>tfw mom asks me when im going to bring home a girl
>tfw she says she'll want grandchildren eventually
>tfw 27 year old KHV
Tfw mom asks me when im going to bring home a girl
Why not make your mom happy and be fulfilled, user?
You think i havent tried? I kept on getting rejected
>tfw she says she'll want grandchildren eventually
Mom has mentioned this many times and I feel her, I want kids too but I think I'm to spastic to get a wife and raise children.
but I have sibling in their 30's who hasnt even been in any long term relationships so she should ask them instead of her autistic shut in son
It hurts more when they don't even bother asking.
You have 2-3 years left user, you NEED to be talking to 5 different girls every single day, so you can get used to talking to them.
Just think of it as grinding experience in a video game, because that is literally what this is.
Life is just a video game and you get ahead by grinding experience and knowing the Meta.
What do you do for a living? Originally of course
PhD student in a STEM area. Most coworkers are already in relationships or married
Good luck, even the chess club I go to has more girls than a STEM PhD
humans repulse me and i repulse myself, i'm also ugly i'll never get a "girlfriend"
Yeah that's what i was afraid of as well. Oh well
I'm unironically a Chad by this board's standards. If you're not repulsive or anything you will eventually find someone worth your time that will like you. If you start getting money you can also visit Europe, where girls are generally more open minded and don't have the "feminism" mindset going on. Hope that helps.
Before you bash me and tell me to gtfo, I only lurk here and try to help, I'm not a "fucked that girl last night" kind of poster.
I already live in Europe, it's still really fucking bad
Which place? The wokest countries are the worst.
Netherlands, not gonna say what university
You are a retard if you think girls in Europe are open-minded. He should go to China, there he will get chicks who throw at his arms.
Netherlands is pretty fucked and girls only want to fuck around.
Where have you been in Europe?
>saved most of my stuff from childhood
>favorite toys and stuffed animals
>still have the blanket grandma made for me when I was born
>want to give this to my own children
>imgaine wrapping my child in the same blanket my mom wrapped me in
>realize I'm probably never going to have children because I'm a socially inept sperglord
You don't owe your mom grandkids.
mom was shit parent who abused me and exploited men for money and sex which caused me to have a lifelong fear and disgust for women
in return she's not getting any grandchildren
The thing is that id love to get married and have kids of my own, but i just dont see it happening. And my mom is the only person who has always been there for me in my life, and i hate to see her sad.
>tfw mom asks me when im going to bring home a girl
My family stopped asking me this kind of stuff when I was 21. By that point it was pretty obvious to them that I'm completely undesirable. Although they'd never openly say it.
(now 25)