Have you taken the pink pill yet, robots?
Have you taken the pink pill yet, robots?
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i hate this fucking pic because i want sauce on all these images and I never get it
Yes and now I'm looking for a lovely man to marry and lose my virginity to c:
>tfw white but have a Hank Hill ass
yep, and i've never wanted to go back!
Tranny bpd obese sluts don't get an opinion sweetheart
Of course the tripfag would be a massive faggot.
Actually fucked a "trap" once but it was fucking terrible. Once he was naked he looked like a regular guy, and he wanted to do a bunch of gay shit like makeout and touch weiners when I just wanted to fuck his ass. I told him, he said okay and we lubed up and went at it, and I couldn't even stay hard because I kept looking at his manly back and shoulders.
Post she-weiner, please.
White men born to have their colon bred by BBC
I suggest the njoy pill in association with that
proving my point from earlier it's the amerimutts that are the disgusting freaks
and not kikes
>i want sauce on all these images and I never get it
36:00 - 42:00
What bitch ass cracker so called men can expect when they try and act tough around two hard BBCs
based initial D poster
I'm not watching 6 minutes of film
Post all of their names
Why does prison exist?
fuck off cass
no we're bred to make your black ass our slave
why do you think they call us crackers? because of the sound our belts would make when we spanked you
Ngl, wish you could just buy E over the counter. I want to shrink my peepee to an inch or two.
you can buy anything online
you can buy herbs legally that work as weak hrt though
From whip cracker to getting a BBC boipussy pond out for Obama in less than 400 years? What went wrong?
What herbs, specifically?
You and your 'gf' have the collective weight of a small elephant, sweetie.
why are you even racebaiting black boy? you're probably sitting there in mommy's basement in a cute little suburb away from all the dangers why else would you be on r9k? if you weren't an irredeemable waste of skin
>be white guy
>get made fun of for feminine curves
>do exactly what bullies want by becoming a sissy fag
why do wh*Te bois do this?
forgot to include pic for this
>pic related
>anyone on r9k acting like they're some pussy slaying chad we all know everyone on here is some either a fat fuck or a cute sissy bred for cock
>implying a kike didn't make this post
Im in the library at prison, I have a nice peanut butter and jam mixed stuffed my ass I call a peanut butter and ass sandwich. But youll be calling it lunch white boy
I think some boys were made to be girls, but instead of being girls they're born with a cuter reproductive organ so they can be sissy sluts for real men
how does it feel to be so much of a failure that you couldn't even kill yourself properly, cass?
timestamp pic or it didn't happen must be a pretty bitch ass prison if they let you browse r9k
in my third world shit hole they barely let you do anything
spearmint and pueraria mirifica
spearmint blocks testosterone, you can buy it at just a grocery store, peppermint works too, but is much weaker. You need to chew the leaves, eat as much as you can, maybe 1g a day. Drink spearmint tea as well. There's no risk of overdose, but it's easy to not get too much.
Pueraria mirifica has phytoestrogens in it, basically acts as estrodiol but weaker. It's harder to find, you'll probably need to find a supplement website to get some, there's usually none on amazon. Try anywhere from 500mg to 2000mg a day, it's hard to say what will work best. 500 is probably the lower limit though, if you're not getting effects well within 6 months you're not taking enough
Yeah let me just pull my cellphone camera out and post up for the gram, face the facts you come in here nigga you getting raped right up the mother fucking brown eye
just want another sissy to breed and bully
you autistic fucks have to make everything involve race to the point where it just makes this whole fetish come across as cringy and forced
so you're all talk no action? typical shit skin fashion
always try to sound tough but never deliver
you're smart aren't you black boy
figure something out or else it didn't happen
you know the drill
I like you, and I want you, we can do this the easy way or the hard way the choice is yours. I got it for you hard
love me some chocolate ass
why don't we meet up and you can spreed those those ass cheeks open for me?
