How to be like Chad?

I'm a syrian who lives in Sweden. A guy I know sent me this pic from a video he made with a swedish girl. How can I be like chad? I'm desperate.

Attached: Knullet.jpg (1107x725, 81K)

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Pls stop this shit

Attached: Racebait.png (751x753, 994K)

You're an asian and that is from a porno

1. squat for 30 seconds
2. stand up quick
3. blow hard into your thumb
do this 3 times a day and you'll be chad by next thursday

this photo has been darkened.

now way, it is like, they did this on porpurse, but why should they

go home, sincerely.

this. fuck off OP


swede here
do you have a sister? i wanna fuck



You can rape anyone fren Sweden is a cucked country you gonna get a fine for anally raping teens which you can pay from welfare so use it out please

i hoped you saged that.
especial you, dont fall for that pls user

Why would you not just ask that dude how he does it? Maybe just go out with him and watch him work. Who knows, you might get some leftovers.


its ok so more people will see my coll anti rasebait meme

shit bait

>don look like an inbred retard
>don't be a manlet
>be rich
>don't stink

Arabs are subhumans, kike

Attached: 1563883693563.gif (2970x2483, 861K)

>drop redpills
I guess thats what I'm doing now

Attached: 1563876418238.jpg (700x524, 58K)

and one mor3

Attached: 1563730793749.jpg (589x658, 52K)


Even nigbots hate race bait. Why you may ask? Because they're are all virgin blacks, who understand porn is not reality. I infinitely respect my fellow bots, nigbots included, more then a race bait cuck anyday.

swede here i probably got my little sister raped on purpose because she broke my ps4 controller
>sister breaks my controller
>get mad at her and devise a plan
>she likes iced tea so I bought some to her
>she likes that and drinks it
>buy rophies to from a guy at school he is a shitskin
>put them in the next iced tea
>i give her the tea on a Saturday and she drinks it
>parents aren't home
>she falls asleep and get her in the car and drive her to an alley
>drive home and watch pewdiepie
>that night later she calls from a police station to mom
>police have talk with mom and dad
>sister doesn't remembers anything from that morning so im safe
>maybe she was raped by homeless muslims in that alley
>this makes me hard lol

Attached: images (6).jpg (260x334, 8K)

because you don't have good genetics you should try become rich and wait for the right time when the technology avalaible will be able to turn you into a chad

Attached: 1563449827037.png (662x853, 957K)

NO NO NO this bait threat was almoste dead stop posting