Hey Jow Forums Imma try LSD today so any drugfags out there who can tell me about their experience ?
Hey Jow Forums Imma try LSD today so any drugfags out there who can tell me about their experience ?
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Do mushrooms instead
My current account is Lancelot#9582
do stretches during come up or get absolutely fucked up by vasoconstriction
LSD is a frightening psychoactive drug.
I can't stop you from taking the drug but make sure you're atleast around a trusted friend
test it before you ingest it
my friend died of DOx
Tripping kinda looks like this but thats really all I can tell you. Someone who has never been through it has no way of knowing what its like. The way it feels is just out of this world.
this, also magnesium glycinate/cacao nibs can really help
It's not as wild as you're expecting, but will be intense in ways you prob didn't consider. Your thoughts will speed up, and your perception of your physical state will get weird, unless you're taking a lot you're prob not gonna see a ton of visuals
Keep calm, do it in a safe place with a trip sitter and enjoy the ride. Weed as you come down could give you a 2nd wind. Dont go crazy on doses and also cuddling is GREAT high. You know it starts when you cant help but to giggle. Gl, stay safe
You'll initially feel a tingle in your stomach sort of like being on the edge of a really high up cliff or being in a car going over a big bump in the road
As far as the first part of the trip: I can always tell when it's really setting in because i start smiling like an absolute dope and get extremely energetic. Your body will start feeling very light and limber and the best way i can describe my mindset is like being a mad jester standing on the edge of the universe. You'll feel like a happy madman. You'll start thinking in very abstract but creative ways and your imagination will be through the roof. I like to wait in my room for the lucy to fully kick in at first, then I go for a walk with whoever I'm tripping with (provided you won't act too weird in public). After the walk, i like coming home and enjoying the rest of the trip, and maybe heading on more occasional walks to enjoy nature later.
Both feeling and looking at interesting textures is the best thing in the world. The second half of my trip usually ends in me laying down and just feeling the physical euphoria, usually feeling interesting surfaces in my room and watching some childhood cartoons with my tripping buddies. The body load can either feel like a full body orgasm or kinda uncomfortable and restrictive, depends on the dose and how comfortable you feel with the current situation. Plan to make your room an extremely comfy home base with lots of entertainment like comics, music, blankets, etc. Me and all of my friends notice that we start obsessively cleaning our rooms and making positive life plans after a trip starts coming down too. idk how common it is but we all expect it by now, i guess you should too lol
go outside and tell everyone about your current thoughts and insights
It is nothing like you imagine it to be. Impossible to describe. That is all.
True. Depersonalization is impossible to describe. It can either be the most enjoyable or most scary experience.
The thing i regret about taking L the first time was not interacting with my friend I was with more. Also compound negativity was an issue an still is for me but its something to be aware of. Oh yeah FLUID DYNAMICS!
last time i took 600ug i ended up ringing my neighbor's doorbell and telling him to call emergency because i thought i was about to die. haven't learned my lesson and i will be dropping 300ug tonight
unironically this.
LSD is too in your face and it'll take you ages to decrypt the messages it shoots you.
With shrooms you can see where the problem is and what you need to do to fix it.
i've never done LSD but i've done shrooms and DMT before. between the two, i recommend shrooms because shrooms (in light doses such as ~1g) is easy to handle in my experience and the trip itself was really fun and enlightening. though, i did DMT first so thats something to consider.
HOW do I get LSD in the UK?
Where do you get these though?
I just bought some off the darknet 15 minutes ago. Lots of UK sellers on the nightmare market. You can find guides on reddit. This was my first time ordering online but let me know if you have any questions.
The worst side effect of LSD is that you turn into a psychonaut faggot who is obsessed with LSD and preaches about the benefits of LSD to everyone. you think you look like some woke shaman, but you actually look like a cringy druggie.
>Hey guys, I can't get a girl and I'm really sad.
*Just do LSD, it'll zap your brain into a childlike state where you appreciate the world and don't need a girl to be happy!
>Guys, I'm burned out. I have no motivation to study in college. I keep procratinating. What do I do?
*Just do LSD. It'll help you appreciate your school subjects. You're literally learning how the world works!
