tfw it'll be too hot to wank over the next few days edition
my life have been dull and shit since my scottish friend is gone , i never though having a friend would be so much fun !
i just want him back , my little plump i have been missing you since so long you cant imagine its been since month i post on this thread and you dont care just ignore me
you dont feel pity you heartless ?! please just talk to me back once and ill stop i swear ... JUST COME BACK
come back again but he will probably just tell "go away you are annoying" "shut up retard" something like that ....
is it because i love a scottish guy ? thats why god hate me
Just gonna say nite lads
>copy pasting this shit just so you can be first int thread
fucking do one
>Yes, I file reports
is this a norf whos melted in the ongoing heatwave?
Surprised surprise, the only person complaining about younger girls and older guys is a jealous roastie
nanight lad have a nice nap xx
It's so adorable, thinking about that sweet 14 year old girl. Her heart must have been beating so rapidly with excitement and anticipation as my 41 year old friend took her to bed for the first time
Why are you going to bed at 9:30 lod
>imagine wanting to raise the age of consent like some American puritan.
genuinely too hot to go to sleep fucking christ lads
probably one of the creepy trannies lad
>women hit the wall at 30 and are more likely to stop producing eggs
t.Jeremy Factmans
Would you seed and feed her?
well im stood here at selly oak station and that mealy mouth son of a bitch edgebastardson has not turned up for the fight
Yeah, how old is she?
Body looks late teens face looks about 13
do you think dogs have dog nonce hunting packs and they catch dogs who try to shag pups?
Thoughts on these?
My new phone is hueg and they seem useful. Seen normies using them.
>he has never had an intellectual conversation with a 16 year old girl
Saw a Golden Retriever rape a Jack Russel once, both were male
Nonces are hated throughout all of nature. Its a basic principle to destroy nonces. no question asked
quite good as a stand tbqhwy lad
>intellectual conversation
anyone under the age of 20 bar special circumstances, are pointless to talk to.
Yeah, they hunt them so that they have access to the prime bitches
the best regional jet ever made is the Embraer ERJ-135
We're you totally mute for the first 20 years of your life then, absolutely silent in school et
Befriend nonces
Well, that new annebelle film was fucking shit. The girls in it were pretty qt though.
>18 year old man comes into the surgery
>Accompanied by 2 police officers
>Convicted for sleeping with a 15 year old girl
>Judge wants me to give him chemical castration
>Give him a placebo instead
>edgebastardson is a coward
>he's a yellow belly
>he's a chicken
>he's a pussy
>i said he's a sissy
>he rolls in here saying he's going to kick my head in
>but here i am at selly oak station and there's no damn sign of him!
>the next time he mouths off at me, im going to go to his repugnant student room, pin him down and slip him the old rattlesnake right between his tight little cheeks and that's all i've got to say about that!
wew don't tell shippy that. He is convinced that teenagers are generally capable of good conversations
Why aren't they?
Spoke to some 25 year old woman today and all she was droning on about was her holiday to Greece booked for the last week of August
>activate new sim
>it isnt working
ffs, nothing is ever easy, is it?
based beyond belief. I am howling
sweaty dirty fucking nonce! shippy you will rue the day. the britfeel hunters will boot your head in
Remember to top it up m8
I'm certainly a sweaty nonce in this weather, but I'm gonna have a shower now so I won't be a dirty nonce for much longer
Got my PIP appeal coming up soon and pretty nervous lads. The assessor just completely lied about what happened the first time, so hopefully these other people aren't like that.
Anyone who has been through it, would it be weird if I just wrote out what I want to say and bring it with me? I have Autism Spectrum Disorder and Anxiety, so I'm worried in the heat of the moment I'll get anxious and not be forthcoming with the information I need to give them.
im on contact, i needed a smaller sim for my new phone.
just get a job lid
They are immature retards. Older woman are generally boring, like kids, but i guarantee that you will get a better convo out of them if you both have something in common
I am always speaking to teenagers, bunch of ignorant mongs. Even when i have stuff in common the conversations have me cringing because of how ignorant they are
Met ugly face 28 year old chinese lass before she goes on holiday.
See so many more attractive asians. Sadly I'm ugly too.
Will probably make this girl my girlfriend when she comes back.
if they ban cigs ill start smoking again just for the sake of it
give me your best TV shows.
