Bestfriend is dating my oneitis

>bestfriend is dating my oneitis
what do i do

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Kill both of them then go on a rampage. Its clearly the most intellegent solution.

sic em user, hire a contract killer like pic related

Stop having a oneitus obviously

Does your best friend know that she's your oneitis?

Calm down and get over it.

yes ive told him ive had an interest in her for a while in a casual manner, he never once hinted he liked her anything so its taken me by surprise


She clearly isn't interested in you

Throw hot coffee on them and cry in your car for a couple hours.

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>Best friend starts dating girl who i didn't know has a crush
>He gets mad at me because she has a crush on me instead of him
>I want to be friends with the girl but i can't because she's my homie's ex
>I know she has a light crush on me so it would seem really suspicious to both, him and her.

I just want to know some girls at least god dammit

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Fuck your best friend to show her what she missed out on.

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>a girl I do not really know that well but I am attracted to her, so I I indulge in my juvenile infatuation all while never approaching her romantically or doing anything about my puerile crush. Then when reality intruded on my habitual romantic daydreams I grow sad

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Your picture is calling out to you, hold the guy at gun point in front of her and she'll be yours

fuck this me
>tfw obsessed but nothing to go on but a first & last name

It is an illusion.
You are not in love, you are infatuated.

but I know that, it's been a yr, now what
>inb4 get over it

Get nudes through him

underage b&

Get to know her
Ask her on a date

double murder suicide is the only answer, user

meanwhile on r9k


what does writing "I only know a first & last name" imply? I have no way of reaching out, I barely know them & can't find them on any social platform or find people search

Why do so many people spell "best friend" as one word? Are they foreign or just really stupid?

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>do not tell me to move on
Also you
>I have no way of contacting them

Grow up and move on. Also reevaluate your friendships

If your attraction to her and the dissonance of the setup prove too strong and start fucking your mental health, your best move is to separate yourself from them.

You answered yourself with your pic.