What would you do if you had a son and all he wanted to do was be NEET and wageslaving made him miserable and depressed, and he had no desire to ever get a gf
What would you do if you had a son and all he wanted to do was be NEET and wageslaving made him miserable and depressed...
>South Korea
>The worst of West and the worst of the East together
I'd understand him completely, because that's me. I wouldn't let him leech off me though. I'd sooner kill him than let him weigh me down.
First I would observe and see what he does with all of his new free time he considers so important. Maybe he becomes an expert at something, starts his own company or just has a lot of healthy meaningful interests.
If it's all just an excuse to end up by the computer I'd disown him.
>create human without his consent
>kill him because he isn't exactly what you want him to be
No wonder you're a virgin incel
What if he writes nonfiction but just wants to spread the truth for free because it means something to him?
Maybe a rich person would donate to him, but nothing is guaranteed
Does it mean he sits by the computer all day?
Well he would exercise and get sun, sinc he is happy as a NEET
So he sits by a computer LESS than if he was employed (say a programmer or some other wage cuck shit)
What else would is he supposed to want to do? Can't spend money on anything but food
If I ever had a son, I would have pushed him as hard as I could from early childhood, and help him find something he enjoys, so he wouldn't end up a neet that hates wageslaving.
I am a wagie and get paid to sit at a computer all day
Would he really spend all this time writing? No porn, no internet forums, no video games?
>the most technologically advanced country
Is there something wrong there?
>I would have pushed him as hard as I could from early childhood, and help him find something he enjoys, so he wouldn't end up a neet that hates wageslaving.
What if you did try your best but he just hates every job (you see pure misery in his eyes whenever he comes home from work, and it crushes you) and only wants to be NEET so he can be happy?
I lived in rural Kenya for a year and it wasn't that bad. The people were much friendlier on average than Americans.
Well he will probably use porn because he does not want a gf. But no vidya. Maybe forums to get ideas from other people
Mostly it is reading/research not writing though.
I think it's pretty obvious what lifestyle this would end up as. He'd spend maybe 30 minutes writing and 12 hours wasting time on the computer like all Neets.
USA Japan South Korea and Taiwan should be in a shittier category
Portugal should be in a better one
Albania Kosovo Bosnia Serbia and Macedonia should be in shittier as well maybe there are others as well idk
Hopefully I would have taught him the realities of life, and if he wants to be FIRE/neet, then I would guide him, either to high-paying jobs so he can retire early, or teach him how to be as self-sufficient as possible so he can sustain himself, or both. Either way, he needs to know the reality that life is hard and he needs to work one way or another to survive.
So he should wageslave until he commits suicide
He doesn't have to, if he's really that depressed he can take a break and figure life out. I'd just find him pathetic the moment he starts spending hours by the computer.
>and figure life out
he has figured out that he derives joy from doing things in solitude: researching, writing articles for free
> the moment he starts spending hours by the computer.
i'm not sure what you mean? what exactly is he supposed to be doing? he hated getting paid to sit at a computer and wagecuck, but he is happy doing it alone
>I would guide him, either to high-paying jobs so he can retire early
what if nobody will hire him?
>teach him how to be as self-sufficient as possible so he can sustain himself, or both
what you mean like farming and hunting? but where would he live? you would let him live on your property for free?
>he needs to work one way or another to survive.
he needs to sell his labor you mean. there's plenty of work to be done that won't generate a single dollar
He could do any meaningful acitivty or set of activities that doesn't involve spending his life alone by his computer. Simple.
>create new category: Utopian
>Enter Florida
All non-floridians BTFO. Residents of post-confederate states are welcome to stay however.
Like what? List them
>spending his life alone by his computer
what if he gets paid to do that. then it's ok?
Socializing, volunteering, fishing, hunting, hiking, reading books, visiting and helping out friends and family, team sports, playing instruments
I already explained how he's going to waste time.
also algeria = half civilized.
i'd say,black algeria = barbarous,
arab algeria = half civilized
white algeria (mountains) = civilized.
what if he doesn't like doing that?
that's actually what he is doing by writing articles and giving them out for free
what if he hates fish?
he will do that if you give him the stuff. remember: hunting is seasonal
>reading books
what about a PDF on the computer?
>visiting and helping out friends and family
what if he has no friends and doesn't enjoy interacting with anyone else?
> team sports
what if he prefers to lift weights in solitude and hates team sports?
>playing instruments
what if he doesn't like music?
>I already explained how he's going to waste time.
form his perspective, those things you listed are more of a time waster and have the added misery of making him sad when he does them
>Capitalist hellscape so bad that it makes Kim Jong-un look like the reasonable one.
Wow, sweaty, you need to check your tea cause there's a big ol' yikes in it
Kick him out of the house of force him into working in the mines or in construction
Would you regret that decision if he killed himself?
Would you feel like a failure of a parent?
>America is enlightened cuz that's where I'm from :^)
BTFO amerimutt
No, life is a lottery, some win, some loose.
and your genetic line is dead, because of your behavior
I liked Kenya too. Preferred it to India which I've visited on three occasions (I'm of Indian descent).
what's wrong with portugal?
>the most technologically advanced country
Having like 2 technology companies doesn't make you technologically advanced.
>Poland enlightened
>Hungary enlightened
OP is retarded.
>What would you do if you had a son and all he wanted to do was be NEET and wageslaving made him miserable and depressed, and he had no desire to ever get a gf
Leave him alone