Can you guys ridicule me?

Can you guys ridicule me and tell me how worthless I am? I mean I'm so pathetic that I can't get a gf or sex or have a conversation with a woman.

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You're ugly and pathetic you're never going to get anywhere in life.

Every opportunity that life has given you, you somehow manage to fuck it up.

A quick question why haven't you just end your life since you know you'll never get anything right.

That's right I am a fuck up, I am pathetic.

Ridicule you? Fuck no you are blessed and will never have to deal with a cancerous whore you lucky bastard

You mind explaining yourself? I'm never going to have a relationship, even worse I know that I'm a weirdo ugly outcast that's never going to experience love. It painful having to wake up with a small dick, and an ugly face you can't change.

You are looking at it all wrong. Modern females are All garbage. Accept that and mgtow your own way

Mgtow sounds like being an incel in denial, because I'm only going "my own way" because I can't get sex.

Why can't you get a gf? Does your mom not allow you to?

No I'm too ugly and uninteresting.

are you stroking your dick right now?

Ugly guys get gfs. So do uninteresting guys. You have no excuse.

Yeah, but instead of craving a shit sandwich you can't get you can get a hamburger at five guys or catch a 300 pound sturgeon or fly a kite

Your worthless and you look ridiculous

You're* sorry im fucking retarded and a disgusting slav the biggest abomination on this planet fuck i wish my mom aborted me so there was one less slavic male sxbdb

No, I gave up on masturbation a long time ago

Either the "ugly" guys aren't that ugly or I'm just a genetical fuckup. And what guys do you consider uniteresting?

Look at your pathetic namefagging. You literally want to never get a gf. You chose your path.

you are all gay because OP is jerking off to your posts

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False you're the gay nigger, I'm a worthless piece of shit,but at least I don't fap to replies.

Don't try to encourage him he one of those degenerate fucking weirdos who get off to being told they're shit
looks like you're a brainlet as well.