Why are white blondes so desired?
Why are white blondes so desired?
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They're the biggest whores so everyone instinctively understands they're the easiest ground to sow your seed in
easily become race traitors
Society made them a symbol of success for men
Men blindly follow these arbitrary rules because they are cucks
Because the media shills them the most. All of your desires are learned
they're status symbols like said
I prefer Brunettes instead. Blondes are overrated as duck
Because they ride dick and they burn coal. All of them have some kind of fetish for their pure white genetics being weaker than some dark skinned guy. Or at least the ones I have dated have, but I guess they are probably the exception.
i mean... who cares why. are you gay? just look at this picture.
>why question things
Not op but kys you mindless drone
It's as said. If you have a white blue eyed blonde you've made it, there is nothing else to achieve relationship wise.
Because they are the pinnacle of human beauty
We are talking about physical attraction. Biology must play a role to some degree.
Whites and to some asian's are the only attractive girls on the planet
and blondes are supreme cutes so they are the alpha female
>Biology must play a role to some degree.
No not really. Attraction is decided by environment. Same reason why there's so many yellow fever people here.
Because Marilyn Monroe and other Hollywood blondes.
>they are the pinnacle of human beauty
This is the real truth here.
I don't buy that. Humans aren't a piece of clay that you can just mold into whatever you want them to be and make them think whatever you want them to think. There is obviously some biological rigidity. No amount of jew propaganda would make me attracted to pic related.
Seriously why are africans so cursed?
>historical africans have done literally nothing of note, forever mud and hutniggers
>all other peoples have had ancient civilizations with sophisticated societies and forms of writing and left behind technological marvels
>modern africans are disease-ridden monkeys that can't farm food for themselves and constantly enslave and take advantage of each other
>african-american niggers were also enslaved for long time
>still currently retarded stupid monkeys despite being in an environment 1000000000 times better than mudhutniggerland
The only time I can think blacks weren't cursed was when they started getting into white-people instruments and made stuff like Jazz blues and funk, then they went straight back to being useless poor stupid niggers.
>Humans aren't a piece of clay that you can just mold into whatever you want them to be and make them think whatever you want them to think.
communists actually think they are clay, thats why they push the idea that everything is a social construct
africans are the real jews and god cursed them with black skin and low iq for betraying him
I've always felt like blonde cuties aren't interested in me but I still want to experience one.
t.non incel
Im white, caucasian, male, and since i was kid, before know any of anti-asian woman and anti-white man marginalization shilling, i was attracted to pretty asian chicks and viewed them as cuter and more attractive, but them i grow up with all racial pressure for racial worship of white women by the propaganda, all the boycott against whiten men and asian women, non-white women, all media, videos, pornography and everything made with white women only or white women for men of other race, and end in this.
And in USA is produced thousands of videos who work against the own asian women racial status and keep them inferior for white women while the same asian men wanted racial fetishes wiht white women in the same way than black men.
In general, white men wanting non-white women and non-white women wanting white men is boycotted, white men is shames, and USA have even shools teaching to not date white men, im nor even joking, while white women will be racial fetish for men of other race because white owmen is women of other race for them and white women is not women of other race for white men, white women is just the thing that they are forced to watch every day who they turn their TV ON or scrow any porn site, with the difference that white women was the only race who worked to lower sexual market of men of own race
Have a heavy contrast in USA, while white men is the negative of american news, media, propaganda, the white women is the positive because democrats wants at least 50% of white people who would be white women, this is why USA invented the white women feminism were white men is promoted as worse men of all races, the men of other races are keep with good image, and white women is just called "women" and promoted as the most victimized and opressed race of women at the same time who is promoted above all races, all the good things for racial praise of white women because have political groups like democrats who wanted anti-white male racial polarization
Here the links
I desire hot ladies. Fuck the color.
brown and black girls cant be hot or ladies
because people in general have horrible tastes
They're cute and pretty! Blond hair and porcelain skin is a winning combo.
fuck off cuck larper
My gf is blond and pale and she hates white guys. I asked why, and she said "because they aren't manly enough", which is weird because I'm pretty quite.
Look at the bruises on that roasties arm. Probably got them from Chad besting her in the bedroom.
Why do blonde/blue white girls look so much fucking better in anime than real life?
Like all anime girls look better than their real life counterparts but the disparity between blondes in anime and blondes in real life has to be the largest.
