Reminder to all virgins waiting in their 20's for a good partner that the best ones are taken up very early, so if you don't want to end up with Chad's leftovers you better put the effort in buddy
Reminder to all virgins waiting in their 20's for a good partner that the best ones are taken up very early...
ok cool thx
wait what good partner?
a wife you will love for your whole life instead of a whore who got spitroasted on daily basis in college
>I can't change myself which means nobody can change
>you better put the effort in
I would. I would go through any physical and psychological pain if I knew it would get me a nice girlfriend, but there's literally nothing I can do or learn to make women like me.
A successful man can get an 18/19 year old girl well into his 30s, there's plenty of time for a guy to improve himself and find a younger girl to make the mother of his kids
if you do it for women then no, if you do it for yourself then they'll see that
Just rob the cradle in your 30s, lol.
Plenty of good women who haven't become used up cumrags that are in their 20s and even 30s. Time to lay off Jow Forums and the internet lad.
Who is the girl? I need to know for chemistry.
When I know a woman has had a sexual past it just puts me off her, it's not something I can help. I'm not willing to be that guy who women turn to when they want to settle down, so I'm going to get a young gf instead and hope she doesn't leave me.
I've been putting in the effort since I was in elementary school. I'm not waiting I'm just bad at it apparently
No young girl/woman is going to want a 30+ year old virgin.
I know I'll probably die alone.
waiting for a good partner is a cope for being to much of a wimp to date. You don't find out if someone is a good partner until you get to know them better.
I already resigned to the fact that I will be alone forever. I would have to make a lot of improvements to myself to make me more attractive. Also go out more, meet more people, ... I do not wish to do so.
I will pay the price at a later date.
I also do not wish to date any leftovers. At some point you have been without for such an incredibly long time that you would rather not have anything then some shitty left over version.
Autism has killed any chance there ever was. Commiting suicide or not is the only actual choice I have in the matter.
Then stop being a bitch and go find a girl, big deal if they aren't virgins. I hate to break your and Jow Forums's world view but not every girl has had 10-20+ sexual partners by the time they're 22, most have have 1-3 at max, hell a lot only have 3 by the time they're 25.
Who cares, they aren't with those people anymore, they're with you. Sex to women is far more emotional and important, it makes it far more enjoyable than some random bf they had sex with when they were 16 and stupid. Time to grow up lad, you're old enough to know better.
>Then stop being a bitch and go find a girl, big deal if they aren't virgins. I hate to break your and Jow Forums's world view but not every girl has had 10-20+ sexual partners by the time they're 22, most have have 1-3 at max, hell a lot only have 3 by the time they're 25.
>Who cares, they aren't with those people anymore, they're with you. Sex to women is far more emotional and important, it makes it far more enjoyable than some random bf they had sex with when they were 16 and stupid. Time to grow up lad, you're old enough to know better.
Then stop holding out for an impossibility and accept you're gonna die alone due to your own stubborness and refusal to change like every other adult on the planet and throughout history.
Pride is the greatest of sins and a folly of man.
I'll try my best op. I mean, someone on this board has to try eventually. If it's gonna be anyone on this board, it'll be me.
I was almost 27 when I met a good girl, she's gone now and it's sad, hope she's doing good, but that's life.
OP is right, being scared of being open and losing people and being rejected is shit, gotta get out there and try. They're people just like you and I.
I think I'ma need a sauce for this chick, she's a qt.
>shill faggot using the bible to defend his degeneracy
That's blaspheme right there you sack of shit