You must intend on tasting my peanut butter cup before I penetrate that tight vanilla frame without a jimmy head?
are you getting paid to larp ?
wouldn't be surprised if you're some hunched back pencil necked dorky basedboy with a cuckold fetish larping as a black guy to get off
you're so alpha that you're shitposting on Jow Forums behind the bitch boy jail? what did you do steal some twinkies from pajeet's gas station ?
Something about the perennial prison
male rape dichotomy seems to be setting you off today, its no surrender no escape hell in the cell in here Tom I am coming for that ass
Thanks, user. Gonna grab a bunch and get to shrinkin'.
I'm sure you black bitch boys are real OGs is that why you're on r9k?
be my qt gf(male) right now, kappu! This has gone on long enough!
No, I had you eating my twizzlers, cheez itz, zooozooz and yam yams your first week in here thinking you had a friend but I was running boo game on you. Had you fucking out that ass off credit the rest of the time you was in here, and if you ever come back you will always be a boy
Is the point of all this not to be a slut?
yeah well it's basically low dose hrt, so you should expect smoother skin, muscle loss, some fat redistribution, probably libido loss too, just to be aware
its funny, while some whites are gay, there are far more gay
12% of lgbt are black, 13% america
58% of lgbt are white, 77% amerika
funny, why are blacks overrepresentatet. lul, but whites arent real men
What be this contraption?
The difference being a DL black man will force a white man to do gay shit all the while claiming he is straight and having relationships with women as well. Fucking any available ass regardless of consent just because you can is incredibly alpha
you put it in your bum, tickles the prosate very nicely
is that why all the faggot posters are on r9k and orbit trannies?
I am aware. Who needs muscle when you're a bottom bitch anyway?
Thats gay whites who are too scared to rape or get AIDS
that's real alpha being such a loser that you race bait on r9k
thanks for helping me get woke user : ) idk what white boys will ever do
a bunch of inept nerds on Jow Forums are coming for them the white race is doomed!
do you amerimutt shills ever give up?
ok just making sure
I'd recommend maca as well if your libido drops too much, and pygeum so you make more precum
just push us. nazi got thoses white pussy and were alpha. so keep quetsching shlomo, it will end with thoses camps again. let us in peace with your anti white shit
How do I best make use of this device
t. owns one but hrt kinda killed my sex drive right after I got it so i've only used it like once
Its easy to laugh it off online, but it would suck dick to get raped by some niggers in prison and that is 100% likelihood outcome if you are white and not heavily involved in street warfare and prison politics
You will get your wig split and cheeks busted
I've taken that before, yeah. Wasn't there some inforgraphic at some point, holy grail of cum or some such?
yes, it's listed on that. Takes about a month for it to have an effect though
Any day now... the revolution is coming!
Said Ian as Contraviois and Shaquille hit him with the Mandingo shuffle depositing literal niggers semen deep into his white guts
I'm sure that means alot coming from a scrawny caramel twink trying to act cool
It's real? Even white boys are wanting black boyfriends after years of racial emasculation being cuckolds of white women and losers for men of other races in american mainstream porn industry and media?
Whites fell that far they think gay prison rape is cool just because black guys do it?
Yes, why not become a cute girl and join us, user?
its not laughing it off its the truth
everyone on this board is either a fat fuck or a scrawny twink
your bitch ass probably can't even throw a punch let alone try to rape some 6 ft white chad
Imagine being that kids dad, I think most people dont really care if their daughter dates a black dude in civilized countries these days but your son?
Do you just put it in there and it does the work or do you have to do it manually?
only one who acted like it was cool was you retard I'm just laughing it off because it's the truth
nobody is gonna take some cowardly piss weak cunt hiding behind an anonymous board acting like they're some scary thug
Can you imagine the sweaty, AIDS-ridden. piss-smelling orgy that followed that dinner?