Olive Maidens>>>>>>>>>Nordic gremlins
This girl looks better than the white one in OP
No, i would like the smol blondie better.
Smol girls are best girls.
I'm a natural blonde with blue eyes and I don't think I've ever been particularly desired.
Describe yourself. Probably the ingredients are there but in a really bad organization.
because you are either fat/ugly or too autistic to realise you are being desired
>that isnt white
just because she has brown hair doesnt make her none white you baka
They know they are superior - pic related
maybe its your fucking hideous personality, you west whore
fucking hell, why is japanese people so superior?
>Describe yourself
Like what? I don't want to give too much information
I'm not fat, not sure about ugly and definitely socially inept.
You okay user?
Because of Marilyn Monroe
Try being my gf and then I'll tell you whats wrong.
>Like what? I don't want to give too much information
Anime is reality perfected.
No idea. I always thought the "pale skin, dark hair" combo to be aesthetically superior.
Ah, it's the infamous "if I'm attracted bro her, she's white" poster
You also forgot to mention you are obese.
she's italian at worst
I mean I'm not but you're free to think whatever you want.
is italian not white now? what about Irish?
Aging is hardly a factor in anime, on real life blondes wrinkles show up like stains on a white shirt.
They're beautiful and open-minded. Not submissive cuckbitches like latinas who are simultaneously annoying, nagging cunts. A white woman will tell you "hey, we should go to europe next month. it'll be fun!" whereas a latina dumpster-woman will never think of anything because she is a retard like all the other latinas. I hate latinas so fucking much.
Very few of them look like that though... and the ones who do are offering themselves to Chad like you wouldn't believe.
>They're the biggest whores
god you're dumb
>I don't buy that.
nobody gives a shit what you buy, its been studied extensively
You are statistically most likely to be attracted to the way people looked around you when you were growing up.
Now that every teenager faps to the internet, this is likely to change because of constant outside exposure
african is kinda vague, i think its closer to the ancestors of the sudanese/ethiopians
Hot Damn, she has that "i'll do anything" look
sexy bitch
this one is straight up wife material
YaY! My QT3.14 gf is super blonde! I WIN!
I'm brazilian and i'm pressured by shitskins white supremacists to worship white women when i think white women are boring and i see them every day even when i turn tv on or browse anything the only thing that we get exported from USA is white women only, white women with men of other race or white men, white women as center of attention, gift or trophy, white women promoted as opressed, white women 100% of everything, and i wanted a pretty asian chick but the only girls i dated was other caucasian women who are normal here in Brazil, and latina who are the same thing than dating white women and normal for caucasian dudes in brazil to date since most of their families are made of white men and usually majority of their sons born white and they usually never mix with blacks, white women even less, usually blacks only date other black women or some light skinned mutt when they are lucky in some slum to have women like this who accept to be with them instead of try to find another mutt, light skinned male or caucasian men.
I have in my mind the idea that the men of other race pressure white men on internet when they are anonymous, in this worship of white women, you can see the asian incels who attack asian women and shill like white supremacists and white women racial worship, you can see racial fetish of men of other race in white women, you can see the shitskins, all anonymous, and then you have all this group + stormfags + democrats in USA against white men with all this racial pressure for white women praise.
this thread is about blondes
go back to Jow Forums
To understand how these shilling are made by non-white men, the white women is the most easier and default women for white men, but shitskins, asian incels, and the dumb 50 year stormfags cucks created a meme for racial ego of white women and try to inferiorize asian women, non-white women, black women, when is so much harder get asian women
The beautiful asian women here in Brazil are only with the most handsome white male chads and are from the high class while dating with asian girls, latina girls, and light skinned normal people black girls always was normal and easier even for me in my country in my times of school but asian chicks are so hard to find and when have one they always seems to be with a handsome white chad.
But have this pressure made by USA to shaming white men with asian women, and celebrate white women with men of other race
She's mexican
>They're beautiful and open-minded.
Yeah, that's why they love fucking Jamal. So adventurous!
Dating with white girls, latina girls and light skinned black girls are easier because they are in higher number for more opportunities while pretty asian chicks are in fewer numbers and they have more men wanting them for few pretty asian chicks.
Asian girls are hard to get here.
