>finally agreed to let my boyfriend have the threesome he's wanted for years
>he immediately had a girl that would agree to it
>basically turned into me sitting on the bed watching him fuck her
I used to want to marry this guy
Finally agreed to let my boyfriend have the threesome he's wanted for years
You failed your tongue job obviously, oh and don't marry him btw
This was upsetting to read.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
Marry me, you are a perfect woman. Stupid and subservient.
I don't think I'm going to stick around much longer.
He was so different with her than he ever has been with me. I've never seen him move so naturally or aggressively before.
You aren't wrong about me.
if you dont leave him for that, youre a dumb bitch. just sayin
>falling for the threesome meme
lol thats just as bad as the dudes who fall for the open relationship meme. Im sorry you had to find out that way tho
You don't need to cuck yourself just to be in a shitty relationship. For fucks sake, stand up for yourself. You are worth more than you think.
claim your rightful MMF threesome and sit on the bed while he's fucked up the bum. that will teach him.
>tfw you'll never have a insecure Becky gf to cuck with a prime Stacy slut
I was joking, it's good to receive shit from retards onilne sometimes. Dump his ass, we were all foolishly in love at some point of our lives, user.
Do I lose that designation if I do leave him?
Yeah there was a reason I wouldn't do it for so long.
I'm not all that special but thanks.
That was a funny turn around, thanks.
My mom's name is Becky.
Guess moving on is the right move.
get back at him and record yourself fucking a guy with a bigger dick
I'm probably going to take a break from all that stuff if I do move on. This one hurts too much.
So why did you decide to go through with it if you waited so long beforehand? Also we have all done dumb shit that ended our friendships or relationships so if you move on its just a lesson learned not necessarily a knock on your intelligence or anything
Well, look it like this - it can't get any worse. I bet it feel awful rn but understand that for most of the people stuff like that (threesome, or better put - cheating) is just ego stuff and insecurities manifested.
Waz it huat?
Haven't been through anything like this but just had a 10yr relationship end because she wanted to "experience new people". Apparently loyalty is complacency these days. It will hurt for awhile but you will be okay.
I guess I wanted to make him happy. I didn't feel sexy or interesting and I just wanted to let him enjoy himself and hopefully me more. Turns out he wasn't interested in one of those things.
So you mean that most people will understand why that hurt?
I didn't really think about life without him much. It's going to take a long time to get used to not thinking about stuff with him. Like planning days, trips, all of that without him. Buying stuff and not thinking about him. It will be hard.
>I didn't really think about life without him much. It's going to take a long time to get used to not thinking about stuff with him. Like planning days, trips, all of that without him. Buying stuff and not thinking about him. It will be hard.
Yes those are the really hard and painful parts. Plus sleeping and dreaming about all the bs you've done together. Regardless of all that it's worth getting out and being with someone who won't take you for granted.
Based origimiami
Why did you agree to it in the first place? My gf has agreed to a ffm threesome, but I've told her she has to pick somebody she'd be willing to fuck too, because I don't want a situation like this.
Regardless, for him to go through with it that way does make me think he doesn't give a fuck about you. And this has opened up a window for him. You're better off moving on because it's going to sour your views on him entirely and you'll just find it harder and blame yourself over it. Don't suffer through that. And honestly, being alone for a little while will be miserable, but as long as you try to keep yourself in a good place mentally/physically and don't give in to being a shut-in, you'll recover. Maybe even find somebody new, and you now know that isn't an experience you want.
No. Listen, you don't need to make anyone happy by indulging their fetishes and insecurities. This is gonna be a life lesson, move on. It's normal to feel like shit in these situations but the time is gonna keep moving, so should you. There are less retarded guys out there.
>tfw you would want an mff threesome but you don t think your bf would be into it
honestly, i don t even think i d mind if it just turned into me on the sidelines. i would just hope he doesn t leave me for her bc of it.
If your bf was worth keeping he'd say no regardless
Don't waste your energy on this. She won't listen.
i can t imagine him ever agreeing to it. i used to have a cuckquean fetish bc of low self-esteem and he was really against it and never wanted to even think about doing it.
i just kinda like girls i think and have only ever been with him desu. idk.
For me it was the other way around, my ex gf bugged me to have a mff threesome for months, but I never gave in.
is a good reason why you dodged a bullet
>i just kinda like girls
Red flag
i'm sorry op, that's sad
i'm bi and i've thought about having a ffm threesome to make my bf happy before but that's the exact reason i'm afraid of it
I did, next time a girl asks me for a threesome Im immediately out of the door instead of just saying "no"
Although it was one of the reasons that led to our break-up