Anyone else here only willing to befriend someone who doesnt have other friends?

Anyone else here only willing to befriend someone who doesnt have other friends?

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Based possessive tranny, be my gf now ty I don't have any friends

i'll befriend you if you're not a tranny and if you're a cool dude

I'll befriend you if you're a tranny and if you're a cool girl who can be my gf

Im not possesive nor am i a tranny. I just prefer to maintain secrecy and dont want to be hurt by them betraying or abandoning me again.
Im a biological male who identifies as such.

I'll befriend you if you're a tranny and if you're a cool dude who can be my bf

Get some basic info going. Tell us about yourself?

drop your discord and kappu will be your friend, user. kappu is friends with everyone!

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yo bro join my crew we'll accept any outsider.
The Third Impact#5045

My interests are:
>anime (obviously)
>learning arithmatic
>diy projects
>cute animals
>black metal

Fuck no, i want the relationship to remain clandestine
No i dont want to be part of a group and i can only be friends with someone i know in real life

you're asking for too much. quit being a self-important fag.

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>obese BPD tranny slut
>thinks HIS opinion matters

ok bud, i understand the tripfag, the tranny thing, and the BPD thing, but where the fuck did you get the obese thing from lmao

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>tranny thing,
Every person ive ever met who has BPD has either been fat or a drug addict. You are one of those

#2024 just add us on discord

what's it like to be a subuman on par with maggots user? you DO realise you aren't as cute as the girls you post right?

i'm a just a druggie fren, i'm highly addicted to nicotine and alcohol :x

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i actually am, but keep believing that lol

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Me, but there aren't many like us who really want to try to be friends

No thank you

#1884 saturn loves everyone

I think it's talking to itself teehee, splendidly putrid!

You said you like black metal? I'm really into music and the shit I like is metal inspired. If you like this then we should becomes friends. You're prob not into any rap tho inb4 ooga booga

why do you bulli the kappu, user...

what did kappu ever do to you...

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All these discordfags hunting down a tranny even tho they say they want a friendless fren really makes you thinks, why you stupid motherfuckers even try, too much obsessed to read that op says? Pathetic maggots


can i get a friend?

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Anyone who still need one (1) friend reply to this post and I will add you

add me user
my disc is there

You have other friends anyway, why lie?

I want friends who are friends with my other friends so i can go to where all my friends are and they're friends with each other so i don't have to do all the work of introducing them and when i'm tired of talking the mood of the place is still fun because everyone is having fun with everyone else. Then I can dip in and out of the fun as I feel like.

Alternatively, I'm happy with my friends bringing their friends whom I don't know along so I can meet them, and maybe some of those people I meet turn out to be really good friends of mine later on, and I'd never have met them if they didn't have friends who were my friends. I think limiting yourself to only isolated people not only limits your friend pool but increases the amount of legwork you have to do to cultivate your friend group. Very inefficient

I nearly puked, you fucking social whore

Friend of all is friend to none

im not sure if i'm willing to befriend anyone period. socializing is too much of a mental chore for me.

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Did someone add you already ?

if you're actually cute will you send me a picture if I add you?

no because if you don't have friends you probably have a shitty character

>having no friends online
You guys pathetic.
Essentially every human being needs a support network to be healthy.
Especially those with emotional issues.

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I'll befriend anybody that cares about me and talks to me
This is apparently asking for a lot in itself

Lots of online friends are pretty selfish and only care about themselves. Not much of a support network if you're the one supporting other people

Then they are not real friends, or you just assume everybody is out to get something from you.

I keep a mental tally of how much I ask about them vs how much they ask about me
It's almost always 0 on their part. If they do ask and I respond the response goes ignored in favor of something else

Look, I am not the easiest person to talk with and I went through a bit of experiencing.
/soc/ didn't work for me.
But I found a small group of anons from Jow Forums that would share their experiences.
And have simular interests.
They helped me alot going through centrain rough times.
And I tried my upmost best to help them in return with their struggles, even if I couldn't relate I would still try to brainstorm and try to show some sort of empathy towards them.
And I am sure that if you find the right people be it anywhere else on the internet, even you could find a person or group that would make you slightly less miserable or unhappy.
Some place you rejoice to see every single day.

imagine being this autistic

This is why you are friendless user

I had people like that irl. It backfired hard and now I dont trust anybody
Online people are rhe same they just dont hide it as well, at least the ones on here don't

Well, user, then I am sorry to break it to you.
But that is probably your fault and not those of others.

You are my soulmate, you aren't alone I have exact same fate

If we have the same fate tho then we are alone, both of us, arent we?
Tell me your story user

I'm just a sad, lonely user, too many sad stories for this thread

You can share if there any any you wanna get off your chest

Leave your contacts, we could try to talk tet-a-tet

let's try to talk, maybe we really are the same
[email protected]

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please i need fren.. so alone.
my only fren is being bothered bc i have no one else.

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user..! It's a rule no frens are allowed to make a fren here

I assumed so.. but i give up. Ill take anyone at this point
