>Go to another liquor from what I am used to because it was on my way home
>Buy the usual
>Recognize cashier from my usual liquor store
>Autism kicks in and I have to make small talk
>"Hey, don't you work at the one on X street usually?"
>"Yes, of course, we switch places a lot, etc. etc. I recognize you too."
How can four words be so fucking crushing?
Go to another liquor from what I am used to because it was on my way home
Don't worry mate, I just went and got a large Coke from McDonald's. I wasn't recognised though.
How many are there near you? Can you bulk buy and rotate?
3. But he told me he works at all 3 of them and same shit with his coworkers. I live in a 25k pop town. I don't want to be known as the town's drunk.
how often do you drinK?
Wouldn't be worried. I'm sure there's plenty of regulars. How often do you go?
Maybe he feels shit now becasue he's recognised at the lad that works in the liquor stores
Also, maybe he didn't recognise you. You said it first to him and he might have just said it to be nice, or autismo
I drink every day and get black out drunk ever other day
I buy a bottle of hard liquor every other day and beers whenever I am low
I know I'm an alcoholic and shit, but I do it at my place, in silence and bother nobody. It's just a money sink and a serious health problem, but idgaf about that. Now I know someone knows I drink every day.
>I recognize you too.
>How can four words be so fucking crushing?
All he literally said was the he recognized you too, it would be a lot worse if you were a person who was not remembered at places they frequented. Take it as sort of a compliment, it's all about your mentality
How do you deal with the hang overs?
i would drink all the time but the day after literally leave me fleeing suicidal.
I switch liquor stores so nobody realizes how fucked and miserable I am.
Don't know. Rarely have these. But I also drink a lot of water. I usually pack up half a gallon of water, eat a nice meal, then start drinking once it went down. So I guess it helps.
Not OP but as a "functional" alchie, plenty of water or sports drink in between, well, drinks, makes them bearable.
Gotta be smart about being stupid.
Drink water while you drink alcohol. Also, as you drink more and more often you're body stops having as negative of reactions to alcohol. I drink everyday (around 3 to 6 drinks on average) and I have to get really sloshed to have hangovers the next day.
Also weed will cure any hangover. So will just drinking again.
liquor store employee here. we don't care if you are an alcoholic but it does suck when regulars die
For a few months the only thing i ate was 3 double buddy burgers and onion rings from aw once a day, the nice filipino ladies recognized me and wed make small talk and they gave free root beer some days, it was comfy
Thank you nice filipino ladies
Alcoholics don't get hangovers. Not sure why. After binge drinking for 2 months I stopped getting hangovers so I can speak from a little bit of experience
Do you people have to go to a specific store to buy liquor? Here in Germany everything is in the supermarkets
what is it about autists about wanting sameness but not wanting to become "regulars" anywhere?
i ask because i do it too and genuinely don't understand why
like, i need everything to be a certain way all the time or else my whole day is fucked, but i sperg out if a cashier/teller/waiter recognizes me
i interact with all people as if i'm meeting them for the first time and wont ever see them again so it's strange to me why anyone would attempt to make a social connection with me
The nice thing about being recognized at the liquor store is that you don't need to pull out your ID every time.
Right? Isn't it much cheaper to get alcohol at some grocery store and then consume it at home? Rather than going somewhere where you have to pay for service, overpriced beverages, give tips, etc.
That sounds like a bar. A liquor is just a store that sells liquor, still much cheaper than a bar. It would be convenient to buy alcohol from a super market, but seems to not be a thing in my state, but at least we can buy alcohol on Sunday here.
I switch up my liquor stores so no one recognizes me