Hmm... To Tesco or not. Fate shall decide
fuck it I'll go anyway
not sure anyone would want to hire an autist with limited social skills
Why are you proud of being a nonce? You can unironically get tortured and killed for it.
mad men lad
Best not to be calling her ugly behind her back then.
You can still be very happy with her, especially if she wants to cook for you.
Couldnt possibly ban cigs user the black market would be mental
never made one but when I do it'll go straight to you lad
>half jp getting better
>said she's falling in love with me
>planning a trip to japan together next year
Buzzing. Won't be able to sleep tonight and not because of the heat.
Breaking Bad
Fargo (Season 1 > 3 > 2 in terms of quality, all are self contained stories)
River (1 season, pretty good)
>give me your best TV shows.
The Shield
Generation Kill
Still Game
off the top of my head
She called me fat and ugly. So it's ok.
Saw another white man asian female in the park. The woman was staring at me, literally turning her head to stare after they walked past. Maybe I'm so much uglier than this one.
She has cooked for me a couple times already.
i quite like my name is earl
weak excuse son, I'm dead quiet and have walked into every employment just by going out my way to ring up local places that weren't even advertising, people just want a pair of hands
Fuck sake lad. Why ain't you met her yet. This must be some serious lupus. We are still in suspense.
Thinking of traveling to cornwall on my own this month, dont have money for a hotel though, what should I do there, and is it worth the 3 hours train there?
breaking bad
the wire
malcom in the middle
90s simpsons
this is england
dragon ball z
Proper older women, or. 40+ are generally pleasant to talk to, but women in the 18-35 range are incredibly dull and boring. Of course I have enough social skills to be able to hold a conversation with them, but it's like watching paint dry.
At least 16 year olds are interesting (the one that aren't obnoxious)
went outside when the sun was just setting and a cute little bat was flitting around above my head, hunting for moths I suppose
>going to the south in a heatwave
what the actual fuck is wrong with you?
ends on a cliffhanger then cancelled :(
catalina a cute
I think my mental issues go a bit beyond "being dead quiet".
Mad Men, Twin Peaks and early Simpsons are my holy trinity
an intellectual convo, not a stupid child convo you fucking plank
neighbours, everybody needs good neighbours
>discord boogieman is currently listening to
Bassline Junkie by Dizzee Rascal
>and discussing
Stoving Edgbastons head in with a mallet
>Stoving Edgbastons head in with a mallet
Why does every conversation have to be intellectual anyway
if you save a picture from someones facebook page do they get told that you saved the picture?
you wouldnt do shit when i get my hands on you
it doesn't, never said it did.
By the looks of it you're not capable of it either you smoothbrain cunt
no, you perv
I could be claiming disability for crippling OCD but I'm not, it really is a choice
I don't agree at all. I get loads of good conversations out of woman in that range. 16 yr olds are hardly interesting, they constantly come out with cringy stuff.
haha, fucking state I bet he was the nerdy stinky paki no one hanged out with in school.
Yes they get a notification.
oh thank fuck for that, anyway back in a few hours
"omg I'm so OCD lol"
alert gets sent straight to wolf pack
Looks based, would unironically be friends with
think having to spend 4 hours in the bathroom on a good day is a mental illness mate yeah
its me again, im getting very mixed messages here, ill be safe and just screencap them for now
They lead such boring lives and just discuss cookie cutter stuff. At least 16 year olds still have personality
I want to kill them
>too cool to look at the camera
Stone them.
no fuckin munch in the house lads
HARMONIE 18z weather model now predicting 40c in Kent Thursday
>have to like the redesign or you're sexist
Straight out the playbook
Kettle calling the pot black mate. All you do is sit in front of your computer and work. Interest is sparked in commonalities and being able to talk about the same subject. Different does not always equal interesting, especially when you know it's coming from ignorance.
I only play Siege to unlock new characters and alpha packs. Don't really enjoy the game that much. Gonna do some yoga instead. Need to do something creative with my time off
mate dis is fookin INGERLUND, we dont fookin speek forren
think i saw you lad, what a puss. earthworm edgbaston.
Seriously though should I make a complaint or? surely this is against the EPA?
I just had a very sticky wank. I'm so hot and bothered now, and opening a window does NOTHING. It's the same temperature.