We dont believe in fighting fair nigga we believe in underwhelming force, what do you think the purpose of a gang is in the first place?
oh ok, next you say to me that thoses nazis lost ww2, then its all over, i just give up, you won.
jokes beside i rather die fighting for my freedom then give up to your slavedom, freedome is inevitable, i just can choose if its in this or the next world. guerra totale, schiavo o patria imortale
Goddamn, I'm salivating
Where do I get a qt white femboy bf to cuddle and play vidya with?
Can somebody post the workout chart? Asking for a friend haha
It's only hot to be fucked by black men only if they really would like to fuck us in the same way than white women.
That's what I've been saying, the white race as a whole is meant to be BLACKED. The destiny of whites and blacks is intertwined, with whites playing the part of the unassuming beauty, and BLACK men playing the part of the BVLL. White men are basically equivalent to women nowadays, they're destined to take real cock up their boipussies while their clitties are locked up. White boys are butt sluts.
You just said I was emulating a cool black person because I was talking about the undeniable fact white men are targeted indiscriminately for sexual violence by black and Latino inmates. I know blacks are considered athletic Gods in the states but that doesnt mean even raping is cool because thats where pants sagging came from
First world men actually, not white men.
I'm a white Uruguayan and it never crossed mu mind to do that.
Have any black guy in Jow Forums, really black, who like white traps?
put the small end in your butt and feel around for your prostate, basically. You can also use the large end, but it's a bit big unless you're warmed up.
You can use it with your hand, or just sort of sit on it, it's versatile. If you curve it towards your dick, you can push it up and down with your leg, or you can curve it back and push against your chair if you don't want to use your hands
you're on r9k talking about gangs lmao get real retard
you'd probably piss your pants if you saw any real gangsters do you think I'm scared of someone on an anonymous board pretending to be a tough guy? the reality is you're probably a socially inept insecure retard sitting in mommy's basement
i doubt anyone would be genuinely scared of anyone from r9k
most of you are probably too sheltered from your neet lifestyle to really ever be any kind of threat just shut the fuck up or try harder black boy
not even europeans, those who bow to the tribe without roots get as rootless as them
>white is 77% amerika
you wish. it was 60% non hispanic white in 2017
I would never do it but I'd be down to fuck a trap and be fucked by one.
I am black, although every time I post images of my skin color I am either obviously black or not considered black due to lighter complexion, and do pretty well dating in my area. The only thing about traps is I do not usually wear condoms even during random hook ups so I think the anal sex would be less pleasurable cause that is the only time I would be scared of getting STD
Also I do not know how I would react to a nigga literally having a dick, it would have to be very feminine. But I could see myself fucking a trap but I would not want to get addicted, I live in Atlanta and they are everywhere and full of disease
and thoses hispanics arent white?
divide and conquer get out with your shill tactics, pic related is hispanic. idk looks white to me
You deflecting again user, again from calling prison rape culture cool just because a guy that looks like Michael Jordan or Lebron is doing it (whereas if white men were strong enough to do it then it would be an issue?) and then lashing out at me trying to prove your masculinity
I am in no position to rape you right now so why do you feel like you need to defend yourself from a black mans large penis over the Internet? PTSD?
What americans call white isn't even white nowadays.
Gibs sissy cumdump to RP with on Discord now!
"Omar Bell Universe"
A black scientist who for revenge against racism spread a virus to turn white men into women and craving for black men
>A black scientist
Black dick voodoo is pretty powerful, live about an hour out of New Orleans and I have some shit. Prominent white guys, governors, sheriffs, medical professionals walking like a mummy toward swamps full of gators and black guys, their mouths equally gaped and watering.
Not gonna lie, that's pretty hot (on paper). Forced feminization and general domination, white male elimination sort of stuff, GOAT.
sure they do, damn after hearing this, i really feel nots as manly as a white man anymore. i better give up
why can't we just have a nice trap thread without all the racebait bullshit