Why are confident thoty girls so much more attractive than the "trad" girls that Jow Forums idealizes on this board?

why are confident thoty girls so much more attractive than the "trad" girls that Jow Forums idealizes on this board?

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Because you're an incel who's desperate enough to fuck them

Because trad shit is boring as hell, and nearly everyone likes a little bit of messed up fun. Also, submissiveness is a boring trait in a person. I'd rather have somebody who stands up to me and speaks their mind.

Speak for yourself incel, your thread was shit that now you're whoring for attention in someone else' thread.

Because personality attractiveness is subjective and it's given that some people will find thoty girls more suitable for them than trads

>look mommy! I'm projecting
Keep taking the bait faggot

You're more pathetic than me.

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Imagine wasting harddrive space on that

I am one of those trad girls and my last boyfriend was obsessed with popular Instagram thots. Made me really insecure and he eventually ditched me for one despite telling me how he hated slutty girls. Now I dont trust men anymore.

You're fault for dating a shitty guy really

Fuck off, this is a man's board

Robots are the exact same.

What about a girl who is meek and trad but really slutty in private?

Well you're opinion is pretty much irrelevant at this point. Go to the used goods section, this board is only for virtuous woman.

because you're a big dum-dum. a stupid dummy head. you are wrong. any woman who has had 3 or more partners before the age of 20 will continue on their ways of sinful lust and debauchery for the rest of their lives. they cannot stick to one man; it's impossible

>What about a girl who is meek and trad but really slutty in private?
So a whore who hides her whorish ways. Yeah, that's not a ticking time bomb...

is this way gay retard

Literally down to appearance. Trad girls rarely wear makeup and often wear frumpy unflattering clothes. Roasties and Stacies wear slutty clothes, shittons of makeup and go to the gym everyday to get glutes for Chad.

Unironically have sex you pathetic scared virgin.

You first, namefag

Thots are thots for a reason, they know what they want and they know that they're good looking enough to get it.

Unironically kill yourself you used up roastie

They're not to a self-actualized man.
You're just desperate.
People crave connection to others, and openness is required for that.
Thot girls are a short-term investment that will flip in due time. Trad girls are a long-term investment that will continue to grow in value over time.
As in, thoty girls give you that openess, but they also give it to everyone else; do you seriously think they won't sleep around?
If you don't think so you're deluding yourself.
On another note, commitment is necessary to reach the depths of connection we all crave, and trad girls are the de facto best option here.
I.e. trad girls who have few partners under belt (preferably are a virgin) and have relatively guarded personalities will stay with you for life, if you're a man, and are willing to grow with you into women.

>my last boyfriend was obsessed with popular Instagram thots
Sounds like an immature boy.
There is a difference between a man and a boy.
A man will do what he says, and his actions will reflect his words.
A boy's actions will be inconsistent with his words (it's an inability to take responsibility - common to feminized males, or, boys).

>Made me really insecure
Of course it did.
It was your subconscious telling you "GET OUT GET OUT", and you didn't listen; as his words/actions were inconsistent. What else was he lying about? Is what your mind was telling you too.
If you were loyal during that debacle (despite being insecure, due to his inconsistency, loyal is: not "seeking reassurance" via emotionally/physically cheating) then you didn't deserve the shit that boy put you through, however, it was a goddamn good lesson that you needed to learn.
Take the hard lesson to heart.

>Now I dont trust men anymore.
Who you don't trust are the boys.
What you're looking for is a man. Look for consistency in words and actions. Look for someone willing to take responsibility, and who cares as deeply as you do.
Best of luck.

Maybe they are more fun, and watching tentacle hentai and being unemployed doesn't make you the opposite of a trad female just because you're a virgin (not even by choice, ironically). You're a repressed tentacle thot.

you are right, I'm one of these men, I'll say I prefer modest women, but jerk off to instagram thots

They are fucking not. Normalfag whore girls fucking suck, they're ugly, caked in makeup, and hitting the wall early due to bad lifestyle choices.

Thots are more fun, that is undeniable. I have also made it a habit of asking particularly slutty Tinder lays to tell me a depraved sexual story from their youth while they jack me off/occasionally blow me

I think I will have too much history to get a trad wife or wife that isnt used up without lying

But robots act like they'll go from depressed NEET to hard-working masculine trad husband if they get the right woman in their life.

>why are confident thoty girls so much more attractive

What makes you believe that? They're so generic and full of themselves

because they're what women actually are. "trad" girls are just playing a role.

Oddly enough, personality and confidence in a woman matters, i've met a couple of girls like the ones this board likes to put on a pedestal and once you met them, there's nothing attractive outside their looks. In a way i guess they're like dolls, stupidly cute but it's like talking to wall, you're trying to talk with someone who's not there.

you can trust me babygirl

>implying beauty-obsessed thots aren't submissive as fuck considering that they devote their entire lives to looking attractive for other people.

if you really like dominant women you should be into hairy-legged feminists.

hairy legged women are just submissive to nature and let it ravage their body with disgusting hair growth

i know what you mean, man

I hate lefwing scum because of their hatred of me for being white, but i love feminism and i love confident women, im just not into trad girls, i like em dirty.

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what's a trad girl?