White men and asian women, black women, any women who aren't white women. I do not want white women...

White men and asian women, black women, any women who aren't white women. I do not want white women, i'm tired of being forced to watch white women only.

I masturbate mostly for asian and black women with white women exceptions.

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Even 99,9% of all american porn, media, videos being with white women only, i masturbate for pics or anything with pretty asian women or hot black girl.

>Pic related

Skinny asian girls who have cute faces are pretty, but cute asian girls who have perfect bodies are even better

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The same asian girl, she was forced to delete her instagram after jealous racist asian men harass and attack her because they were jealous of white men being hot and wanted by the hot asian girl they followed.

Asian men have thousands of incels blogs and reddits on internet shilling against white dudes and taking advantage of american politics biased against white dudes like hide and protect racist and jealous asian men and try to boycott white men and asian women.

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imagine being this fat and still nearly flat chested. really built like fridges.

Asian girls don't need to have big tits or giant ass to be attractive, it's all in their cute smiles, eyes, faces and hair. And even being skinny they have cute butts, but have asian girls with giant tits or good body, ass who looks even better.

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oh look another fridge

The dream of my penis is have a asian girlfriend who is cute and nice, but since i live only with white and latina women all my girlfriends and girls in schools were like them.

In my country asian girls are hard to find and usually they are with the most attractive white men chads in high class.

While Latina, white and black girls are in high numbers and easier to get so i dated only latinas, caucasian and one light skinned black girl in my school days.

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Asian women who go white are roasties, just like white women go burn the coal. I stand with my Asian brothers in seeing wmaf degeneracy destroyed.

OK, this is not my ideal type of asian girl, she is fucking hot and i would want her, but i prefer the japanese, chinese and korean kind of asian girls. Her face don't look the same but she still hot.

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Hitomi Tanaka Boyfriend

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Here hitomi Tanaka and her tits

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roastie race traitors

I'm not crazy to think that this girl is really beautiful, and only bitter asian men and stormfags would try to attack her.

She is cute, i would like to have a girlfriend like her in school.

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White women are bottom of the barrel trash tier whores.

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jbw cope

Black queens are superior in every aspect to white women, too bad they don't see me as nothing more than a weak white boy

The difference between black women and white women

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This is some cope. I prefer asian women the best too, but white women still mog the fuck out of black women. Black women are only good for porn, they're ugly as shit and will give you black kids.

Africans sat on their asses for thousands of years(why do anything when you have everything) which gave them thick rear ends. Europeans were constantly walking between Europe and the New World through the land bridge, leaving them thin and athletic.

damn go away shlomo racemixing is wrong

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White women have no empathy and can only relate to those who look just like them (or more accurately what they think they look like.) They will reject any TV show, film, or advert that doesn't have a white woman being fawned over and congratulated just for existing.

White men on the other hand do have empathy and can see a black or Asian man and put himself in their shoes. Contrary to popular conceptions, they see Tyrone fucking Stacey and self-insert as Tyrone.

Is there anything worse than white women?

you just got baited user, yes there is, shills and shlomos. white girls are potraied worser then they are on this side or in the media. talk to them. white girls are great as a white you should go for nothing less

White girls suck, theyre the most feminist and entitled of all races

Why would ANYONE pick a modern white girl over a traditional black or Asian girl

ver simple, cuz you should want the best future for your children. and this only works if they have the best genetics. asian girls are white girls without the jewish influence. take them if you can. not over a white girl but take them. also not those bushasian (philipines tai etc i think you know which i mean).
there are no traditional black girls. there tradition was since the beginn of there race canibalism and dancing naked around a fire. hope you see why a tratitional black girl is a oxymoron

even if, you are part of your volk, dont think you are any better then them. you can change a girl very good. just show them why the specific individium acts wrong, they were not born that way

go lift dude

His post isn't political tho. It's literally just
>tfw no asian gf

its promoting racemixing tho, which is anti white. and anti asian and anti black. all races get destroyed through interbreeding