>Help, I don't have social skills because I hate people. Since I hate people, I can't get a job.
*Just do LSD! It makes you feel connected and you appreciate humans more!
>Guys, I'm depressed and SSRIs are not helping me
*Flush those SSRIs down the toilet and drop a tab! It makes the world so beautiful! Isn't this world amazing? LSD makes it feel like you're an alien exploring this alien planet for the first time!
>Guys, I'm traumatized because I got bullied in high school
*Just do LSD! It restores neuroplasticity, which helps you heal from trauma because you re-learn how to be a human!
It's embarrassing. They think LSD is the cure to everything, but actually they just became schizo. You also think about LSD all the time. In every situation you imagine "hmm this would be cool on acid" and "hmm i wonder how acid changed the way I perceive this"
Source: this happened to me and I hate it
Cheers bro:
1. Do you order to your own address?
2. Guess you're paying in crypto... Montero, btc?
3. Are you just risking it, or do you do anything about quality, making sure it's not some knock off, etc?
4. Start at r/darknet?
>They think LSD is the cure to everything
Are they (any by extension you) wrong?
Remember to chill out, expect about ~12 hours of tripping, you won't be able to sleep for about 14, and eat something natural, like fruit & water.
Also, if you are underage, avoid it. It's a shitton of fun with good friends.
I think I'm right, but I've been told on Jow Forums that it's cringy to praise LSD as your savior and panacea, and that i'm just a degenerate drug addict
Its amazing user like all your problems become so unimportant for a couple of hours youll enjoy it im sure far small tho 1 tab. Enjoy
Don't trust people who go to bed and wake up every day dead sober. They never ask any questions about reality, it just *is* and they exist within it. A tree is just a tree, a tiger is just a tiger, words are just words. They find most of it boring and mundane, and seek out novelty within it instead of looking at the novelty beyond words that's staring them in the face just by existing.
>1. Do you order to your own address?
Yes, I used my real name and address as apparently this is actually safer as it's less likely to be seen as suspicious. I did spell my name wrong through just so I could feign ignorance if it comes to it. You should also encrypt your name and address with pgp so that only the vendor can see it.
>2. Guess you're paying in crypto... Montero, btc?
Yeah. Most markets/vendors support a range of currencies.
>3. Are you just risking it, or do you do anything about quality, making sure it's not some knock off, etc?
This will always be a risk but you can minimize it. All the vendors have reviews kind of like ebay so you can get a better idea of how trust worthy they are. My first order I only bought a few tabs just in case and an LSD testing kit to avoid . You can get one for 6 quid at reagent-tests.uk
>4. Start at r/darknet?
Yeah that'll probably work. "I just googled darknet drugs guide". It's not as hard as it sounds though. Download tails linux and it will deal with security and TOR. Run it off a usb and your good. Only buy from vendors within the UK so that you can avoid customs. Don't buy huge amounts to avoid suspicion. Make sure the vendor is using escrow and has good feedback. Don't leave your bitcoins etc in the market for longer than necessary. This might sound like a lot but as long as you are relatively tech savvy you should be fine. I learnt this all today. Hopefully some more experienced anons can add to this.
You can't imagine what an LSD will be like, even if you had an LSD trip. LSD shows you how subjective your perception of reality really is. Don't have any expectations, just take it.
Reading about LSD experiences is like a blind man reading about colors. You and the blind person have never experienced anything like what is being described, so you cannot understand.
How many ug should I take if I've never done it before?
always liked lsd better its just harder to get for me.
also it tends to be cheaper
100ug if you are afraid of how you'll act and have never done psychdelics at all in life
500ug if you don't care and want to experience a life altering experience.
It's unlikely you'll be able to do anything other than lay down on 500ug anyway, so I wouldn't worry about if you're going to harm yourself.
Protip: If you have any anxiety while tripping, embrace it. It's part of you, and so is everything else you are experiencing. You'll realize even your vision is part of you, as in the objects you see are a part of your conscious experience. Let your emotions flow through you like leaves in a stream, you'll be fine.
If you seriously do 500ug, don't be afraid of dying. When you feel like you're about to lose yourself and go completely insane, just let it happen. It's an amazing experience called "Ego Death", and it's the most calming experience you will likely ever have in your life. Good luck user.
