Literally set this acc up 10 mins ago and already got 3 matches

Literally set this acc up 10 mins ago and already got 3 matches

What on earth are you guys doing that you dont get matches on these apps?

Attached: 26FCE96E-556E-4898-8793-F1B7C948005D.jpg (750x1334, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not white or original

I am convinced most people who post here dont make accounts, Tinder/Bumble are the easiest ego boost and it is too easy to get your dick wet on there, makes me suspicious

Is the fourth one also asian?

I get 1 match every 2 weeks and they ghost me instantly.

I am not white either, it is not an excuse. Maybe if you just like Asian girls, I think I have matched with ten Asian girls in several months of doing this

Attached: 696B066B-41B6-4957-936D-C1003D5D4105.png (750x1624, 1.47M)

I'm too ugly to get any matches. If I did get a match I'd be too nervous about fucking it up since I'd think that would be my only chance

Oh you're black, you have it even easier lol

That hair.... This is some cunt searching for lesbians isn't it?

Otherwise post your pics

Maybe we don't want to fuck used up whores

are you retarded? thats is the "swiping-window"
thata another girls hair

that is a fucking tiny dick dude lol but good for you for getting some

>Don't use broken normie apps
>U r a retard lol ROFL LMAO
Fuck off asshole. Get off my board!

Horse shit
Where are all the women that arent used up whores user?

Attached: 4FE5A370-FB47-402A-B668-D0FA350D0AB0.png (750x1624, 1.14M)

>It's a Chad comes to r9k to brag episode
I thought this episode was banned?

Rofl how big is that mini? 2"?

I normally don't condone penis shaming but for retarded assholes I will make an exception. I bet she (or more likely he) didn't even feel it

oh my bad bro, ive been drinking and thought your head was her pussy lips lol. good shit bro lay pipe wherever you go. but stop posting your dick online for guys to see bro

Asian cunts don't count as people.

Mormon church Mennonite Church Muslim church

I am physically unattractive and mentally ill
in a bad way

Kek I am loving the hate

Attached: 548CB098-1D98-446B-8EDE-2D5102DE5D66.png (750x1624, 1.36M)

which country, fellow chink

Just take the Thaipill..

This is in 2months. 2000matched

Juz came back from bkk

Attached: A59C2827-EACF-4469-9B8D-AFF93A8C9B88.jpg (750x1334, 353K)

They are not gonna fuck a black dude, I am pretty sure that is still considered a curse in their church, so I have no choice but to fuck whores

People here want a genuine relationship not a fast meaningless fuck with a 20+ cocks roastie

weren't you that fag that bragged about fucking a girl in some feels thread that some cute girl posted? okay we get it your black and you get pussy, it's not that hard for blacks lmfao

You know who loves black dudes? Jewish women.

Enjoy your shit sandwich if that's what you want

look at this man's statement then his digits... b-b-b BASED

Is this in the US or asia though? There aren't really any asian girls at all where I live.

My dates stood me up or cancelled and I stopped using it.

Attached: 1563218821108.gif (256x468, 1.35M)

They do surprisingly, I moved to a predominately Jewish area recently. But youre not going to meet anyone on tinder who is not a whore I doubt
Im a male thot at this point might as well just keep getting physical pleasure if I cant find somebody good to love me
I dont pay attention to threads beyond my post really so possibly? I feel like when I first started posting on Jow Forums everyone told me it was impossible to get pussy unless you were tall white Chad, but now that I am doing ok in my life i am just doing what I am meant to do all along

I do not care either way it works for me

This is in europe

Can i see more pictures of that Marysia chick? She really seems like my type

>They do surprisingly, I moved to a predominately Jewish area recently

Dude you are black. Black guys have zero trouble on Tinder and shit. They barely have trouble in real anymore since the jews programmed everyone to love nigger culture.

I only swipe right on 15-20% of profiles. Ones that make me laugh or talk about a mutual interest.

Add that to the fact I'm 4/10 on a good day and I get a couple matches a week, if I'm doing good.

None of em really lead anywhere and I dont know how to really talk to people beyond the generic "ayy whats up how you doin?" shit.

That being said, tinder is fucking garbage and I doubt any interaction there would lead to anything serious.

This is good, I love being a bigger

For one, this app verifies your picture when you sign up so you can't upload random bullshit like you do on Tinder
Second, if you signed up, you're automatically registered as a user on China's social credit score system, enjoy your chinese botnet

I thought that was tinder though lmao

Saved. Very nice gif.

So asian women still use this app in the west? is it mostly FOBs, tourists, or long term residents of your country?

>They do surprisingly, I moved to a predominately Jewish area recently
Every Jewish girl I know has a thing for black guys.

students and tourists mostly

back when i tried tinder i got like 5 matches within the first 3 minutes but then after that i got like one match a month. pretty sure its rigged. either way ive never gotten a response.

TanTan is the CHinese equivalent of Tinder I think.

>tfw no asian grills near me
>only whores with the highest standars available on tinder
i hate this place why god hates me, i didnt even do anything bad

where in Europe? I'm in the UK but there aren't many Asians around

>Literally set this acc up 10 mins ago and already got 3 matches
poast profile pics and bio

Woah brah guess my account must be broken brah got no matches brah

the part that has been dragging other countries into hell for decades now
there should be many in london though


>the part that has been dragging other countries into hell for decades now
say the country

of course fucking lel

> Whore app
user, what's the point of this thread ?
Apart from "bragging" you get pussy on Chinese Tinder or other , I don't see anything.
Last time I checked, because obviously you didn't since only your posts matter to you, people are looking for partners, not for a quick fuck.
And to all the people ITT raging, damage control, insulting the OP's dick or whatever... You're even more pitiful. You're basically feeling jealousy over someone fucking girls and that's it.
You're no better than the chads you complain about, nor the whores.

Attached: really now.png (750x750, 354K)

why are you being overly cryptic? are you afraid of something?

OP didn't post dick, that was another guy. OP probably has a small white clit.

Been on plenty of dating apps for months, humble included. Been avoiding tinder cause I knew it as a hookup app. Caved and joined anyways last week. Still a whole bunch of nothing. Theres no hope for me

One time I catfished my partner on a dating app like this. RIP that motherfucker.

>there should be many in london though
what makes you say that?

So youre some unattractive incel that have no social skills and you only decide to attempt a match with attractive people who put themselves out there? Great idea

I use my real face as a profile pic

>... just have a huge dick bro, it is easy
unironically this means there is very little hope for a lot of us guys. probably the best we can do is hope to have some chick who will cuck us a lot and we can occasionally bang her

Attached: justbepolybro.jpg (1102x823, 353K)

What is the source of the gif?

I could never do cuck shit, I have only had one offer for that from an Asian husband black wife and I just could not see myself in that situation even if I had no other way of getting sex.

Fucking another mans wife and he is getting hard off of it? Face clenches up thinking about that shit I would probably call him gay and not even be able to get my clothes off or start doing some shit like that

lol like why we cant get two girls and we just take turns fucking them I dont want to fuck the girl you love or like and you are sitting there not getting any side action


>Bragging about bots

I bet it's totally real and normal when she asks you to put your credit card number into some sketchy chink site to "prove your identity" so you can look at her hot and sexy photo gallery.

nooo you don't get it. he's a super chad and these chinks just can't resist his BWC. I bet he's a tough guy IRL too