>32 YO >Licensed PE >Earn over $64K a year (admittedly low, but still well above household average) >Own my own house (3 bedroom, 2 bath) >Vehicle paid off, no student loans >No standards for men whatsoever except no divorcees/single dads/men over 30 >5'7" tall, 170 lbs >Still can't get a date
Take one for the team, marry a bad man and raise your sons to be good men so that future women can enjoy them.
Tyler Scott
do you mean you only want men over 30 or you don't want men over 30?
Dylan Sullivan
You're fucking fat you stupid roastie that's why you can't get a man wake the fuck up
Ethan Foster
Josiah Gray
youre too old obviously
Isaac Stewart
Don't know if a troll or not, but why do women think most guys care about how much money they earn or how rich they are? Being young, fertile and a potential good mom is 942739402794 times more important
The average 30 year old woman is 170 lbs and several inches shorter.
Benjamin Ortiz
Well if you lived close to me I would date you.
I'm 28 and I earn $70k a year.
Matthew Stewart
Still overweight my dude.
Ryder Powell
The average woman is a disgusting pig
Thomas Moore
What should a woman weigh?
Jason Morris
Jose Clark
Oh please. 170 at 5'7" is fine. It's good that she's not a stick. I like my women thicc.
Ryder James
I am a guy, same height, 20lbs less. And I'm built and muscular. You're fat.
Bentley Martin
Why are you so entitled?
original comment
Dylan Myers
A woman should weigh whatever looks good on her body. There is 0% chance 170 looks good on any woman under 5'10
Colton Reyes
that's not thicc that's just fat, retard
Zachary Campbell
>No men over 30 >32 YO I believe this may be the root of your problems.
Samuel Lopez
170 lbs at 5'7 is obese according to your BMI (unless you have a lot of muscle)
Cameron Martin
yeah fuck off I live in the middle of nowhere with no chance at life and stuck in isolation
Ian Allen
>Robot makes a serious post asking for advice >Post goes largely ignored
>OP copy/pasted post with female wojack >20 replies in under half an hour
This is why r9k is shit. For a group that claims this is the incel/robot board and roasties/normies should BTFO you degenerate fags never miss a single opportunity to play beta and orbit a whore. Disguisting and shameful.
Henry Wright
I am 6'1" with a beer belly, as a man, and I weight 155 lbs. And even though some will call me lanklet on here, I don't look skinny at all. You're just fat, go to the gym.
Connor Martinez
My ex gf was 170lbs and 5'10". She would be classified as thicc/chubby. Looked great, except her huge tits which turned into deflated pancakes once the bra came off.
Luis Hall
40 pounds lesa than your fat as
Henry Thompson
Funny thing is, a really sweet woman of your age was flirting with me a couple of weeks ago. We've seen each other multiple tines, due to our work.
Her being older, and me 21, she was giving me all kinds of hints to ask her out. I guess this would keep her safe (rather than her asking me) in case I reject her, since the age difference might come out as too weird.
Even though she looks decent and seems like a good person, I passed on it. The truth is, I don't want to develop feelings for an older woman. She's also giving off the vibe of looking for something serious.
Cooper Murphy
It's literally a 27 IF you round up and apply the factor for females. Yes, that's overweight, but obese doesn't start until a BMI of 30.
Gavin Peterson
159 at the absolute most for a 5'7" woman to not be medically considered overweight. Below that it's very dependent on how she caries it.
Austin Wilson
Nah, going for younger men who are more interested in sex and less able to get it compared to older men is a valid strategy for women.
Blake Cruz
You're too old now. You didn't listen when you were young because all the old people who has kids when they were young thought you shouldn't have to go through what they did, but now you can't. You will have to settle for less because you have less options now. Just makes sure the issues you settle with are manageable.
This is a scary scenario for any young man. >You don't get to enjoy her beauty while she was young >What beauty she had is fleeting >She wants to have kids NOW, and it's literally now or never >All this responsibly without any of the fun >Women somehow still expect a younger man to lead in the relationship >Women don't realize younger men can and do see them as their seniors and mentors Older women are basically Mommy figures to younger men.
You could've just said, "I'm fat." I weigh only 5 pounds more than you as a 6'4" man, so unless you're some shredded varbie you are definitely a whale. Lose the weight and you'll have your pick of the crop just like Stacy, until then you have no right to complain.
Tyler Walker
like 120 If I can work on not having a gut so you can you
Drop 30 lbs by using amphetamines and congrats, you're swimming in more men than you know what to do with.
Gavin Martinez
Well bitch maybe it is because all the things you listed only appeal to men over 35 (at least) and you wrote that you only want men younger thatn 30.
The catch is that men younger than 30 do not give a flying fuck about your job or your 3 goddamn bedroom house. Either date a 40 year old man or GTFO whore. Most men over 30 couldn't even dream about fucking a woman younger than them, so unless you are attractive as fuck (DOUBT) get in line you whiny fuck.
Angel Long
Either you're not really 6'1" or 155lbs or you have shit tier genetics. Theres no way someone looks fat at 6'1" 155.