.

Are those the only ones you recommend? I might sign up to learn some type of martial art in the next few weeks since I've wanted to for years but am unsure which.

Not the guy you're replying to, but some advice. Judo and BJJ are great, no direct effort to smack each other in the head if you're worried about brain damage. They're grappling arts, and have a decent system to measure your progress through belts. If you're interested in striking, boxing and muay thai are great choices as well. Progress is a bit different here, and you will have to take some punches to the head which all can add up. If you get really into them, you can even pick one striking and one grappling to round yourself and become a fuckin' weapon. Some people really like general "MMA" classes which work on all aspects, striking/grappling/combining both. In my experience, picking one and working on that for a year, then adding on another discipline or joining MMA classes tends to result in a better fighter, but that's entirely up to you. I'd say you should watch some competition videos of each online to see what they're like and pick one that interests you the most. For me, I grew up fascinated with boxing and started there.

>have been out of the gym a month due to torn rotator cuff
>out for at least another six weeks because I tried to come back prematurely lifting heavy weight and of course trying to show out in front of my homeboy like a retard, Watch this!
>fractured wrist punching a guy in the mouth in self defense situation
W-what happened to my healing factor bros? I used to be a 5 foot 5 120lb freshman receiver getting thrown around by grown ass seniors and never got an injury once.

Lol today I wake up and feel like I have to play chiropractor on every individual joint on my body

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What's something I can do on my own? I've been thinking squash or swimming.

Hormones in the water


Should I learn French?

>still killing myself in 3 years 95 days

Just dont develop little man syndrome

There are plenty of guys at the gym that are shorter than (5'7) me and they get gawked at

Age my guy

Keep at it until your middle age and you'll thank yourself when you're not dying of BONE ACHE

>dude just stop having aspergers lmao

I miss being able to lift extremely heavy with form that would make Ronnie Coleman rush over to instruct like in high school/college. But I guess this is the beginning of old age

seems like the best idea, im 26 and have min-maxed as much as i can with this roll and hit the limit. ima just reroll into a harder class in ng+

Jesus you are all faggots here
Why would i "self improve" (being muscular is not an improvement because its not healthier or anything other improvement technics are shit as well) anyways why would i improve if i can jerk off have my own room a personal computer mom give s me food for free
I have literally no need for this jewish shill so fuck off self improve faggot

Are you a fan of President Donald Trump?

Woke up on time (Summer vacation before work starts)
Ate breakfast (was skipping) and coffee
Had a nice poop (was shitting irregularly until a few days ago)
Went to the gym, didn't feel like I would shit myself which was a problem
Read about 100 pages and finished the book I had stopped reading for almost a month

Getting better fellas. Today I need to do a bunch of errands. Might buy a suit for lap swimming, haven't been in the pool for about 4 years.

ADHD is not helping me concentrate.

That's the excuse my friend uses for his 2.3 GPA. Buckle down and work man, no one can save you.

My GPA is high "4/5 GPA" but I have trouble memorizing and concentrating. This is why now I'm having difficulties in jobs. Time flies just by day dreaming and thinking about autistic stuff.

Try artofmemory.com/wiki/Memory_Palace
My friend was an Amazon warehouse manager and he said it really helped him, idk

Thank you. I'll check it out!

breakfast is a meme, don't worry about it
unless you're trying to gain weight

>cycle 40 miles a day

>lifting at home
>got a job
>eat healthy
>clean everyday
I have to go on tinder but I hate dating apps. There is no other solution for me, I'm too shy to talk to women irl, let alone ask their number. Also I look like shit, if I was good looking I wouldn't care.

Tell us your techniques user. My voice basically sounds like an old man. Cashiers ask me if everything's okay or not because I sound way too tired.

How do I get rid of my Indian accent?

Where i live, the people are not worth interacting with

A girl told me that i sound like Ted Bundy. Do i have a good voice, or do i sound like a creep?

>Trying to stop stressing out so much and restart working on the project I've had in mind since I was 13 years old
>Decided I'd buckle down and do it today when I wake up
>Trying to fall asleep, 2:30 am, set alarm for 12
>Internet goes put which stresses me out, usually fall asleep to a video
>Internet finally comes back on, fall asleep at 4am which is fine, 8 hours of sleep
>Wake up to a fucking phone call at 10 from my brother with the only thing he says is "convince me not to propose to my girlfriend"
>Just made me fucking angry and I already know he's going to convince me to hang out with him
>Tell him I'm tired and do what he wants blah blah and eventually hang up
>Try to fall back to sleep but have panic disorder that makes me have a chain of panics if I try to fall asleep after waking up
Whatever, 6 hours is better than none, but my relaxing day dedicating myself to my craft is already filled with fucking anger and anxiety

What's sad is that he probably takes steroids that gives him a small, nonfunctioning dick

Incel coping intensifies

Basically what said.

I'd recommend to start with judo because it is usually the cheapest and easiest way to get into MA. Dojos, especially from smaller towns, also usually have people from all age groups and walks of life so being 30 years old, blue collar, white collar, NEET or whatever is really nothing to be concerned of.

Of course you could practice something else, like football, basketball and other team sports like that, but you'll need a lot more people to make it enjoyable and it might be not that fun if you completely suck at it, other people are more advance and if they're more competitive.


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Know a guy who is 5'6 that has had a bunch of girls, I am 5'8 and I been a closed off shy virigin loser, not that I look bad, just a shitty life experience.

>go to gym at least 4 times weekly, benching my own weight minimum 5 reps again
>Reading more, going through classic epics and history books.
>Trying to turn stupid NEET vidya hobby into something slightly more productive by making dumb youtube videos and only playing games for that purpose.
>Getting back into martial arts: Going to finish my boxing gym membership before expanding out of my comfort zone into Muay Thai or BJJ, and (for funsies) Capoeira.
>Trying to be more frugal, and working towards dream job.
Not sure if I'll make it, but i'll try making it. Would you boys into martial arts recommend Muay Thai or BJJ? I'm more comfortable with striking sports personally, leaning me towards Muay Thai, but I've heard BJJ has a lot of practical application

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Just do a regular sport you dork.

>Just do a regular sport you dork.

So no 5'6 person ever reproduced? Yes, it'll be a little harder, but not impossible. There's a 5'2 guy out there that would kill to be 5'6.

Looking at the picture I am trying to do the math but it doesn't seem to work.

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rolling originally
aasd asd asd

> started college in september
> never did any sports or fitness things before
> joined the gym, went like 3-4 times a week nearly every week until my last exams
> Noticed huge improvements in my physique, strength and self confidence
> I love going to the gym now, I like being sore the next day.
> Plan to never stop going gym

Thank god for the gym

>>get out of your comfort zone

You'll get bored eventually

I currently can't cut my hair, so #4 will be like a free space

Maybe yeah but that doesnt mean I won't stop. Eating the same cereal for breakfast is boring but I still do it because it benefits me

>Maybe yeah but that doesnt mean I won't stop. Eating the same cereal for breakfast is boring but I still do it because it benefits me
Oh you shouldn't and probably won't. It becomes a necessity because no one ever wants to lose their gains or go back.
But you'll reach the point where it kind of becomes a choir just like work.

>ate my protein bar this morning
>took my probiotic and forskolin extract supplements
>sipping water and smonking cigs to boost metabolism

im feeling good today, lads.

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