What market do you usually use? I used to order off Dream Market, but now use Cannazon (pretty much only bought weed anyway)
Looking to try shrooms now
First thing is that LSD lasts an impractically long time so take it first thing in the morning.
Correction: used Dream THEN WallStreet, but that closed down iirc
I have richfag friends and get literally any drug 100% pure for free. It's all shit.
I've had life altering experiences on WAY less than 500ug. Half that dosage had me fucked out of my skull.
There is a sweetspot where you're still likely to have a life altering experience but aren't nearly guaranteed to go into intense anxiety.
I'm using nightmare as it has a lot of vendors and a good ui. I'll have to give Cannazon a try at some point.
This. 1 hit is a good idea if youve never tripped. 3-5+ is where you really see what acid is.
I mean I did LSD and proceeded to start taking care of myself, got a full time job, and sorted out decades of hangups related to being disabled. Since then I've done... 6 tabs in a year?
Antidepressants made me *intensely* suicidal and depressed. I still have flashbacks and nightmares about them.
Just because you became a drug addict doesn't mean everybody else will you cringy projecting faggot.
>I've had life altering experiences on WAY less than 500ug. Half that dosage had me fucked out of my skull.
I've had ego death on 150ug of LSD. That's one of the beautiful things about LSD, it's great all doses!
In my opinion though, someone who isn't experienced with high dose trips will likely have an insane experience taking 500ug. It's high enough that it should mindfuck most people, but not high enough to be too scary.
Intense anxiety can be embraced. The anxiety comes from your ego, and allowing the ego to dissolve results in an overwhelming calmness.
I agree that intense anxiety can be embraced... yet it seems to be wise to not recommend dosages that cause it to people that don't know what they're getting into.
all of that stuff is true. the problem is that as soon as the drug wears off I forget all about it and my normal, shitty personality returns
That's why I said it's a dose you should do if you don't care about yourself. A "fuck it" dose.
Sometimes being wreck-less is a good learning experience.
Try not to have a psychotic break and go running into the streets naked thinking life is a sim.
actually this. try to remember you cant stop life and everything in the trip has consequences
I've posted this in another thread, but one of the only things I seem to remember from my one and only trip was feeling like I was having thousands of conversations ins mere seconds. Has anyone experienced anything similar?
Only done acid once and I got suicidal during the come down. Prefer weed though, that's just me.
How about I tell what's going to happen to you:
>Buy LSD
>Class 1 Drug (the most illegal kind)
>Police find you because you're impaired and have no friends to babysit you
>Have a nightmare fuel trip in the jail
>Catastrophic long term effects on your psyche
>Even worse effects on your record now that you're a felon
I hope it's worth it, OP.
you don't become a felon for tripping balls in a drunk tank overnight. You are leaving out some big details.
You become a felon for buying LSD.
probably the best description ive ever seen
what age particularly
How the fuck are they gonna prove you bought LSD
Are you some kinda fed or just a regular square?
could you fuck off you mongrel
You're a moron, but you are right about tripping in a place like that being nightmarish
I once was tripping balls on shrooms in an ambulance/hospital and was absolutely convinced I was stuck in a version of hell where I would be experimented on for eternity
Doors kept opening and closing in loops, and this little black kid was walking around on his hands like some kind of fucked up human animal hybrid
Fuck. You're right. This post sounds too real and its scary...
>used my real name
>spelled my name wrong
i hate to break it to you user, but acid doesnt work if you're retarded
Thats ok cuz I'll be too retarded to notice its not working.
If ur looking for the full experience do it alone and figure it out as you go along, its kinda like ur evolving and adapting to a whole new way of existing. This can be a bit too much at times tho and u might end up in horrible confusion.
If u just wanna have fun on it and feel great do it with friends in a safe place.
Also pic related, saw these little things in a cube structure with a pyramid roof and an eye in the middle of the pyramid. I had a strong feeling they were called the priests of quirnepush, although im not certain.
and btw when people say they saw something its usually closed eye visuals. You might sense a presence of a being but most of the time (in my experiences anyway) you wont see full entities with open eyes
been there many times user