Also, i never viewed black with white women here in Brazil in the last 10 years, usually white women are only with white men, and latinas too since they are socially considered close of the same thing than white women and majority of their families are made with white fathers and majority of their sons born being white
>tfw blonde
>only get on hit on by non-whites
Literally why
Because for white men you are normal and for non-whites you are a fetish for them
Have white women prostitutes who even get money as racial fetish for men of other race, they start dating with someone of money of other race and does youtube videos to men of other race who have fetish in white women follow the men of other race showing the white woman as trophy and hope to see she talking how they are good and white men are bad.
And then people say that asian women are the fetish, when white women is proud to be a racial fetish and get money for this and is not related to shit by same american propaganda who is always biased against white dudes to try to make them look bad, boycott white men, celebrate white women, please racial fetishes of men of other race, keep white men negative...
USA is sick
>when white women is proud
I guarantee you're nobody's fetish user
Most of those are fake blonds.
Cause my dick doesn't care
I agree with this for some reason when I watch anime and see a blonde girl I see it's still see her as a cute Japanese girl not some white rosti like in real life
In USA when white men is attracted to asian women it's politically called fetish to try to marginalize the couple, shame the white male to be attracted to the asian chick, make the asian chick see as negative white dudes attracted to them, and relate this with something evil in the political social engineering of USA to boycott white men and non-white women and celebrate white women with men of other race, while when is made with white women the white women is proud of it and try to get money of it.
Basically, this is a invented bullshit to be used only against white dudes when white women is related to worse things in every way in USA
jesus fuckin christ, you really didn't learn basic grammar
You're either an idiot or a shit-skin shit-posting about how horrible white people are.
which is it?
You know absolutely nothing about history besides high school level shit.
Why though? It's weird.
maybe cause you dress trashy and shitskins think you're easy? white men have higher taste
poo in the loo nigga you can't spell right faggot
Probably because you are fat and ugly and decent white men are already dating good looking white women and average whites.
The ugly white guys are probably dating a average or above average Asian, so they have no need to settle for you.
This 100%. Lol @ everyone saying that it's social conditioning. That's progressivism talk right there. Thin white blondes, or at least thin white girls in general are biologically more attractive than any other kind of girl. The only thing about them that's arbitrarily considered attractive is, maybe, their hair color. Even that's debatable.
>my subjective reality is a universal truth.
yeah, fat chicks are gross, and so are black chicks (mostly), but some people prefer asians, some prefer indians, some prefer brunettes (like myself)
I don't dress trashy. I dress the complete opposite. My mother and sister basically bullied me for not "dressing up"
I'm not fat, probably ugly though.
It's not my subjective reality it's the vast majority of people's realities that I'm invoking. That's what makes this the truth.
White girls are easy as pie and some will fuck anything including their dogs. Why anyone thinks of them as a goal or status symbol is beyond me given that they are so slutty. I think people are starting to realize this and that is why Middle Eastern girls are becoming more popular. Forbidden fruit etc.
>probably ugly though.
You must be super fucking ugly if you can't even get an average white guy
>hehehe, white girl femanon here, why don't you white guys go for me???
>heh, nothing personal but maybe it's because you're trash? you should know that ubermensch white guys like me only go for superior asian girls
I suppose. Does that mean I'm a robot then?
>I suppose. Does that mean I'm a robot then?
No, because you still get hit on
But then I'd be a "race traitor"
yare yare which makes you a volcel not a robot
average IQ of an asian insect shiller
Well if you already know everything and are correct about everything you're done and should just kys now
You're just making shit up. I know for a fact at least sexual dimorphism is very important in sexual selection. There's some flexibility but to suggest beauty is entirely environmental is a stupid cope.
i dont get the blonde thing, they look so boring to me. red heads and brunettes are so much hotter
On one hand, I don't want to waste my blonde hair and blue eyes. On the other hand, I don't really find blonde girls that attractive.
>You're just making shit up
no I'm not and I didn't say beauty is entirely environmental, but it is statistically skewed by your childhood experiences.
Incel and robot aren't the same thing though.
>On one hand, I don't want to waste my blonde hair and blue eyes.
Hey, it's a rare trait, and looks good on the right people. For preservation reasons, people with blond/red hair should be considered and endangered species.
You implied it was entirely environmental because you took issue with me saying to some degree beauty is biological.
Seeing them pisses me off...
I feel like I'll never get one, and even if I do one day, she'll be used goods by then...