>4 years ago >17 years old >meet a (then) 22 year old autistic hikki NEET girl from Lithuania on weeb forum >Fat and insecure about her acne scars, but still extremely cute in a way i can't describe. >She had only had 3 boyfriends before, and 1 of them was online >Sees my pic >OMG YOU'RE SO CUTE!!! >Gushes over me >Tell her i'm only 5'7 and she tells me she PREFERS shorter guys with softer, more pretty features, which is exactly what I am >Becomes my online gf >Seen her on cam and talked to her via voice chat numerous times so i know shes legit >She tells me she's asexual and asked if it would be ok if we never had sex or talked about it >Tell her I'm fine with that >OMG! YOU REALLY AREN'T LIKE OTHER GUYS THEY ALL WANT SEX!!! >We talk every single day without exception until 4 days ago >She ghosts me out of the blue >I messaged her on 5 different platforms and she's posted stuff on several sites in the past few days >I know for fact she's seen my messages
What the literal fuck? I thought ghosting only happened to creepy guys who couldn't take a hint.
chill with your oneitis. ghost her back. put her in her place. show her you don t and never cared about her.
John Garcia
the confidence you gave her made her determined in real life and she probably lost weight, got a makeover/surgery etc and became a stacy now you're not needed anymore
this is why women are trash, just fuck a cute boy, they're loyal, low maintenance, knows what guys want and you can do it raw without getting anyone pregnant
She's found a real life to cock to bounce on. Sorry bro she doesn't need an emotional tampon right now. She'll be back after she's been dumped.
Kevin Brown
Who needs an asexual gril lmao
Logan Lopez
>I thought ghosting only happened to creepy guys who couldn't take a hint. >>I messaged her on 5 different platforms and she's posted stuff on several sites in the past few days >>I know for fact she's seen my messages
John Gray
Just because you guys are incapable of loving another person doesn't mean the same is true for everyone here. >show her you don t and never cared about her. Way too late for that considering the messages i sent her today.
I just want to know WHY at this point. I don't know what I did wrong...
Asher Adams
This most likely. She has probably been seeing someone for a while and started to get properly serious with them and/or started feeling guilty about cucking you so decided to cut all ties.
I hope we're wrong for your sake user, but prepare for the worst.
Nicholas Foster
Lol you incelino trash
Jack Richardson
It's not your fault that she doesn't value you enough to not just cut ties out of the blue. Consider this a learning experience. There are people out there that will claim to love you with every fibre of their being, but one day the notion strikes them that they can do better. Start again if you want. It might happen again or it might now, that's the game.
Brandon Parker
to be fair, he did only do that because she randomly started ghosting him
Brody Adams
Listen man, I had a similar thing happen with a girl for a good, long time online video chat every day for hours on end, told me she wanted to have kids with me and get married, the whole thing. She bought a plane ticket to come out to be with me for nearly $500.00, then a couple weeks before the flight, she disappeared. Didn't hear from her, then she tells me she's dying, in the hospital and can't be with me. Never hear from her again, look her up 2 months later and she's with another dude and has a wedding ring on her finger.
Moral of the story, is that there is no "Why" to the situation. Fuck, SHE probably doesn't even know why. Just gotta call it a loss and try to find somebody else. I know it is insanely fucking hard, but some people are incredibly good at lying about who they are and what their intentions are. Most bitches just want attention until they find something easier and / or better.
She definitely didn't lose weight and become a stacy. Two weeks ago she told me she was over 100kg (220lbs) and I saw a pic of her less than a month ago. Shes a hikikomori and asexual tho. Me. I do. But the critical difference between myself and a creepy guy is I've been dating this girl for 4 years. ANY guy would react like this if they had a gf for 4 years and she disappeared on him, unless he wanted out of the relationship at that point anyway.
you're hung up on a girl thats over 100kgs? come the fuck on man
Jonathan Myers
>Shes a hikikomori and asexual tho. asexual for you, not for lithuanian chad
David Gutierrez
Until you've met up IRL and fucked her you aren't in a proper relationship, user. She probably found some other e-boy with money to send to her and ditched you in favor of them. E-relationships are pretty much destined to fail.
Jaxson Perez
hint: she's not asexual and she's had more than 3 bfs
Nathan Jones
This happened to me except I was the one buying the plane ticket and it was after I'd known this girl for all of two weeks. Was ghosted after a month. Jesus christ I'm fucking stupid.
Sebastian Kelly
Loneliness makes ya do dumb, impulsive things, my man. No shame.
Bentley Wright
Lol this thread legitimates my behavior of not even trying to get a gf i would literally go there and beat her to death if she would ghost me after 3 fucking years what a piece of shit garbage person
Aaron Ward
Relationships, especially online relationships, tend to burn out after a few years. Chances are that she's gotten bored of you. I understand that you love her, but you're probably at least a little bored of her as well.
Sebastian Jackson
Someone explain to me what "Asexual" implies.
They don't believe in sex?
Bentley Martin
>Didn't hear from her, then she tells me she's dying, in the hospital and can't be with me why the fuck do roasties do these elaborate lies when dumping someone?
Chase Carter
I'm 100 percent sure she's asexual and she also doesn't like chads. She likes pretty boys. She has no sex drive and no interest in sex or sexual activities.
Aaron Baker
Wish I fucking knew. The last conversation I had with her I straight up told her "If you don't want to be with me, just say so."
Note this scenario took place exactly two days after she brought up that she wanted to have kids with me, how many, and what their names might be.
is that nigga on fucking facebook on his laptop in the background?
fuck you wojak
Nolan Stewart
yeah he just wanted to see pics of when he was a bloomer
Luke Smith
she doesnt want to have sex with OP
Thomas Carter
nigga wat r u even saying to me
Eli Morgan
welcome to what always happens no matter how nice you are, how nice they seem, how ugly they are or anything else. it's pretty absurd, women are just batshit
Tyler Mitchell
Don't worry about it man. It sucks now but if she didn't appreciate the way you completely accepted who she was to the point she didn't even say goodbye then she's a piece of shit. Move on and try find someone else, online or otherwise. Online relationships are difficult to maintain and I guarantee it would've just become emotionally painful in the long term anyways.
Josiah Hill
Girls are hard to explain user. It's time to give up. Yes, it'll be hard. Yes, you'll cry. Yes, you'll feel like shit. Yes, you'll want to blow your brains out more than ever before. But you know what? If she can't even see how much of a missed opportunity you were? Then fuck her. You're beautiful user. You can find someone who'll take you for who you are.