This board is mine and mine alone. No one can tell me what to do

This board is mine and mine alone. No one can tell me what to do.

Attached: Corbeille.png (600x600, 115K)

good one faggot

original literature

that's nice sweetie
i don't care enough to care what you think

How about thine kills thyself

Eat a dick OP
This was an original comment

Attached: op is a nigger.jpg (451x344, 125K)

Keep dancing, pawns. Hahaha.

Attached: Ren Sjel.png (600x600, 356K)

how do i not sleep? every second is getting harder and harder to stay awake

Attached: nrqlom09gro21.jpg (400x323, 25K)

i want y0u t0 fuck my wife

elaborate how I'm a pawn

That's gay, user. But I'd probably prefer a girl over a guy at this point.
Look! Here he goes again! Embarrassing.
Just don't. Sleep is for wagies.

Attached: Noir.png (600x600, 332K)

aren't you gonna explain
or are you just trying to sound scary your words mean nothing here
you can get all the (yous) you want
but it wont change anything
you'l still always be the same washed up falling apart loser that'l lose any relevancy they had

Please kill me, then kill yourself.

anyone here willing to give me that one final push so i can develop the strength needed to make a permanent exist?

Attached: 23722466_1812496745708312_4702923038420020360_n.jpg (960x720, 106K)

Then enjoy basking in my sunshine while it lasts, worm.
Cool. Want a free proxy? Just reply with an email address.
Sure. What ticks you off?

Attached: Majeste.png (600x600, 137K)

10 more hours of this, im not gonna make it

Attached: 1ay5oc.jpg (150x150, 7K)

you've groomed people into suicide before haven't you? theres gotta be something you can do

you're nothing but a god among insects
only worm here is you

Just sleep now .I probably will too. I'm always tired.
I don't know. I mostly just try to help people. Maybe find love too. I don't know.
Keep thrashing. Your pain will end soon.

Attached: Mother's Day.png (600x600, 113K)


i await something that'l never happen
everyone on this board is all talk

This board is mine.
This is mine too.

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