DeS niggers don't need to apply
Do you agree?
dark souls>demon souls>dark souls3>bloodborne>sekiro>nioh>dark souls 2
dark souls is my all time fav game
DeS is the fucking best.
Wtf is wrong with this guy's hands?
he probably smokes crack, hes so skinny you can see all his tendons
Too bad, I'm gonna.
DeS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All the rest. Literally soul vs soulless.
you're obviously not a souls fan from the first hour you're second generation souls fan
Bloodborne is still Fromsoftwares best game. Thematically it is more interesting, it has the best weapons, the best bosses, it's fucking great
I think your fedoras too tight on fags
>this nigga was too poor to own a ps3
>Thematically it is more interesting
lmaoing at your life, enjoy your piss3 with no games and the alpha version of a great game
>He wasn't in Demons Souls generals back in the day.
this he's just late to the party and dictates his taste
how is sekiro? my favorites are demons souls and bloodborne
Jesus christ dog eat a salami
Lol anyone remember that /v/ water picture where the /v/irgins turned down thots just to drink water and consumed no food whatsoever? I wish I could get back into video games
i don't like those games, i have dark souls 1 and 3 but never finished them because i found them boring
what are you on about
Elden ring is going to be the best souls game to date.
Thanks George RR martin for saving gamers!
>Playing video games
Grow up